> > Workshops
Tuesday June 22 - Technical workshop
Workshop 02 - 16:00 to 18:00
Communicable diseases and vision disorders
Chaired by Philippe Gesnouin, Tech Transfer Associate for Life Science and Healthcare, Inria and Richard Bosmans, Directeur des Partenariats et Financements Externes de la R&D, Essilor International
Agent- based modelling for the analysis of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and control in health care settings
By Lulla Opatowski, Chercheur Epidémiologiste, Institut Pasteur
The acquisition and transmission of a pathogen in populations is a complex phenomenon resulting from a combination of processes operating at different scales (between-human transmission, colonisation at the host and microorganism levels). Mathematical and computational epidemiology are powerful tools to better understand the spread of infectious diseases. The increased computational power and use of Information and Communication Technologies, along with the advent of the Big Data era, now allow sophisticated modelling approaches to be developed jointly with epidemiological investigations integrating recent microbiological technologies.
Health care institutions are frequently exposed to local outbreaks of pathogens, eg. Influenza, antibiotic-resistant bacteria or more recently SARS-CoV-2. When they occur, such outbreaks require reactive control measures implementation, generating important disorganisation and costs. Designing efficient control measures is complex and requires a good understanding of the forces at the origin of pathogens transmissions in health care populations. In this context, hypothesis driven agent-based models are particularly appropriate. They can be used to analyse epidemics and simulate counterfactual scenarios to support implementation of optimized control measure. In this talk I will present specific modelling frameworks we have developed to analyse the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in health care settings over 2020-2021.
Biography: Lulla Opatowski is Professor in Mathematical Epidemiology at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines (UVSQ). She works in the the “Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health” research group (Inserm/UVSQ, and the “Epidemiology and modelling of bacterial evasion” research unit at Institut Pasteur, a multi-disciplinary research group. Her main research interests are in mathematical and computational modelling of infectious disease and statistical inference, with a particular interest in bacterial resistance to antibiotics and host-pathogen-pathogen interactions. Some of her projects include the modelling of interactions between respiratory bacteria and respiratory viruses in humans, the modelling of transmission of nosocomial pathogens in hospitals using detailed proximity contact data, the modelling of gut microbiota and the impact of its dynamics on the acquisition of antibiotic resistant bacteria. In the last year, she has been also involved in modelling SARS-CoV-2 transmission and surveillance, both at the community level and in smaller populations (hospitals, schools). |
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Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie