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TERATEC Forum 2014 Optimal design of complex systems: state of the art technology and locks Chaired by Jacques DUYSENS, SILKAN et Gérard POIRIER, SYSTEMATIC Numerical simulation is currentlly used today for designing complex systems but in fact it is very often used only for assesssing the validation of some critical behaviour configurations or for processing some local optimizations. We are still very far away from a systematic use of numerical tools for globally optimizing a complex system very early in the process design and in a multidisciplinary way. By « multidisciplianry » we mean not only multiphysics characteristics of coupled complex behaviours but also economic aspects, optimized solutions robustness, taking into account data uncertainties, process impacts on behaviours, etc ….Furthermore this trend for early-stage global optimization is becoming more and more strategic as the complexity of many systems drastically increases. If we take for example the automotive trend to develop sophisticated hybrid engines, this induces new complex engineering problems to solve and the need for optimizing globally the energy balance in order to minimize fuels consumption and toxic release. This workshop has highlight the major challenges for globally optimizing complex systems since the design early stages. The following challenges and the associated state-of-the art of existing methods for facing these challenges has be discussed :
This workshop provided testimonies from leading-edge laboratories, industries and techno- providers.
The 2013 edition of this workshop was dedicated to a “technologies, methods & tools state-of-the-art” for complex mechatronics embedded systems design and optimization.
Optimal design of such systems requiring high performance computing capabilities and high level of safety is still a major challenge for 21st century engineers. The applications are numerous and tremendous not only in “traditional sectors” like aeronautics, space, transportation or energy, but also in new technologies like for example “multimedia” and “e-health”.
This workshop addressed the strategic vision of research labs, industrials from the aeronautical sector, but also techno-providers in the hardware field (leading-edge embedded high performance computing technologies) and software (new algorithms paradigms).
This workshop was introduced by Clément FORTIN, President and CEO of CRIAQ (“Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Quebec”) who gave an overview on the development of avionics systems in Canada and presented the successful collaborative research model adopted by the CRIAQ.
This workshop was dedicated dedicated to a “methods & tools state-of-the-art” for complex systems numerical design and optimization. Despite last decade giants strides in hardware and software in terms of performance and simulations accuracy, there are still numerous critical technology challenges for a fully effective and efficient use of virtual design tools & methods by industry and research .
Le workshop a été centré sur le rôle critique de l’optimisation dans le cycle de vie produit. L’accent a également été mis sur la nécessaire mise en place préalablement à toute phase d’optimisation de processus robustes de vérification et de validation des codes et des modèles de simulation utilisés dans les chaînes d’optimisation. Ce workshop a été introduit par le Docteur François HEMEZ (Los Alamos National Laboratory), spécialiste de renommée mondiales dans les méthodes de vérification et de validation.
This year, the Complex Systems Engineering workshop was dedicated to the crucial role played by optimization technology through the product whole lifecycle. We was also addressed the Verification and Validation technologies and procedures as a preliminary and necessary step. This workshop was introduced by Dr. François HEMEZ (Los Alamos National Laboratory), a world known specialist in Verification & Validation methodologies.
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