Presentation > Who is who > Members > NAG


Wilkinson House
Jordan Hill Rd

Tel. : +44 (0)1865 511245
Fax : +44 (0)1865 310139

Contact :
François CASSIER
Senior Sales Executive


NAG (The Numerical Algorithms Group) provides expertise in numerical engineering by delivering computational software, consultancy and high performance computing services.

NAG HPC Services provides procurement advice, consultancy and people with expert computational science engineering skills either onsite at client premises or based at one of the NAG offices.

NAG Numerical Services help organizations find and implement the best numerical computation solutions from teaching the best ways to solve complex problems to verifying that older applications remain valid and optimal for the latest processors and platforms.

NAG can be used to provide bespoke training courses and works with organizations to develop skills and techniques that will help solve their numerical problems. Software developers embed NAG software and services when demand dictates the need for analytical techniques such as modelling, forecasting, optimization and data mining.

NAG's ethos is collaborative, consultative, consensus-based, principled and transparent. It was founded on collaboration and continues to do so with expert individuals and organizations from industry and academia all over the world.


NAG's motive for joining TERATEC is to develop new partnerships with members and to be involved in the many activities organised by the Association. We are particularly interested in working with industrial users of HPC and users of advanced mathematical algorithms.

R&D Projects

NAG has a long history of participation in European research projects.  Currently we are a member of the Performance Optimisation and Productivity (POP) Centre of Excellence and the POEMA Innovative Training Network. 

Much of our internal R&D is focused on developing new mathematical algorithms for the NAG Library and evaluating new and emerging hardware platforms for computational mathematics. 

We have well established collaborations with many universities including Aachen (Algorithmic Differentiation), Manchester (Linear Algebra algorithms for modern architectures), Leeds (CFD), Lancaster (algorithms for Statistics) and Oxford (Mathematical Optimisation), all of which have helped us to develop new products and services over the years.


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