On November 28, 200 students will visit the Teratec Campus
On November 28, the Teratec Campus will welcome 200 Master's degree students in their final year from the Universities of Léonard de Vinci and Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) accompanied by their professors, as part of their academic program. The objective is to introduce the know-how and latest advances of our members in terms of Simulation, HPC, but also machine learning (AI) and how to meet the recruitment needs of our member companies.
Presentation of different businesses and occupations by experts in the field.
Conferences on the latest advances in HPC such as issues and limitations of quantum computing
Presentation area for companies and job offers, internships and theses.
Opportunities for on-site interviews with companies.
Company visits and demonstrations.
In the Teratec ecosystem, Companies faced with difficulties in recruiting see an opportunity to stand out from traditional trade shows.
Partnering with those selected Schools, this day will be an integral part of the students' curriculum and will be renewed with other schools, to be enriched by feedback from this first experience.
Emmanuelle Vergnaud
Chargée de développement
Tel.: 06 20 80 55 20 - emmanuelle.vergnaud@teratec.fr
Jean-Pascal Jegu
Director of Operations
Tel.: 06 11 44 49 59 - jean-pascal.jegu@teratec.fr |