The 2016 Teratec Forum gave us the opportunity to take stock of the most recent developments in major digital technologies and to gauge their increasing importance in the economy.
Addressing a large, attentive audience, Thierry MANDON, French junior minister responsible for higher education and research, and Gérard ROUCAIROL, chair of TERATEC, explained how these technologies are profoundly transforming research and industry by making it possible to design and set up research and development programmes for completely new products and services.
Major industrial companies like MICHELIN and CGG described the programmes at the very heart of their businesses that they are conducting for tyre development and oil research respectively. French programmes were reviewed, as were some major European programmes. Big players like AMAZON and leading-edge technology companies like OPTIS presented current developments and this year the Forum showed that these technologies, even the most advanced ones, had become accessible for small and medium-sized businesses.
This is opening up an immense field and Teratec has been commissioned by the government to implement a major national programme to disseminate simulation within small and medium-sized businesses. We launched this programme, “SiMSEO”, which is intended to make simulation finally accessible to everyone, at the Forum. We shall be reporting on it frequently and will be asking many of you to take part: this is a major development and competitiveness issue.
I hope that you are all enjoying being back at work after the summer.
Director of TERATEC |
Initial results of SiMSEO, the national programme supporting companies with the use of digital simulation |
New technologies, new practices, competition, ever-increasing customer demands, higher quality, greater security and reduced costs are forcing our micro-businesses and SMEs to revise the way they design and produce by deploying digital strategies to increase their productivity and become more competitive. Although some SMEs have embarked on their digital transformation, others still have questions about adopting new technologies in their businesses in terms of finding the right software, hardware, competencies, organisation and finance.
We have launched SiMSEO, the national programme supporting companies with the use of digital simulation, in order to address these specific questions. SiMSEO is a comprehensive national programme focussing on not only awareness, training and technical support via service offerings but also on finance. Our aim is to make digital simulation tools more accessible to micro-businesses and SMEs in order to speed up their adoption.
SiMSEO: initial press and media coverage
The ambitious programme has already made fifty or so SMEs aware of digital simulation and the coverage has been very favourable in both the press (CAD magazine, Essais & Simulations and Les Echos) and media (BFM TV, Manufacturing.fr and Teratec 2016 Forum Video).
SiMSEO comes to your area: 30 dates and 23 towns / cities: Register!
We are currently going out to meet firms in France in order to make them aware of digital simulation issues, technologies and uses in their businesses. We have scheduled thirty dates in twenty-three towns or cities between now and the end of the year. We give company executives the keys to understanding and using the most appropriate digital tools for their needs and explain how to integrate them in their businesses. SME feedback is highlighted during these awareness sessions. We also present the three aspects of the programme and the financial assistance that is available from government, which is supporting SiMSEO and providing subsidies to businesses supported by the programme.
SiMSEO speaks at business events
In order to provide the greatest possible exposure and promotion for the SiMSEO programme, we will be attending (and chairing sessions at) all the “must-attend” simulation-related business events, such as the Teratec Forum, Nafems, Inova, ASD Days, Les Rencontres du Numérique, Mycaday and Smart Industries 2016 ).
Find out more at www.simseo.fr |
Be Sponsor or Exhibitor of TERATEC Forum 2017
The twelfth edition of the TERATEC Forum will take place on June 27 & 28 at the Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, Paris area) with more than 1,300 professionals, decision-makers and experts in the fields of HPC, Big Data and Simulation, stemming from the industrial and technological worlds and from the world of research, around these major technological and economic issues.
The participation and testimonials from major industrial firms, the presentations of leading tech companies in the field, the diversity and the level of the technical workshops, the representativeness of the exhibitors and the innovation of the offers presented, illustrate the technological and industrial dynamics at work in simulation and the major role that France plays in this field. The TERATEC Forum if the leading event in Europe for all those who are concerned with high-performance simulation.
On Tuesday, June 27, the Plenary Sessions will focus on the technological challenges in high-performance simulation and on the diversity in the uses for high performance computing. On Wednesday, June 28, technical workshops will take stock of the emerging technologies and in new application sectors for HPC. On June 27 and 28, an exhibit of about eighty booths will bring together the main players in HPC. Manufactures and publishers, suppliers and integrators of hardware, software and service solutions, universities and research laboratories, competitiveness clusters and public organizations, will present their latest innovations in terms of high performance simulation
Become a TERATEC 2017 sponsor. By becoming a TERATEC Forum 2017 sponsor and being involved in our marketing actions, you will be able to get the word out and create a positive image for your company with many players in the HPC sector BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the Forum.
Set up a booth in the exhibition and professional meetings area. Present your innovations and products, your R&D projects and your business or organization.
To participate to these days, submit a paper for the workshops, book a booth at the exhibition or be a TERATEC Forum 2017 sponsor, please contact Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 |
You wish to submit a paper for the workshops at the TERATEC Forum 2017 ?
You want to give your testimony? Share your experience in HPC, simulation and Big Data ? Present the solutions you implemented or invite your customers to give their feedback?
Email us before February 15, 2017: The title of your presentation(s) + A 10-lines summary (maximum) + The name and title of the planned speaker(s)
Presentations should be related to applications, in sectors such as manufacturing and engineering, environment and sustainable cities, materials, bio and medical, digital technologies for plants..., and should either: present real-life applications in business/industrial companies, propose methodologies to introduce new technologies in companies, showcase business-focused approaches or illustrate the integration of methods and tools in companies to reflect the latest technological evolutions.
Presentations focused on technology or research should allow attendees to evaluate the potential, the limitations and evolutions of the said technologies. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, new architectures, storage technologies, new generation software and new algorithms.
Priority will be given to papers submitted by TERATEC member and TERATEC Forum 2017 exhibitors propositions and including user testimonials, practical use cases and operational feedback.
To submit a paper for the workshops, please contact : Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 |
Looking back at the TERATEC Forum 2016
Attracting over 1,300 international participants, the TERATEC Forum once again demonstrated its positioning as a major event for HPC, Simulation and Big Data at the service of industry and research
During the opening of the plenary sessions Thierry MANDON, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, stressed the " major importance of mastering HPC and digital simulation technologies for research and for the economy "...following on from Jean-Claude JUNKER, President of the European Union who, in 2015 at the Elysée, reminded us of " the power of mega data and high performance computing, as catalysts for economic growth, innovation and digital conversion in all economic sectors and for businesses of every size ". Gail KENT, DG Connect, European Commission presented the European Initiative on cloud computing and high performance computing.
The plenary sessions stood out by the diversity of their speeches, with major industrial users and suppliers on the one hand (Jean-Marie MUS, MICHELIN - Jean-Yves BLANC, CGG - David PELLERIN, AMAZON WEB SERVICES) and, on the other hand, eminent scientists (Valérie MASSON-DELMOTTE, CEA/LSCE - David E. KEYES, KAUS) - not to mention the SMEs, with the Jacques DELACOUR, OPTIS speech and the SiMSEO presentation, the national programme aimed at SMEs and intermediate-sized businesses (ETIs) for the use of digital simulation.
- To see videos and download the presentations of the Plenary Sessions >>>>
Following the second award ceremony for the 2016 Digital Simulation Awards, the day ended with evening TERATEC organized in partnership with INTEL, held on the banks of the Ecole Polytechnique lake and attended by 400 people in a festive and musical atmosphere.
The technical workshops were a great success, reviewing emerging technologies (virtualisation, data analytics, connected objects, specialised computing architectures) and new application areas (agriculture, health, materials, multimedia) for HPC, simulation and Big Data. It was the perfect opportunity for the audience to forge links, sharing both experiences and solutions, with research centres or industrial partners.
- Download the technical workshop presentations >>>>
The exhibition, where there were over 70 exhibitors including many newcomers, was an opportunity to discover the latest developments in technological solutions and services. Of note were the themed areas such as the European Research Café, whose aim was to give visibility to European HPC projects: from new architectures (Mont Blanc and FIPS/M2DC projects), software-oriented projects (COLOC) to projects assisting the parallelisation of code (POP project) and cross-disciplinary measures for the development of a European HPC strategy (EXDCI project).
Over these two days, the SiMSEO area presented the different components that make up its simulation dissemination programme in France. Taking place before a panel of entrepreneurs, awareness-raising sessions underlined the importance of these technologies focussing on the challenges and use of digital tools in the manufacturing and construction industries, and the evolutions that today make them more accessible to businesses of all sizes.
- Download the TERATEC Forum 2016 catalog and find all exhibitors >>>>
Great success for the 2nd Digital Simulation Awards
During an evening event, the 2nd Digital Simulation Awards rewarded the champions of digital simulation :
- The Simulation Personality Award was given to Jean Gonnord, former head of the CEA digital simulation programme, who is heavily involved in the European HPC and Big Data plans
- The Simulation Grand Prize was awarded to DIOTA, who proposed augmented reality for industrialists.
- The Start-up Award was given to REALIZ3D for its tablet 3D model.
- The SME Award was received by NEXIO for its clean technology to facilitate the use of electromagnetic simulation
- The Innovation Award was attributed to NUMTECH for its quality measurement and forecasting service of "our air".
- The Big Business/SME Collaboration Award was given to ONERA and ANDHEO for their intelligent coupling method between thermal/fluid simulation codes.
To learn more about the winners and see the video of the Awards Ceremony >>>>
The partners of the 2016 Awards are : ATOS - CEA - DDN Storage - HPE - INRIA - SCALITY - Read more >>>> Get ready as of now for the 3nd edition of the Digital Simulation Awards!
Launch candidatures in January 2016 and Award Ceremony during Teratec Forum 2016
Informations Digital Simulation Awards : Pauline Dupré • 01 77 92 93 01 • Email |
The Teratec Campus, at the heart of digital innovation
The incubator and business center on the Teratec Campus meet the development needs of companies, start-ups, and companies in their development phase
If you're seeking a strategic location for your core business and business meeting, think of the Teratec Campus incubator and start-up center, and join the many companies already present here: AS+ GROUPE EOLEN - ATEM - ATOS / BULL - CEA - CYBELETECH - DISTENE - ESI GROUP - ETP4HPC - INTEL - LAB EXASCALE COMUTING RESEARCH - LAB CESIMAT - MANTENNA EXPERTISE - NUMTECH - NVIDIA - PARATOOLS - SCILAB ENTERPRISES - SEAGATE - WIZ YOO - ...
The Teratec Campus offers premium private spaces, equipped with wiring and telephony, which come with a selection of à la carte services as desired: furniture, parking, reception and assistance, access to conference rooms, and shared office resources. In addition to the material aspects, choosing to work out of the incubator or start-up center on the Teratec Campus guarantees a high level of flexibility: Read more >>>>
Centre d’Expertise en Simulation des Matériaux (CESIMat) established on the TERATEC campus
The aim of CESIMat is to bring together on one site the competencies of several industrial companies in order to build the software tools needed for materials simulation and to enable them to access expertise in systems simulation at the highest worldwide level and to train specialists in these fields.
CESIMat will share calculation code developments for common problems and define the best strategies combining experience and simulations. This cooperation will benefit its industrial partners via feedback on high-performance digital simulation. CESIMat’s remit will also be to coordinate all the other action taken in this field, in particular to respond to invitations to tender for common projects between the partners both nationally and internationally. |
TERATEC's Training Workshops
Organized on the TERATEC Campus and animated by members of TERATEC, the purpose of these workshops is to present their latest software, hardware or service innovations, to provide concrete cases for their use in an industrial context and to accompany the participants in implementing them.
Matlab and supercomputing serving engineers’ and analysts’ business needs
On Thursday 6th October 2016 from 2pm to 5.30pm on the Teratec campus, Mathworks teams will be explaining how Matlab’s parallel computing functions can be used to respond to the business needs of engineers and analysts Read more >>>>
Industrial research projects, progress and results
Teratec and some of its members work together to set up and promote French and European research projects between industrial firms, technology suppliers, and major research centers
Developed within the framework of French R&D programmes (Competitiveness Clusters, particularly Advancity, Cap Digital, Medicen, Systematic Paris Région and Vegepolys, and ANR, the French National Research Agency) and European R&D programmes (Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, H2020, ITEA3), here is a selection of some recent research projects. POP CoE (Performance Optimization and Productivity Centre of Excellence
The POP Center of Excellence, whose main objective is to provide – free of charge – services to analyze HPC application performance and then to guide and support developers on how to refactor their code in the most productive way, is fully functioning. During the first year, POP experts from the various partners (BSC, Jülich, RWTH, NAG) did audit about thirty applications. To further enhance these services, a customer satisfaction survey is systematically carried out via web questionnaires and possibly interviews. A large majority of the users are fully satisfied and have started to refactor their code to take full advantage of the power of modern architectures on which their applications are running. The first EC review will take place on 23rd November. Read more >>>>
The European ITEA COLOC project (COncurrency and LOcality Challenge) is progressing well
Very interesting and valuable progresses were made during this period on the different layers of HPC infrastructure, tools and applications. Bull has specified and implemented new hardware and software architecture based on I/O proxies, INRIA proposes now models adapted to large scaled clusters and has worked on topology aware algorithms. Collaboration between partners on the solver/simulation software was well enhanced and FOI, EFIELD, SCILAB all benefit for their development of this collaboration with also experiments on Bull's NOVA platform. On the applications side, implementations of ‘Divide & Conquer’ approach was fully completed and showed potential to serve as Data Transfer Model in the future. Read more >>>> Information relative to all ongoing or completed projects can be found on the TERATEC website |
Teratec General Assembly on 7th July 2016
The 22nd Teratec general assembly was held in the CEA TGCC Amphitheatre at the Teratec Technopole on 7th July 2016, when Laurent ROJEY, director of the Digital Economy Programme at the Commissariat Général à l’Investissement (CGI), reported on progress with the future investment programme for supercomputing, digital simulation and Big Data, while Olivier GRUMELARD, deputy director of Electronics and Software at the Direction Générale des Entreprises (DGE), part of the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and the Digital Sector, presented government policy in favour of the sector and the issues involved.
The admission of six members was also approved unanimously at the assembly, demonstrating the continuing attraction of Teratec for large and small companies both in France and abroad: BRIGHT COMPUTING, CADLM, MICRO SIGMA, MICHELIN, NUMECA INTERNATIONAL and SCALITY. |
Teratec Member and partner news
Télécom ParisTech and Télécom SudParis considering their fusion. Read more >>>>
ATOS is Platinum sponsor of NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference (GTC), organized in Amsterdam on September 28-29. Read more >>>>
OPTIS presents SPEOS HPC, large computing power and time gain. Read more >>>>
SCILAB makes a major announcement with the release of its Scilab Cloud offering. Read more >>>>
CADLM announces the arrival in November 2016 of Autoquote and its partnership with major German company “otpadata-gruppe”. Read more >>>>
BRIGHT COMPUTING - The challenge: Building an enterprise-grade deep learning environment. Read more >>>>
Huawei and ESI Group sign a Memorandum of Understanding - ESI Group represents Digital Transformation within the French Program “Industry of the Future”. Read more >>>>
ALINEOS announces 2016 new partnerships. Read more >>>>
NVIDIA takes the lid off Parker, our newest Pascal-generation mobile processor. Read more >>>>
. Read more >>>> |
Interviews and testimonies, interventions by public authorities, minutes of Teratec Forum, discussions between major players, market analysis, ...... find all the HPC, Big Data and Digital Simulation news on the WebTV Teratec .
Upcoming events of Teratec members and partners |
GPU Technology Conference
September 28 & 29, 2016 - Amsterdam (Pays-Bas)
Smart Manufacturing Paris-Saclay 2016 - Save the date
September 29, 2016 - Campus Paris-Saclay, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France) |
Scibian: Linux pour l'Ingénierie Scientifique
September 30, 2016 - Coeur Defense - 92400 Courbevoie (France) |
La simulation, et notamment multiphysique, est un formidable outil pour l'innovation
September 30, 2016 - Webinar (France |
Remise du Trophée start-up numérique
3 octobre 2016 - Bpifrance Le Hub, 6/8 bd Haussmann, Paris 9e (France) |
Journée Utilisateurs NOESIS 2016
October 4, 2016 - Maison des cent(France) |
MATLAB et le calcul haute performance au service des besoins métier des ingénieurs et analystes
October 6, 2016 - Campus TERATEC, Bruyères-le-Chatel (France) |
HPC ou comment mettre les ordinateurs au service de l’innovation en Wallonie
October 10, 2016 - Gosselies (Belgique |
Formation VTK & ParaView par Kitware - Programme 2016
October / November 2016 - Lyon (France) |
Aerospace and Defense Days 2016
October 12 & 13, 2016 - Aeroport d'Orly - Paris (France) |
COMSOL Conference 2016
October 12-14, Munich (Germany) |
4e journée "Mésochallenges
October 13, 2016 - Institut Henri Poincaré - Paris(France) |
8e édition Journée Ambition PME
October 13, 2016 - Eurosites George V, Paris (France) |
Conférence Technologique Aerospace
October 13, 2016 - Cité de l'Espace - Toulouse (France) |
CAE Conference / The Research Agorà : the place to be!
October 17 & 18, 2016 - Parme (Italie) |
38e Forum ORAP: High Performance Data Analytics
October 18, 2016 - CNRS Michel-Ange, Paris (France) |
ESI France Forum 2016 - Conférence utilisateurs ESI sur le prototypage virtuel
October 19 & 20, 2016 - Versailles (France) |
19e Symposium International sur les attaques, intrusions, et défenses (RAID 2016)
October 19 & 21,2016 - TelecomSud - Evry (France) |
Ecole d'Automne CFD OpenFOAM
October 19 & 21, 2016 - Campus Croix Rouge, Reims (France) |
Forum de recrutement des élèves ingénieurs de Télécom SudParis
October 20, 2016 - TelecomSud - Evry (France) |
Ecole d'Automne Deep Learning
October 24 & 25, 2016 - Campus Croix Rouge, Reims (France) |
Mastering GPU-Acceleration on OpenPOWER Platform for Optimal Application Performance
November 2 - 4, 2016, Idris, Orsay (France) |
Journée scientifique CCRT 2016
December 1st, 2016 - TGCC du CEA - Bruyeres-le-Chatel (France) |
Debugging & Optimization
5-9 décembre 2016 - Cines, Montpellier (France) |
Synthetic Biology : From Ideas to Market
December 6, 2016 - University Paris Descartes - Paris 6 (France) |
Smart-Industries - Teratec partenaire de l'Espace Simulation au service des entreprises
December 6 -9, 2016 - Paris Nord Villepinte (France) |
Hybrid MPI/OpenMP programming
December 13 -14, 2016 - Idris, Orsay (France) |
Simulation numérique et Optimisation multidisciplinaire
Calendrier 2016 des webinars animés par EnginSoft France |
IMdR (Institut pour la Maîtrise des Risques) - Journées et Formations
Calendrier 2016 des journées et formations animés par l'IMdR |
CERFACS - Cycle de formations avancées en calcul scientifique
Calendrier 2016 des formations animées par le CERFACS |
Formations Prace Advanced Training Centers (PATC) en 2016
Calendrier 2016 des formations PATC oganisées par la Maison de la Simulation et ses partenaires |
Download the TERATEC brochure |
Download the Activity Report |