> > Workshop 8
Workshop 7 - Wednesday, June 28
Numerical precision and stability in HPC simulation
Chaired by Eric PETIT, INTEL
The recent evolution of HPC system –massive parallelism, large SIMD vectors, and memory hierarchy – and the constant growth in computational power allow higher resolution simulation of longer physical times.
However, this progress rises some challenges beyond parallel programming aspects such as the numerical quality of long simulations.
The need for tools and methodology that targets numerical validity, reproducibility across architecture, numerical bugs related to the floating point model or the inherent instability of the simulated phenomena are becoming mandatory.
During this BoF, diverse aspects of the computer arithmetic in numerical simulation, from existing tools and libraries to end-user use-cases have been discussed.
With the participation of :
© TERATEC 2017

For any other information regarding the workshops, please contact :
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie