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Workshop 02 - 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Software environments for quantum computing
Quantum programming and automatic code analysis
By Christophe Chareton, Chercheur Senior et Sébastien Bardin, Chercheur Senior, CEA/DRT/LIST
For the nascent quantum software engineering community, a fundamental challenge lies in the design and development of programming support tools. The problem of code validation is particularly acute, in a context where strategies derived from classical programming (tests and assertion verification) do not appear to be suitable. The behavior of quantum processes - indeterminism, destructive measurements - makes them intrinsically inoperative. We therefore need to design high-performance code verification and validation strategies that are robust under the particular constraints of the physical laws invoked. In this respect, methods derived from static and formal code analysis are the most promising alternative. To meet the challenge of quantum code validation, we need to adapt the know-how and formal analysis methods we have developed in the classical context to the quantum context.
This presentation introduces the different aspects of the induced work program (formalization of quantum programs, hybrid measurement and control processing, certification of compilation chains, etc.) as well as the solution, Qbricks, that we are developing in our laboratory.
Biography: Sébastien Bardin is a Senior Researcher at CEA List, specializing in formal methods and program analysis. He recently developed the software side of CEA's quantum program, and launched the "quantum program analysis" and QBricks research axes. Sébastien is a Fellow at CEA. |
Biography: A researcher at CEA/List since 2018, Christophe Chareton is interested in techniques for validating quantum programs, particularly those implementing formal methods and static analysis. In recent years he has developed the Qbricks tool, a pioneer in the field of functional verification in quantum computing. |