FFplus: Launch of the FFplus Calls for Projects

FFplus (successor to the Fortissimo projects) is a European initiative highlighting the adoption of high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) by SMEs and startups across Europe, showcasing the business benefits and impacts of adopting HPC and AI in real business models.
During the project's duration, SMEs and startups will be supported by six open calls to fund experiments (type 1) and innovation studies (type 2).
The first two calls for projects have been launched.
The experiments will focus on the adoption of High-Performance Computing (HPC) by SMEs to solve specific issues faced by SMEs that have never used intensive computing services or have never had the experience.
On the other hand, the innovation studies will support European SMEs and startups already active in the field of generative AI technology but lacking the necessary computing resources to scale up.
Selected candidates will receive funding and support from FFplus to carry out these sub-projects.

More information can be found at the link: https://www.ffplus-project.eu

Submission deadline: September 4, 2024, at 5:00 PM (Brussels time).


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CASTIEL-2: 8th "Code of the month" : FALL3D and OpenPDAC by CHEESE CoE

The codes FALL3D and OpenPDAC are able to simulate different phenomena associated with explosive volcanic eruptions. FALL3D models atmospheric consequences of volcano outbreaks including the dispersal and sedimentation of particles and ashes. After the outbreak of Cumbre Vieja in autumn 2021, CoE ChEESE's related urgent computing services have been used to advise the local authorities of La Palma e.g. on rerouting flights or issuing warnings or confinements for the population. OpenPDAC simulates phenomena (pyroclastic flows, ballistic ejecta) associated with phreatic explosions and occurring at a local scale. These kind of eruptions represent an important hazard, as testified by the recent events at Ontake (Japan) and White Island (new Zealand), and in the framework of the ChEEse project the code OpenPDAC will be used for a first assessment of hazard from phreatic explosion at Vulcano island (Italy).

Wednesday, May 29th at 11am-12 CEST

Please register here

CASTIEL-2 :Seventh "Code of the month" : GROMACS by BioExcel

GROMACS is a molecular simulation suite with tens of thousands of users worldwide in both academia and industry.
Biomedical applications (biomolecules) are likely the most common, but use of GROMACS is far from limited to that.
It is also popular in other areas that require atomistic simulations such as polymer physics and (nano)flow

13/03 from 11:00 to 12:00 CET



Market Place CC-FR

The CC-FR Competence Center run by Teratec has launched its Marketplace dedicated to simulation, HPC, HPDA, AI and quantum technologies.
It enables industrial and academic technology suppliers to list their service offerings, training courses, events and job vacancies.
Users can carry out multi-criteria searches to find a solution tailored to their needs.

Join the CC-FR community
View the presentation flyer
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Support for the use of HPC, HPDA, AI and Quantum Computing

The CC-FR Competence Centre supports industry, academia and public administration in the use of HPC, HPDA, AI and Quantum Computing technologies through its network of 21 mesocentres.
- Accelerate your digital simulation, data processing and AI workflows
- Benefit from customised support
- Access to regional supercomputers
- Benefit from the expertise of our specialists

Get in touch with us:
Business: eurocc@criann.fr
Academic and public administration: eurocc@univ-reims.fr

Support programme
We support them

Excellerat-2 : European Center of Excellence for software applications in industrial engineering

The Center of Excellence (CoE) EXCELLERAT for software applications in industrial engineering has been renewed for a duration of 4 years starting from January 2023.

For various engineering sectors, EXCELLERAT-2 serves as a single access point for data analysis, visualization, advanced design based on simulation, and co-design, leveraging high-performance computing (HPC).

To know more

POP-3 : Performance Optimisation and Productivity - Le Centre d'Excellence sur l'Optimisation des Performances et la Productivité

Teratec is a partner in the European POP3 (Performance Optimisation and Productivity) project as part of Horizon Europe, the ninth framework program following Horizon 2020 and supported by EUROHPC-JU. This center of excellence brings together the best HPC experts at the European level, providing free analysis and optimization services for high-performance computing applications developed and/or used by businesses, academics, and research centers across Europe.
For Teratec, this project offers an additional opportunity to support its members, as well as all European organizations (industries, research centers, laboratories), by enabling them to optimize their applications to increase efficiency, which generally leads to a significant return on investment.
By way of illustration, POP has already achieved remarkable goals, and here are some "Success Stories":

• Performance analysis by POP experts improved the performance of a CFD application by up to six times.

• Thanks to the efforts of POP experts, the execution speed of a magnetic materials study code was increased by 46%.

• The intervention of POP experts reduced the execution time of parallel simulations of astrophysical fluid dynamics code by 40%.

To apply, please visit: https://pop-coe.eu/request-service-form

For more information, please contact: saber.zribi@teratec.eu


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CC-FR: Free HPC, HPDA and AI training programme


HPC, HPDA and AI training programme

The CC-FR Competence Centre organizes training courses, free of charges, for industry and academia who wish to strengthen their theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of HPC, HPDA and AI.

Discover the 2023 year-end program and register!
• 28-29/11/23 : MPI Parallel Programming Models, OpenMP
• 04-08/12/23 : Artificial Intelligence for physics simulation
• 11-13/12/23 : Multi-architecture parallelism with the C++/Kokkos library
• 11-13/12/23 : Basic Python Programming
• 14-15/12/23 : Python for performance, parallel computing and GPU computing

Webinars organised by the CC-FR Competence Centre


Register for webinars dedicated to HPC, HPDA, AI and Quantum Computing technologies

The CC-FR Competence Centre organises technical webinars for industrialists and academics who want to enhance their theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of HPC, HPDA, AI and quantum physics.

Register for upcoming webinars!

The EUMaster4HPC: European Masters in HPC
EUMaster4HPC is a European consortium funded by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, with the aim of designing and implementing the first European HPC Master.
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TERATEC interviewed for the EXCELLERAT project!

Excellerat brings together the European expertise needed to create a Centre of Excellence in industrial engineering with a wide range of services, paving the way towards exascale, as part of the HPC strategy driven by EuroHPC. To these ends, Excellerat's first pahse, which started in December 2018 for a duration of 36 months, was based on six reference applications: Nek5000, Alya, AVBP, TPLS, FEniCS and Coda. These codes are used in industry and are promising candidates for execution on exascale demonstrators, pre-exascale systems and exascale machines. The Excellerat Centre of Excellence has just been extended from January 2023 for a further 4 years.


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CASTIEL : Coordination and Support Action (CSA)

The CASTIEL Coordination and Support Action (CSA) leads networking activities at European level between the National Competence Centres (NCCs) of the EuroCC project for topics related to High-Performance Computing (HPC). CASTIEL focuses on training, industrial interaction and cooperation, and business support, to help raise awareness of HPC-related technologies and expertise. As a centre for information exchange and training, CASTIEL encourages networking between NCCs and helps to pool ideas to develop best practice.


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