TQCI Seminars

→ 4&5 June 2024 in Reims

Projets PAQ2nd TQCI International Seminar on Benchmarks for Quantum Computers.

New edition of the TQCI seminar dedicated to the state of progress of various benchmarking initiatives for quantum computers.

After our first meeting, in 2023, this will be an opportunity to review the progress of the French BACQ project and other European and international projects in the field, to discover new initiatives and to gain an overview of the various strategies. Genuine reference measuring instruments for comparing the performance of the various quantum computing solutions and objectifying their progress towards utility, benchmarks at the component level and especially at the application level remain necessary more than ever, and challenging as well.

Organized by Teratec, LNE and Thales, in partnership with URCA, this seminar is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to exchange views with international experts in the field, one year after the one held on May 11, 2023.

To allow more time for exchanges with the various participants, this seminar will be held from June 4, 1:00 pm to June 5, 5:00 pm in Reims.


→ 11 May 2023 at Thales

Projets PAQSeminar dedicated to exchanges around the various quantum computer benchmarking initiatives and more particularly those dedicated to applications.

The morning was devoted to a presentation of the French initiative and the BACQ project, followed by discussions with QPU suppliers and manufacturers or structures using these technologies.

The afternoon was devoted to the presentation of European and international strategies, with the participation of Yoshiaki SHIMADA, JST-CRDS (Japan), Ye Jun A*STAR (Singapore), Oscar Diez, European Commission, Daniel Opalka, EuroHPC, Philippe Grangier, Qucats, Thomas Strohm, QuIC, Ward van der Schoot, TNO, Matthias Möller, TUDelft, Jeannette Lorenz, Fraunhofer IKS, Amy Henninger, US Department of Homeland Security, Vincent Russo, Unitary fund, Andrew Wack, IBM Quantum

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→ 11 January 2023 at EDF

Projets PAQThe aim of this seminar was to take stock of the advances and challenges of CPU-GPU-QPU hybridisation. Nearly 300 people attended the seminar in person or remotely to hear presentations by Cyril Baudry EDF, Sebastian Stern AWS, Arnaud Gazda, ATOS, Ismaël Faro IBM, Vivien Londe, Microsoft, Alexia Auffèves, Olivier Ezratty, QEI and Théau Péronnin, Alice&Bob, F. Courteille Nvidia, W. da Silva Coelho, LP Henry, L. Henriet Pasqal, T. Darras WeLinq, B. Johnson IBM, JC Lafoucrière CEA, R. St Pierre, Zone d'Innovation Quantique de Sherbrooke, L. Bernou-Mazars Exaïon, Simon Martiel Atos, Scott Pakin, Los Alamos National Laboratory




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→ 8 December 2022 at ENSTA

Projets PAQThe purpose of this seminar, organised by Teratec with Systematic and NAFEMS, was to take stock of algorithmic innovations and their applications to use cases, through presentations given by start-ups in the ecosystem. It also provided an opportunity to encourage the emergence of new projects as part of future regional, national and European calls for projects.

Juliette Ginies from C12, Théau Péronnin from Alice&Bob, Christophe Legrand from Pasqal, Jean Senellart from Quandela and Laurent Guiraud from ColibriTd came to present the progress of the various partnership projects they are spearheading. Sylvain Ferrari and Davide Boschetto from ENSTA presented the Eduquantum training project. The day ended with a presentation of the various regional, French and national calls for projects, and companies wishing to do so were able to present their skills and project ideas during the pitch sessions set aside for this purpose.

View the seminar presentations  

→ 31 March 2022 at INRIA

Projets PAQMore than 110 people attended the TQCI seminar at INRIA on 31 March 2022. The two keynote speakers, Fréderic Magniez, Director of Research at CNRS, and Patrice Bertet, Director of Research at CEA Saclay, gave presentations on the state of the art and prospects for quantum algorithms and quantum hardware respectively. Neil Abroug and Jacques-Charles Lafoucrière presented the French strategy and the HQI initiative, Harold Ollivier (INRIA), recommended strategies to be adopted by companies to access quantum computing, Frederic Barbaresco and Joseph Mikaël the joint THALES-EDF project for solving systems of differential equations.

The seminar programme and presentations are available on the Teratec website.

View the seminar presentations