> > Workshop 4
Workshop 4 - Wednesday, June 28 from 9:00 to 12:30
Evolution of HPC software environment
Schedule your micro-services on Docker Swarm with a Sirius-based workflow designer
Abstract : Lightweight containers technologies such as Docker are more and more adopted for deploying and managing micro-services architectures. Indeed, they hide a part of the complexity resulting from the language heterogeneity and the large choice of existing implementation frameworks that can be used to implement modern applications. Containers provide those benefits without introducing the general cost of the virtualization.
On top of containers, it exists lots of open-source configuration managers such as kubernetes, nomad, apache Mesos, or docker swarm to define and keep a standard modular application in a consistent state and to dispatch its services on a cluster of remote nodes.
In this talk, we will introduce these solutions and show how we could easily extend docker swarm to design and distribute dataflow (i.e. a complex directed-acyclic-graph of tasks for processing data) on a distributed infrastructure to improve the performance of such applications. We introduce also a tooling solution built on top of Eclipse to create a platform that acts as an additional layer on top of docker swarm to design and execute complex distributed dataflow without specific Docker knowledge.
Bio : Olivier Barais (http://olivier.barais.) is a Full Professor at the University of Rennes 1, member of the DiverSE INRIA research team. He passes a PhD in computer science from the University of Lille 1, France in 2005. His research interests include Component Based Software Design, Model-Driven Engineering and Aspect Oriented Modeling. Olivier Barais has co-authored articles in conferences and journals such as SoSyM, IEEE Computer, ICSE, ASE, MoDELS, SPLC and CBSE. Olivier is also information technology enthusiast. He enjoys trying new frameworks for developing fun applications and playing with open-source hardware projects. |
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