In 1996, the CEA/DAM launched its Simulation program to provide the guarantee of deterrence. Without trials, only Numerical Simulation can ensure the end result, but using it requires developing a multi-scale, multi-physical simulator and devoting the necessary computing power to the task. There is only one way to meet the challenge of credibility: demonstrate the quality and expertise of our engineers and researchers by convincing major industrial partners, who are drivers in important sectors of the economy, to support the validity of our vision.
In 2000, the new Director of the Ile de France DAM Center, Daniel Verwaerde, initiated the idea of a "Numerical Valley" that would bring together major industrial users with suppliers and developers of technology. The first building symbolizing the launch of the DAM site opened its doors to companies and laboratories in 2002, and the Center for Computing Research and Technology, made up of the CEA and its industrial partners, opened in 2003.
When TERATEC was founded in 2005, it gave the project real reach, with major industrial firms participating to both master high performance computing and simulation technologies, and help them spread quickly throughout the economy. Numerical simulation has become a strategic issue for all decision-makers, whether in industry or research.
TERATEC contributed substantially to the French initiative for competitiveness clusters, largely through its involvement in SYSTEMATIC, and was a driving force in creating the European technology platform ETP4HPC. With its new campus, TERATEC must now go even further and become the leading European technology cluster for high performance computing and Europe's showcase in this strategic field.
In June, the 8th TERATEC Forum will bring together the community of international experts, industrial firms, and researchers to discuss the technological and economic issues surrounding simulation and HPC, true vectors of innovation and competitiveness. Top industrial companies and leading tech companies in the field will share their experiences and vision, under the banner of "Innovation by Simulation". Technical workshops will touch on the main fields of development. An exhibition will offer the main players in HPC a chance to present their latest innovations in high performance numerical simulation.
I look forward to meeting you on June 25 and 26 at the Ecole Polytechnique and spending two intense, productive days together.
Vice-president TERATEC
Head of the numerical simulation and computing project, CEA/DAM (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission)

Book June 25 & 26, 2013 to meet the HPC community at theTERATEC Forum and register now!
High performance Modeling and Simulation are major technological challenges for industry and research. The TERATEC Forum is the opportunity to meet the key industry players and the most advanced users who will present their last developments and their medium term perspectives in these strategic domains for competitiveness and innovation.
On Tuesday, June 25, the plenary sessions will be dedicated to industrial strategies and public policies on HPC and illustrate the increasing variety of usages of supercomputing and simulation. This day will bring together leading technology providers and industrial users as well as highly innovative SMEs.
Have already confirmed their participation Charbel FARHAT, Professor of Stanford University, who will present an overview of the evolution of HPC, Dr. Sudip DOSANJH, Department of Energy U.S., Jean-François MINSTER, Scientific Director of Total, David LECOMBER, CTO Allinea and Ewan BIRNEY, Director of the European Bioinformatics Institute. They will be joined by other speakers who will present major technological innovations in the field of simulation.
We will also have the participation of public officials, including Louis GALLOIS, Commissaire général à l’investissementt, which will close the debates of the day. 
On Wednesday, June 26, the main market players and recognized experts will be involved in workshops whose aim is to take on emerging technologies and new areas of application of HPC. This year we propose three workshops technology oriented (tools design and optimization of complex systems, energy efficiency of HPC, HPC and big data) and three workshops usage oriented (HPC in materials simulation, HPC in biology and health, Modeling and simulation for smart cities).
Embedded and Mechatronics Complex Systems: Trends and Challenges
This workshop will be dedicated to technologies, methods & state-of-the-art tools for complex mechatronics embedded systems design and optimization. This workshop will address the strategic vision of research labs, industrials from the aeronautical sector, but also techno-providers in the hardware field (leading-edge embedded high performance computing technologies) and software (new algorithms paradigms). 
Materials Simulation
This workshop intends to review current engineering practices in three industrial fields for which this type of simulation is particularly relevant: mechanics, chemicals, and biotechnology. We will present simulations performed on the CEA's Tera 100 supercomputer to demonstrate the possibilities of HPC under such extreme conditions. The workshop will conclude with a presentation of CECAM and its network of European researchers. 
Big Data and HPC
The Big Data session will try to cast a light on the challenges arising from large volumes and short processing times in relation with their HPC needs. Actors from the scientific and industrial worlds will illustrate those two aspects. They will also explain the relation between HPC and their Big Data usage. 
Energy Efficiency of HPC systems
In this session we propose to focus on the latest technology advances targeted for the largest HPC centres, on the techniques based on system software for power control and on the potential role played by the application layer. On this last point in particular, some of the latest research topics on power aware algorithms, characterisation techniques for energy profiling and load balancing methods will be presented.
HPC in Biology and Health
The aim of this workshop organized in partnership with the MEDICEN competitiveness cluster is to bring a general foundation for future initiatives combining healthcare and HPC in two specific fields of application: integrative biology (particularly in researching and designing new medications), the use of medical imaging and virtual reality techniques.
Modeling and simulation to support sustainable cities
This workshop organized in partnership with the ADVANCITY competitiveness cluster will call on specialists from various fields—city planning, architecture, construction techniques, natural hazards, and atmospheric pollution modeling—to attempt to determine how modeling and simulation can be applied to the transformation of cities. 
In parallel, will be held the 2013 ScilabTECH, the fifth edition of the Scilab Users' Day.
During these two days, there will be an exhibition covering the whole HPC industry. Systems manufacturers and software vendors, integrators and distributors, service providers, academic and laboratory researchers, public and private sector developers will present their latest HPC innovations. 
Exhibitors list updated April 1st, 2013
A Systematic Paris-Region Village at the heart of 2013 Teratec Forum
You will be able to discuss with new innovative companies from the SYSTEMATIC ecosystem and Working Groups: definitely from the Systems Design and Development Tools WG, but also from the Free & Open Source Software WG and the Smart Energy Management WG. All these innovation players are very active today to meet the future HPC industrial challenges and give a new societal momentum in this context.

France, a hidden land of simulation
French know-how is unquestioned, but it is still
far from common knowledge.
We invite you to discover this special issue on Simulation made in France, with articles by expert journalists from "L'Usine Nouvelle" and "Industrie and Technologies", partners of TERATEC.
This special issue is inserted into "L'Usine Nouvelle" and "Industrie et Technologies" magazines.
You can also find the digital version available in a section dedicated to Simulation at and
This supplement is available in english and in french and we remain at your disposal if you want copies to communicate to your partners.
Don’t keep this information for yourself. Pass it on by circulating this issue as widely as possible ; you can read it by clicking on the picture on the left. |