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Institut Mines-Télécom

46 rue Barrault
75634 Paris Cedex 13
Tél. : +33 (0)1 45 81 77 77
Fax : +33 (0)1 45 88 66 68


Contact :

Scientific Director
Yann Busnel
Tel : +33 (0) 6 62 29 99 62





Institut Mines-Télécom

Tasked with the three key missions of higher education, research and innovation in the engineering and digital fields, the Institut Mines-Télécom is made up of 12 engineering graduate schools and one business school. 11 "Institut Mines-Télécom Associated Schools" complete the picture. 

Under the aegis of the Minister for Industry and Electronic Communications, the Institut Mines-Télécom serves public policies designed to inject dynamism into industry and in this capacity has formed strong links with SMEs as well as large industrial groups.

The Institut Mines-Télécom, France’s number one group of engineering schools with 7%* of engineering diplomas issued, brings together nearly 12,000 students, 28% of whom are foreign, all taking top-level training courses leading to engineering, management and master's degrees and PhDs.

Research and innovation, renowned excellence and skills
The institute’s research and innovation activities are nationally and internationally renowned for their excellence.

They cover eight key scientific disciplines:

  • Life sciences and the environment,
  • Energy and process engineering,
  • Sciences and materials engineering,
  • Electronics and communication,
  • Signal and image processing,
  • Computer science and networks,
  • Mathematics and systems
  • Economics, management and society.

The Institut Mines-Télécom is a member of the Allistene, Aviesan and Athena national alliances for research planning.

Its research in partnership and innovation activities are organized around 9 strategic domains for the economic development of France:

  • Energy (production, efficiency and distribution),
  • Materials processing,
  • Natural and recycled resources,
  • Risk and security,
  • Transports,
  • Industrial engineering,
  • Healthcare and autonomy,
  • Telecom,
  • Information technology and components,
  • Media and services.

Through a business-oriented approach, research and innovation activity is driven by the Institut Mines-Télécom and its strategic partner Armines for the Mines schools. It generates nearly 85 million Euros* of own-resources each year. The quality and intensity of its research in partnership were certified by two Carnot Institut labels in 2006, renewed in 2011: one in the field of energy and materials (Institut Carnot M.I.N.E.S), the other in telecommunications (Institut Carnot Télécom & Société numérique).

3 foundations and 2 endowment funds to support development
8 Institut Mines-Télécom schools are committed to fundraising to support their development: the Fondation Télécom for the 4 Télécom schools, the Fondation MINES ParisTech, the Fondation I3M Saint-Etienne and two endowment funds for Mines Douai and Mines Nantes.

ENSEEIHT, Enseirb-Matmeca, ENSG, ENSIIE, ESIGELEC, Grenoble Ecole de Management, IFMA, Sup’Com Tunis, Télécom Nancy, Télécom Physique Strasbourg, Télécom Saint-Etienne
* All figures exclude associated schools and Mines Nancy



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