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Teratec 2022 Forum
Wednesday, June 15 - Technical Workshop

Workshop 5 - 2:00 to 6:00 pm

What's new with qubits?
A European view

Chaired by Guillaume Colin de Verdière, HPC International Expert, CEA and Jean-Philippe Nominé, Fellow in HPC, CEA

© TERATEC 2022

Teratec Forum and its workshops had addressed quantum computing on five previous occasions over the last six years, taking different angles: feasibility, uses, and HPC/quantum computing hybridization, to name only the main scrutinised axes.

As the field is evolving very quickly, we chose this year to highlight again technologies to build "qubits", and their integration into computing systems, with a selection of the most promising French and European SMEs in this area.

The diversity and vitality of the European players in this field are not always accurately reflected by the media, especially in the English-speaking world. Some of our participating SMEs will undoubtedly be world leaders of tomorrow, and at the very least players at the cutting edge of innovation, covering almost the entire spectrum of technologies of major interest.

The speakers explained their pathways and the first foreseeable use cases. The audience gained a better understanding of the explored tracks, their advantages and limitations.

The overview covered optically controlled cold atoms, nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond, superconductors, cat qubits, carbon nanotubes, reconfigurable photonics. Attended by 80 people, the workshop showed that although the universal quantum computer is still afar, there are ways ahead, and solutions are already taking shape for "noisy" NISQ computers, with intermediate qualities and capacities. Those technological SMEs are all working with pioneering organisations on use cases, particularly in industry, which suggests that concrete tests migth be achievable in the near future, a step forward a better understanding of the real contribution of quantum technologies to computing.

With the participation of :

Guillaume Colin de Verdière, HPC International Expert, CEA and Jean-Philippe Nominé, Fellow in HPC, CEA

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Quantum Computing with neutral atoms
Loïc Henriet, CTO, Pasqal

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Ubiquitous Quantum Accelerators Based on NV-Centers in Diamond
Dr. Florian Preis, Head of Quantum Software and Applications, Quantum Brilliance

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Building scalable and ultra-coherent quantum computers with carbon nanotubes
Matthieu Desjardins, founder, C12

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Quantum computing for simulation applications
Max Hettrich, research engineer , Alpine Quantum Technologies

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A lean roadmap towards a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer
Blaise Vignon, Chief Product Officer, Alice&Bob

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Co-designing quantum accelerators
Bruno Taketani, IQM Quantum Computers

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Modular optical quantum computing
Niccolo Somaschi, cofounder, Quandela

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