> > Workshop 8
TERATEC 2017 Forum
Workshop 8 - Wednesday, June 28 from 14:00 to 17:30
Numerical precision and stability in HPC simulation
Floating point arithmetic in intensive computing codes : experience feedback
Abstract : When writing compute codes, most mathematicians and developers implicitly assume that the floating-point numbers in their code behave like real numbers. While the impact of this assumption can usually be neglected, it may break the software. Such negative impact goes most of the time unnoticed until some code rewriting activities bring them out. During our activities in compute codes porting and optimization we have encountered different kind of issues related to floating-point computing. This presentation will share several of them along with our approach to identify the root cause and propose a solution.
Bio : After a PhD at EDF focusing on methods that allow a unique code to have optimal performance on different hardware architectures, Wilfried Kirschenmann joined the consulting firm ANEO. He was interested in improving the performance of the compute chains, from the data preparation to the processing of the results. His solutions relied on both evolutions of architecture and application code as well as hardware evolutions (accelerators, cloud, etc.). It was through these activities that Wilfried Kirschenmann was confronted with the problems of reproducibility of the results. Today, Wilfried Kirschenmann is in charge of HPC / Cloud Computing / Big Data and R&D at ANEO. |
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For any other information regarding the workshops, please contact :
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie