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28th General Assembly of Teratec
October 10, 2019 - CEA's TGCC

POP boosts your coding performance for free

POP is one of the Centers of Excellence (CoE) of the European Research Framework Program H2020. With cross-sectoral reach, any European organization can get an audit of its coding production carried out free of charge by qualified structures, enabling to optimize products and drastically improve their performance.

At Teratec General Assembly in October 201, Hervé Mouren, Director of Teratec presented these European programs in which Teratec is involved, POP being at the forefront. “POP is one of the Centers of Excellence (CoE) of the European Research Framework Program H2020. It is dedicated to improving application performance across industry sectors, and it's a remarkable effective device! “.

POP is the acronym for Parallel Performance Optimization and Productivity. Launched at the end of 2018 for 3 years, the second phase of this project brings together renown European partners both academic and industrial (see insert). Thanks to the excellence of their programming models and practices, performance analysis and optimization tools as well as own experience in industrial and academic R&D, they form a very high level Center of Excellence dedicated to improving the performance of simulation codes.

One unique competence in coding optimization

This experience provides an accurate understanding of the application's behavior within its hardware environment, analyzing its performance and providing assistance on defining needs for code redesign to significantly improve productivity. In addition, POP also ensures the dissemination of best practices for parallel programming.

Thanks to €7 million in funding from the European Commission, this service is free of charge and intended to developers, users (industrial and academic), code vendors and operators of hardware infrastructure (computer centers) in the European Union, whatever their fields of application (Engineering; Chemistry; Earth Science; Fluid Mechanics; Energy; Health, Data Science...).

Helping developers

In addition to evaluating the performance of parallel applications (identification of code performance problems, analysis of root causes, qualification and quantification of remedial methods), POP also offers the realization of Proof of Concept (PoC) that can go as far as testing new models for code, kernel extraction, parallelization and testing of mini applications to demonstrate actual effects of optimization.

This expertise is available in various languages (C; C++; Python; Fortran...) and parallel programming models as well (MPI; OpenMP; Accelerator; Magma; C++ Threads...).

Amazing gains

"And it works! " says Hervé Mouren, giving some examples of practical optimizations:

  • Acceleration by 3 of the zCFD fluid dynamics solver ;
  • 25% faster response time for Urban Microclimate Simulations;
  • Performance of the SCM ADF code (Chemistry) multiplied by 2;
  • Performance multiplied by 5 for the EPW code (Electron Phonon Wannier);
  • 40% faster turnaround time for BPMF (Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization);
  • Performance of the sphFluids code multiplied by 4...

"So I have only one piece of advice to give you, go ahead! It is time to take advantage of this service for free.

To do so, please contact Teratec:

Samir Ben Chaabane /  
Tel: +33 06 75 47 47 23


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