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A multidisciplinary continuing education certificate course, with a balance of theory and practice, in the field of applied mathematics and parallel computing
Supélec and the Ecole Centrale Paris have combined their recognized expertise in applied mathematics and computing, and have joined forces with Teratec and a group of top companies in the high-performance computing market, to design, offer, and teach a multidisciplinary course with a balance of theory and practice in the field of applied mathematics and parallel computing, which also covers the implementation and operation of computing resources.
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Master à finalité professionnelle ou recherche, MIHPS a pour vocation de former des cadres scientifiques de haut niveau, maitrisant deux évolutions technologiques majeures de plus en plus utilisées : le parallélisme (du processeur multicoeur au supercalculateur) et la simulation numérique dans le secteur industriel et de la recherche. MIHPS propose ainsi deux spécialités à ses étudiants de deuxième année (master informatique haute performance - MIHP / master simulation haute performance - MSHP), à travers lesquelles ils acquièrent: • un savoir-faire pluridisciplinaire • une expertise en parallelisme au sens large allant des processeurs multi coeurs aux systèmes de calcul distribué à grande échelle • une maîtrise des techniques de l’informatique haute performance - spécialité MIHP (compilation avancée, programmation parallèle sur différentes architectures, optimisation, génie logiciel appliqué au calcul scientifique, ...) • une maîtrise des techniques de modélisation/simulation - spécialité MSHP (simulation et conception, éléments, différences et volumes finis, méthodes spectrales, …)
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Master of Science in Informatics, High Performance Computing and Simulation
All major industrial and research sectors use high performance computing and simulation tools. High performance computing is also becoming an important issue for company competitiveness allowing them to reduce time and cost of their product design.
This master is the first Master of Science in France dedicated to train managers specialized in this vital area. By using the tools and techniques for high performance computing and simulation, students will assimilate the recent major scientific developments determined by the increasing importance of simulation tools and the continuous augmentation of the power of computing systems.
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