Closely associated with its members and its partners, Teratec organizes throughout the year information and promotional initiatives which are intended to reach the whole of the industrial and academic communities, both suppliers and users.
The Teratec Forum constitutes the high-level European HPC convention where international experts meet to discuss the technological and economic issues at stake in high performance simulation and computing.
Seminars and workhsops may also be offered in accordance with the current state of development of HPC and its members’ requirements.

The 15th edition of Teratec Forum will be held on June 16 & 17, 2020 at the Ecole Polytechnique.
You want to be a TERATEC 2020 Forum Sponsor or Exhibitor ?
You wish to submit a paper for the workshops at the TERATEC 2020 Forum ?
Please contact Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 -

The 14th Forum TERATEC held on June 11 and 12 at the École Polytechnique clearly confirmed three main trends in High Performance Computing and High Performance Data Analysis: Europe’s determination to become a major global player in the field, the rising Use of supercomputers for Simulation and Data Processing, and Societal concerns generating a huge need for computing, all of which influencing technology.
Plenary sessions: View the videos of the interventions and download the presentations
Trophy Numerical Simulation 2017: see video of the awards
Technical Workshops: download the presentations
Exhibition: Download the exhibition catalog
Sponsors & Partners
Photo gallery

The 2018 Forum has been a huge success, with the leading innovators in R&D and industry coming to explain to over 1,300 attendees how Big Data, Simulation and HPC can enable them to embrace the great digital transition. Teratec sees the Forum as a way to support industry in successfully navigating this transition: the professionals attending the two-day Forum this year were treated to a panoply of lectures, workshops, themed areas and more.
Plenary sessions: View the videos of the interventions and download the presentations
Trophy Numerical Simulation 2017: see video of the awards
Technical Workshops: download the presentations
Exhibition: Download the exhibition catalog
Sponsors & Partners
Photo gallery

The 2017 Forum has been a huge success, with the leading innovators in R&D and industry coming to explain to over 1,300 attendees how Big Data, Simulation and HPC can enable them to embrace the great digital transition. Teratec sees the Forum as a way to support industry in successfully navigating this transition: the professionals attending the two-day Forum this year were treated to a panoply of lectures, workshops, themed areas and more.
Plenary sessions: View the videos of the interventions and download the presentations
Trophy Numerical Simulation 2017: see video of the awards
Technical Workshops: download the presentations
Exhibition: Download the exhibition catalog
Sponsors & Partners
Photo gallery

The TERATEC Forum has just closed its doors at the Ecole Polytechnique after two particularly rich and intense days: visitors and conference attendees filled the aisles and lecture halls to meet the market players and, during the plenary sessions and technical workshops, review the latest trends in HPC, Big Data and Digital Simulation.
Plenary sessions: View the videos of the interventions and download the presentations
Technical Workshops: download the presentations
Exhibition: Download the exhibition catalog
Sponsors & Partners
Photo gallery

TERATEC Forum welcomes more than 1 000 attendees, highlighting the technological and industrial momentum of HPC and the essential role that France plays in this field. TERATEC Forum has unique features, making it an exceptional place to be for simulation and HPC practitioners and managers: the participation and the testimony of industrial and ICT leaders, the diversity and the high level of the technical workshops, the representativeness and innovation potential of exhibitors.
Plenary sessions: View the videos of the interventions and download the presentations
Technical Workshops: download the presentations
Exhibition: Download the exhibition catalog
Sponsors & Partners
Photo gallery
Here's no longer any doubt about it: HPC helps companies by boosting their competitiveness! That was one of the main observations that the Teratec Forum illustrated during 2 very dense days of programming in Palaiseau, ending on July 2. The first day's talks highlighted how rapidly HPC has been expanding in France and the extent to which it has been adopted by the government in France and even Europe via major decisions, such as the official launch of the "Supercomputers" plan, one of the first of the 34 plans adopted by the French government; it was approved on May 7 by Minister of Industrial Recovery Arnaud Montebourg and President François Hollande.

The 8th Teratec Forum, which has just come to a close, confirmed the strategic importance of HPC in the industrial and service sectors, and its expansion to small and medium enterprises. Everyone involved in high-performance simulation, from major operators and simulation companies to the government, users, and small businesses, officially endorsed its important role. Meanwhile, General Commissioner for Investments Louis Gallois defined high-performance simulation as a strategic priority for investing in the future of digital technologies.

With more than 1,000 participants, 60 international speakers and 60 exhibitors, Forum TERATEC has once again demonstrated the dynamism of industrial technology providers (hardware, software and services) facing a strongly expanding market and increasing interest from industrial users as prompt, efficient means to improve competitiveness.

The TERATEC 2011 Forum took place on June 28 & 29, Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, Paris area) and focused on High Performance Computing and Systems Design.

More than 600 international experts participated to TERATEC 2009, June 30 and July 1st, 2009, Supélec (91- France), including also decision makers and high level scientists from the industrial world and the academic world, coming mainly from Europe but including representatives of the major international initiatives.

The TERATEC convention took place on June 3rd and 4th 2008 at the Génocentre in Evry (91) with the special participation of Mme Valérie Pécresse, Minister for Higher Education and Research and M. Janek Potocnik, European Commissioner for Science and Research.

The TERATEC Forum is an event which is widely open to promote exchanges and stimulate further reflection in the field of high performance simulation. It once again enjoyed a resounding success among key players in HPC (High Performance Computing). The 2007 TERATEC Forum or Convention was held on June 20th 2007 at the University of Versailles at Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines, in the Alembert Building.