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Teratec 2024 Forum
Wednesday May 29

Workshop 02 - 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Software environments for quantum computing
Chaired by Jean-Philippe Nomine (Chargé de mission, Collaborations stratégiques en HPC, Fellow HPC, CEA), Patrick Carribault (Chargé de mission, Fellow en HPC, CEA) and Olivier Hess (Quantum Computing Lead France, Eviden)

From neutral atom arrays to real world applications
By Daniel Garcia Guijo, Technical Project Delivery Manager, Pasqal

Building a quantum computer is a herculean task but using it to solve real world problems doesn’t need to be. At PASQAL, we’re creating a software stack that allows end users to go from targeting individual atoms and simulating quantum systems, to using our QPU to solve aerodynamics problems with no quantum knowledge at all.

Biography : Daniel Guijo is a Technical Project Delivery Manager at Pasqal. He's a physicist from the University of Oviedo, with experience in quantum software development and technical management. Furthermore, he is deeply involved in the open-source ecosystem as a Quantum Fellow in Quantum Quipu and a Mentor in the Quantum Open Source Foundation, developing educational and research projects with students and young professionals, and focusing on the applications of quantum computing to the sustainability domain.

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