> > Workshop 4
Workshop 4 - Wednesday, June 28 from 9:00 to 12:30
Evolution of HPC software environment
The Julia language for scientific computing
Abstract : Fortran and C++ are still the dominating language in high performance computing. However new languages such as Julia (http://julialang.org) are proposing new tradeoffs in simplicity and performance that may be useful for many scientist. This talk gives a status on Julia.
Bio : Francois Bodin (http://people.irisa.fr/Francois.Bodin/) held various research positions at University of Rennes I and at the INRIA research lab. His contribution includes new approaches for exploiting high performance processors in scientific computing and in embedded applications. He cofounded CAPS in 2002 while he was a Professor at University of Rennes I and in January 2008 he becomes the company CTO. He is also at the origin of another company, TOCEA (http://tocea.com) that focuses on control of source code quality and refactoring. In 2013 he is back at Irisa (http://www.irisa.fr) on a Professor position |
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Jean-Pascal JEGU
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