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25th of February 2016 :
Thanks to Business France Tel Aviv support, ActiveEon has announced that their Workflows & Scheduling product is now largely used by a new Israeli customer. With ActiveEon’s solutions, an Israeli finance company is optimizing its analyses of stock-exchange quotations in order to take the best position for its customers. This Algorithmic Trading platform orchestrated by ActiveEon runs on thousands of nodes on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform.
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ActiveEon is an innovative software editor in distributed and parallel infrastructures, for Cloud platforms, located in Sophia Antipolis and Paris. Founded in 2007 as a spin up of INRIA, ActiveEon serves national and international clients, such as CEA, L’ORÉAL, SeaEngineering (US), Home Office (UK), etc.
ActiveEon has a solid experience in the R&D domain and collaborative projects. ActiveEon has been a part of projects at both national and European levels like ANR, FUI Investissements d’Avenir, FP7/H2020. The last ones were:
OpenCloudware (FUI), HOSANNA (FSN), OCCIWare (FSN), UnivCloud (FUI) about private, public and hybrid clouds management, CLIMB (FSN) about complex workflows management for numerical simulations and modelization; DataScale (FUI) about Big Data, SocEDA (ANR) about integration and packaging, PLAY and SHIWA (FP7) about heterogeneous workflows management.
ActiveEon offers ProActive, a suite of Software solutions available in SaaS mode:
Workflows & Scheduling is a complete workload scheduler that distributes and simplifies the execution of applications, featuring a workflow orchestrator and a resources manager, also featuring data transfer and License cost optimization.
Parallel Scientific Toolbox is a solution that allows the distribution and the acceleration of Big Data processing in R Language, Spark, Hadoop, Matlab, Scilab, etc. on Clusters, Grids or Clouds.
Cloud Automation automates the deployment and management of complex multi-VMs applications, man
aging heterogeneous and hybrid environments (multi-vendor private, public and hybrid clouds).
November 24, 2014 -
ActiveEon and INRA are working together on the big challenge of Big Data HPC for Health Discovery.
Quantitative analysis of human microbiome was developed by the INRA-MetaGenoPolis team during the EU MetaHIT (www.metahit.eu) project, a consortium of 14 institutions. The team is now implementing a second-generation platform to support new research leveraging ‘R’ statistical tools with HPC and ProActive Parallel Suite.
Benefits of this collaboration and of ProActive solutions from ActiveEon:
- HPC complexity is hidden by ProActive
- Better and faster data management
- Jobs submissions directly from your R environment
- In production usage with scheduling and load balancing of treatments
Metagenopolis and ActiveEon have implemented these solutions based on Map/Reduce and jobs submissions with ‘R’ ProActive package: ProActive Parallel Scientific Toolbox
Check out more details
September 5, 2014 -
ActiveEon team is proud to announce the new release ProActive Parallel Suite 6.0, available by the end of September 2014. The Beta is already available at http://www.activeeon.com/download as a release candidate. This major release features key advances for Distributed Workflows, Grids and Clouds.
Orchestration, Scheduling, Resource Management for Grids & Clouds are now merged into a comprehensive product: ProActive Workflows & Scheduling. Moreover, to complete the suite offered in full SaaS mode, the ProActive Studio is now also available in a Web Browser. Fault-tolerance, high-availability have been further improved, and major enhancements are available at the API level, making ProActive Parallel Suite the utmost open software for Workflows, Grids and Clouds. Check out more details at http://www.activeeon.com/about/news/4404
January 23, 2014 -
Through this solution, ActiveEon is now able to officially offer Microsoft Cloud enhanced with added value services, and Microsoft is delighted to welcome ActiveEon and its software on the Windows Azure Store. This integration with the Microsoft ecosystem is announced together with the new release of the ActiveEon flagship product, ProActive Paralle Suite® (version 5.4), now with dedicated Windows Azure specific components.
This business and technology partnership with Microsoft has provided new services with exceptional added value. Firstly, it is now possible for a company to manage heterogeneous in-house infrastructure (Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac), with cloud bursting on the Windows Azure platform. Application elasticity, business priority and recoveries will be completely controlled by IT management while minimizing IT Capex. Furthermore, ProActive Workflow Orchestrator and Scheduler is now directly available in SaaS mode on the Windows Azure platform, immediately accessible to users without the need to set up a Private or Hybrid Cloud. Both solutions being fully compatible and evolutive, a company can easily evolve from one to another according to its needs and strategy.
For all customers, the return on investment is immediate: important cost savings on infrastructure and system administration, acceleration of applications, enhancing the quality of service and SLA reinforcement. In just a few clicks, companies can accelerate the treatments of Web Services, Mobile Applications... More, CIO can maintain strong in-house expertise and full control of their internal Cloud, while benefiting at the same time from Windows Azure usage and controlled and seamless overflow.
Denis Caromel, ActiveEon Founder and CEO states: “Today, it is clear that the evolution to Cloud is fundamentally conditioned by the management of the flexibility and the heterogeneity. In partnership with Microsoft, we allow our customers to build an open Cloud with Windows Azure".
"Microsoft’s strong partnership with ActiveEon is perfectly in line with the Microsoft strategy of collaboration and openness in the Cloud for our worldwide customers. The Windows strength plus the interoperability and the Open Source with Linux (e.g. Suse) in mixed environments are a key objective for us. ActiveEon’s advanced technology perfectly fits that objective. Advanced services such as workflow orchestration directly in the Cloud and open APIs allowing PaaS mode, perfectly complete the Windows Azure offers.” declared Frederic Aatz, Director of Interoperability at Microsoft France.
A typical installation has been successfully achieved with ActiveEon’s customer SCP (Société du Canal de Provence). The SCP mission is the development and management of water resources, in order to provide a safe and reliable water supply for agriculture, industry and domestic use. SCP has strong credentials in over 40 countries in the fields of water development, management and engineering, as well as in operation and maintenance of hydraulic infrastructures.
SCP uses ProActive and the Windows Azure Cloud platform to accelerate the IRMA application that simulates and computes settings and optimal parameters for water distribution networks. ActiveEon seamlessly accelerates IRMA execution, deploys it on a private Cloud specifically built with ProActive over SCP internal resources (Windows and Unix), and carries it out transparently, as well on Windows Azure Cloud. Including and managing automatically the data and result transfers, with ActiveEon, SCP is able to execute IRMA runs that were lasting 3 full days, in only 30 minutes on Windows Azure.
January 22, 2013 -
AS+ Groupe EOLEN is a high-expertise consulting and engineering company aiming to provide a complete service offer in the field of high performance computing. It has just became a TeraTec member in 2013.
ActiveEon, an INRIA Startup, is the innovative software editor of the Cloud Open Source solution ProActive Parallel Suite.
The partnership permits to deliver Cloud and Grid platforms that pool heterogeneous resources (Linux, Windows, Mac, OpenStack, VMware, EC2, Azure) to optimize infrastructure usage and save on administration costs. Moreover, ProActive Orchestrator allows to schedule customers business workflows on the shared infrastructures according to the specific requirements of each application, also taking into account enterprise priorities.
AS+ Groupe EOLEN being a major actor in outsourcing, systems integration and R&D developments, the agreement with ActiveEon enables the two companies to deliver to customers strong cost reductions in administration and infrastructure investments, together with accelerated and automated business applications.
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About ActiveEon:
ActiveEon is your technological partner to accelerate and upscale your infrastructure and applications in the area of Cloud computing. An INRIA spin-off founded in 2007, with headquarters in the Sophia Antipolis Techno Park, France, ActiveEon is an Open Source Professional company editing OW2 ProActive Parallel Suite®. It supplies to its customers, support, consulting, integration and development, subscription and OEM partnership. ProActive optimizes the execution of the most demanding applications, company workflows, numerical and financial simulations, Matlab ™ and Scilab, and data analysis (Map/Reduce). ActiveEon is your dedicated partner for advanced Cloud automation. |