2012 - 2013, a decisive transition
At the start of this New Year, I wish you all the best for 2013 and hope that it is a successful year for you and your companies.
We will remember 2012 as a major milestone in our efforts over the past years to develop high-performance computing. A series of important events testify to our progress, as does the ongoing addition of new members to our association.
In late June, the first companies and laboratories opened their doors on the Teratec Campus, bringing to life what had previously been just a concept : to develop the first European, or even global, technopole devoted to high-performance computing. In the fall, the SystemX Technological Research Institute was officially created. Simulation and high-performance systems development activity will be concentrated in premises located on the campus.
As part of its "Investments in the Future," in response to initiatives by several Teratec contributors, the NumInnov cloud computing platform for high-performance simulation was officially created, and the company founded to operate and develop the service will be based on the campus. Also in late June, our annual forum achieved considerable scope, bringing together nearly 1,000 participants and 60 exhibitors over two days. Those figures demonstrate that theTeratec Forum has become the major French and European event to gather together the most diverse branches of the industrial and scientific high-performance computing community, facilitate meetings between the major players in France and abroad, both in industry and politics, and discuss technical issues and the most advanced uses. In the area of education, the MIHPS Master's program launched two years ago continues to grow. In partnership with Supelec and the Ecole Centrale, a new training program was created to deliver a Specialized Master's in High-Performance Simulation and Modeling, designed for engineers already working professionally. Created on the initiative of Teratec members,the European technology platform ETP 4 HPC devoted to future high-performance computing systems is operational and will help guide the research and development efforts supported by the European Commission in order to remove the formidable technological obstacles currently blocking the path toward future generations of supercomputers able to achieve exaflop performance.
We will need to work even harder in 2013. Two priorities that will require special effort are:
- developing the campus life, welcoming new small businesses to the business incubator, and bringing life to the campus to turn it into a true hub of influence for ideas, applications, and skills related to high-performance computing;
- implementing major R&D programs, both within France and Europe-wide, to enable the entire ecosystem (technology producers and users) to be among the first to design and use future systems, in spite of major disruptive technologies and within the context of established global competition; this is crucial for the future competitiveness of our country.
I am counting on all the members of Teratec, and all those who have already helped us or believe that our work is important, to take quick action on these two priority concerns. Finally, I look forward to seeing you on the campus, particularly at the 2013 Teratec Forum in June.
President of TERATEC

13,000 square meters of offices in the first European Technopole dedicated to Simulation and High Performance Computing
6 Months have gone by, and 9 companies have chosen to locate in the local nursery and business hotel in Teratec Bruyères le Châtel: Eagocom, XEDIX, Atem, Numtech, Alliance service plus, Distène, Scilab and recently a startup, Energy Innovation. In the near future the new company, fruit of the Numinov project, designed to provide intensive calculation on demand is going to move in, this will be a real opportunity to "democratize” the access to the calculation simulator for all SMEs. Read more

Laurent ANNE, Sales & Marketing Director and co-founder of DISTENE
"While the trend is the one of the extended entreprise based on teleconference facilities, we are strongly convinced of the virtues of an environment such as the Teratec Campus which aims to centralize specialized skills, especially for elitist domains like HPC. Innovation remains a matter of Men who shall discuss together to the emergence of new ideas and concepts. So, having such dedicated centers of expertise in one place will for sure help innovations." Read the interview
Vincent CHAILLOU, ESI Group Product Operations President & CEO
"When the TERATEC campus was created, ESI immediately seized the opportunity to move in: joining other innovative companies in a team project environment would allow ESI to push the limits of known technology, drive ESI partners towards the adoption of its solutions, while benefiting from the latest technology designed to handle Big Data, and exploring the possibilities of Cloud Computing." Read the interview
Jacques DUYSENS, General Manager & Chief Operating officer of SILKAN
"The proximity of the Teratec campus with the TGCC and the CEA DAM, the installation of techno-providers in hardware and software fields, the settlement of on demand supercomputing offers like NUMINOV, provide a unique environment for our company. We will have with us on the campus key partners of our R&D projects launched within the framework of the competitivity clusters SYSTEMATIC and ASTECH." Read the interview

The eighth edition of TERATEC Forum will take place on June 25 & 26, 2013 at the Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, Paris area)
- On June 25, the plenary sessions will bring together personalities from the political, economic and academic users of international industrial leading providers of leaders in these technologies and innovative SMEs around issues of supercomputing.
- June 26, technical workshops will provide an update on major topics.
During these two days, an exhibition of sixty stands bring together key players in the high-performance simulation presented their latest innovations in HPC.
To participate in these days, submit a paper in the workshops, book a booth at the exhibition or be anTERATEC Forum 2013 sponsor, please contact Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10

The first partnership agreements signed with the IRT SystemX allowed to start R&D projects with teams located on NanoInnov Palaiseau, EIT ICT and LINCS Labs (Paris) and Bruyères-le-Chatel on the Teratec Campus. Teratec campus has been selected to install project teams dealing with High Performance Computing (HPC).
The joint presence of major industrial players and young technology companies on the TERATEC Campus is a strong asset – they together cover the entire field of simulation, better harnessing HPC technologies and fostering their dissemination and usage in various technological areas such as transportation, communication, digital security and energy.. Learn more
To find out more about IRT SystemX and its R & D projects, do not miss the opening event on Feb. 21 by registering on the dedicated website. More information : http://www.irt-systemx.fr

ETP4HPC is holding its first General Assembly in Rome on February 8, 2013, during which its new members, recruited since July 2012, will join its founding members. At this occasion the Strategic Research Agenda under preparation since June 2012 will be presented before its public release. This SRA has been prepared with the collaboration of 60 experts, mainly from ETP4HPC member organizations, as well as with the outcome of HPC industrial users and Independent (simulation) Software Vendors consultations. Read more

Supélec and Centrale Paris launch a new executive education program with the support of Teratec entended for engineers confronted with problems of simulation.
This program, entitled “High Performance Modeling and Simulation”, allows participants to acquire scientific knowledge in the field of high performance computing in order to quickly build some simulations adapted to their business processes: simulations they will run faster and at larger scale on big computing ressources. This knowledge will help the engineers to reduce the digital manufacturing process of new products, and to be a central actor in the product design process of their enterprise.
The detailed program and admission file can be downloaded by clicking here

CHAPI- Calcul embarqué Hautes performances pour les Applications Industrielles
Le projet CHAPI adresse la problématique du calcul embarqué hautes performances ; Il vise à accompagner l’émergence d’une nouvelle génération de circuits programmables hautes performances, massivement parallèles, pour les applications industrielles, petites et moyennes séries. Read more
COLLAVIZ - Collaborative platform for the simulation-based design applications
Le projet COLLAVIZ s'est terminé en juin 2012. Chaque problématique de ce projet a été adressée avec succès et des résultats sont mesurables. Parmi les points forts du projet, on retiendra le nombre de démonstrateurs techniques (8 cas d’étude dans des domaines de recherche et avec des besoins différents) et l'importante production scientifique réalisée (35 publications scientifiques en 42 mois, aussi bien en France qu’à l’étranger) qui viennent valider et récompenser l’innovation proposée par l’ensemble des partenaires du projet. Read more
COOL-IT - Energy optimization of Data Centers
Ce projet FUI de 36 mois a pour ambition de proposer la première chaine de simulation unifiée du bâtiment. En effet, les métiers du bâtiment et de la construction utilisent depuis longtemps des méthodes et outils de simulation avancés, mais il n’existe à ce jour aucune intégration raisonnée de ces outils. ILMAB entend faire émerger les outils de conception et évaluation des bâtiments futurs. En proposant une vision unifiée de l’objet technique “bâtiment” ILMAB souhaite entre autres faciliter et optimiser les pratiques professionnelles des bureaux d’études.
Read more
CSDL - Complex System Design Lab
Ce projet d’une durée de trois ans a été conduit par un consortium de 28 partenaires coordonné par Dassault-Aviation. L’effort de R&D très important, plus de 10 hommes par an, a permis de générer une masse conséquente de résultats, tant scientifiques que logiciel ou bien de savoir faire et de mise en œuvre des méthodologies développées. Au cours de ce projet, un très grand nombre d’acteurs différents a pu travailler ensemble : thésards, post-doc, chercheurs, ingénieurs de R&D et ingénieurs de bureau d’études. Read more
MANYCORELABS : - Software tools for Manycore embedded platforms
Generic embedded computing platforms based on "manycore" processors or accelerators are very promising for high performance embedded applications in the area of image & video processing, signal processing and telecom infrastructure. Availability of efficient software development tools remains a key challenge for these emerging platforms. The integration and maturation of several software development solutions around the MPPA manycore platform is the main objective of the ManycoreLabs project. Read more
OASIS - Optimization of Addendum Surfaces In Stamping
L’objectif du projet OASIS consiste à développer un outil logiciel permettant d'automatiser l'optimisation de l’ensemble des paramètres du procédé de mise en forme par presse (effort de serre-flan, forme du flan et notamment forme des outils) afin de réduire notablement le temps de conception d’une gamme d’emboutissage, et ainsi le temps de conception d’une pièce en acier haute résistance. Read more
RICHELIEU - Accelerate science-oriented programming languages
Le but du projet RICHELIEU est de traiter les problématiques des langages de programmation scientifiques interprêtés. Pour cela, l'outil VMKit de l'UMPC sera industrialisé et adapté. Appliqués à Scilab, ces résultats amélioreront fortement la plateforme à la fois en terme de performance et de consommation mémoire. Read more

In the continuity of its business in fast and accurate environment modeling and simulation, ALYOTECH starts two new HPC projects : the SIMSON project, in partnership with ENSTA, aims to develop a sonar simulation tool, the NUAGES3D project, in partership with ONERA and THALES, aims to develop methods for 3D radiative transfert. This works, partially funded through the RAPID program, will complement ALYOTECH’s offer, illustrated by the MERCUDA simulator
The partnership permits to deliver Cloud and Grid platforms that pool heterogeneous resources (Linux, Windows, Mac, OpenStack, VMware, EC2, Azure) to optimize infrastructure usage and save on administration costs. Read more
0 Apps add support for GPU: Leading Applications for Manufacturing and Science Add Support for GPU Accelerators
ANSYS Fluent, MSC Nastran and CHARMM are the latest additions to an existing list of over 200 applications accelerating science and speeding up simulations. GPU computing offers unprecedented application performance by offloading compute-intensive portions of the application to the GPU, while the remainder of the code still runs on the CPU. Read more
Désormais l’ensemble des solutions IT dont les systèmes HPC peuvent être certifiés « MyClimate » et nos clients peuvent donc prétendre être les seuls en Europe à bénéficier de ce processus « éco-responsable »
GPU Technology Conference (GTC) advances global awareness of GPU computing, computer graphics, visualization, game development, mobile computing, and cloud computing, and their importance to the future of science and innovation. Read more
Concours National Étudiant CD-adapco 2013
Grand concours étudiants dans lequel des groupes d'étudiants vont donner le meilleurs d'eux-même afin de remporter le premier prix de la compétition ! Leur inventivité, leur efficience et leur motivation seront les critères clés de leur succès. Registration and information
Titan, the world's fastest open-science supercomputer is now fully deployed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, opening new windows of opportunity into the exploration of some of the world's toughest scientific challenges. Read more.
Le système Stampede du Texas Advanced Computing Centre, Austin, TX. est entré en production avec un temps de déploiement record d’un an depuis la définition des spécifications du système et sa mise en exploitation. Ce délai très court inclut le temps de développement et de mise en production de la nouvelle plateforme de calcul Dell PowerEdge C8000 entièrement focalisée sur les besoins des grands centres de calcul intensif par son organisation Dell Cloud Computing Solutions (DCS). Read more
Scilab Enterprises, your exclusive partner for all your projects with Scilab
Official publisher and professional services provider of Scilab open source software, Scilab Enterprises advises you by offering a comprehensive range of training, support and migration, development and implementation of specific applications. You are interested in trainings on Scilab and/or Xcos? There are still a few places left in our next training sessions. Register quickly.
ClusterVision Achieves NVIDIA Tesla Preferred Provider
With acceptance into the select group of NVIDIA® Tesla™ Preferred Providers (TPP), ClusterVision has further strengthened its position as one of Europe’s leading HPC providers, now including specific expertise in the design, build and support of GPU accelerated cluster systems based on NVIDIA’s Tesla K10 and Tesla K20 technology. Read more
ClusterVision is Dell Premier Partner in the UK
With the addition of the United Kingdom, ClusterVision has now completed accreditation as a Dell Premier Partner in each of its major focus geographies, namely the Netherlands, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. A formal announcement and commencement is scheduled for the start of Dell’s quarter in February 2013. Read more
