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TERATEC 2018 Forum
Digital Simulation Awards
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
For its fourth consecutive year, partnering with L’Usine Digitale, Teratec organized the Digital Simulation Awards taking place during the Teratec Forum.
Five trophies were awarded by a jury of top professionals to reward the winners at the Forum TERATEC June 19, 2018.
HPC, numerical simulation, Big Data and artificial intelligence are technology critical and a driving force for innovation applied to all sectors of the industry. Technical know-how and competences of national players are now highly praised and recognized for their extended use and application well beyond borders. This event at the heart of digital innovation has revealed and rewarded the champions of simulation and digital technologies for both large groups and SMEs with the award of five trophies:
given to a company set up less than 5 years ago that has demonstrated outstanding innovation in intensive computing, numerical simulation and Big Data or, artificial intelligence.
The nominees are : , et
The Laureat is :
: given to an SME user who has effectively implemented numerical computing technology (simulation, data analysis, big data) and changed how it develops, produces and maintains its new products and services or anticipates their entire life cycle.
The nominees are : , et
The Laureat is : for READY - couRsE of Action conception anD AnalYsis
: given to an innovative product, piece of technology or service in the field of numerical simulation or data analysis developed by a technology company.
The nominees are : , et
The Laureat is : for HoloGRAM - Holo & Graphical RAdar cross-section Measure
(Large company - SME): given to a pair (or group) – a big company and an SME – that has collaborated on a numerical computing and/or big data project, whether at the R&D or implementation stage.
The nominees are : , DCBRAIN et SAFRAN TECH
The Laureat is : for AMDECC : Adaptation de Maillage Dynamique et massivement parallèle pour la simulation aux grandes Echelles des Chambres de Combustion aéronautiques
: Awarded to one of the nominees, whatever the category, by a vote of the readers of L'Usine Digitale on usine-digitale.fr.
The Laureat is : pour le projet de durée de vie des pièces issues de fabrication additive

Digital Simulation Awards are organized by |
Partners 2018 |
Discover the nominated projects in each category of the Digital Simulation and Digital Technologies Trophies.
And vote for those you think are most innovative.
For that, for each category, it is enough to consult the descriptions as well as the videos of the projects and to vote.
The grand prize of the public will be revealed at the Teratec Forum on Tuesday 19 June 2018 at the Ecole Polytechnique.

For any further information about the 2018 Numerical Simulation Awards, please contact us:
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tél : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 - Mob.: +33 (0)6 11 44 49 59
2, rue de la Piquetterie