


Parteners Excellerat

HLRS Universitaet Stuttgart (DE)
CINECA Consorzio Interuniversitario (IT)
KTH Ungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan (SE)
ARCTUR Racunalniski Inzeniring Doo (SL)
DLR Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft- Und Raumfahrt (DE)
CERFACS Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique (FR)
BSC Barcelona Supercomputing Center (ES)
FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (DE)
RWTH Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (DE)

Partners FocusCoE

Scapos AG (DE)
BSC Barcelona Supercomputing Center (ES)
CEA Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (FR)
ENEA Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile  (IT)
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (DE)
HLRS Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum der Universität Stuttgart (DE)
KTH Kuningla Tekniska högskolan (SW)
National University of Ireland, Galway (IR)
PRACE Partnership for advanced computing in Europe (BE)
Teratec (FR)
University College London (UK)




Home > News > General Assembly of Teratec

28th General Assembly of Teratec
October 10, 2019 - CEA's TGCC

Excellerat and FocusCoE Excellence Centers

Teratec participates in several European programs, including Excellerat and Focus CoE. The first is a Center of Excellence promoting HPC and numerical simulation in engineering applications using 6 computer codes and 11 use cases. From a concerted action, the second operates as proper control tower for scrutinizing results of all European HPC CoE.


Engineering applications will be among the first to exploit Exascale, both in industry and in research laboratories. In fact, industrial engineering is * THE * field with the greatest potential for exascale. Therefore, Excellerat brings together the necessary European-based expertise to create a Centre of Excellence in Engineering with a wide range of services, paving the way to Exascale, as part of the HPC strategy driven by EuroHPC.

To this end, Excellerat will rely on six carefully selected reference applications according to their potential to benefit from exascale: Nek5000, Alya, AVBP, Fluidity, FEniCS, Flucs. These are promising candidates for execution on Exascale showcases, pre-Exascale systems, as well as Exascale machines.

Excellerat covers a wide range of issues, not necessarily from highly technical services such as access to knowledge or networking, yet involving more technical services as well, such as co-design, improving code scalability, or portage coding to new (exa) architectures.

The Excellerat consortium will first prove the effectiveness of its exascale approach on a six selected applications set. Excellerat is also committed to deploying this approach beyond the circle of project partners by taking an active part in interest groups while integrating its results into a more global exascale approach.








FocusCoE will contribute to the success of the EU HPC Ecosystem and the EuroHPC Initiative by supporting the EU HPC CoEs to more effectively fulfil their role within the ecosystem and initiative: ensuring that extreme scale applications result in tangible benefits for addressing scientific, industrial or societal challenges. It will do this by creating an effective platform for the CoEs to coordinate strategic directions and collaboration (addressing possible fragmentation of activities across the CoEs and coordina-ting interactions with the overall HPC eco-system) and will provide support services for the CoEs in relation to both industrial outreach and promotion of their services and competences by acting as a focal point for users to discover those services.

he specific objectives of FocusCoE are :

  • To create a platform, the EU HPC CoE General Assembly, that allows all HPC CoEs to collectively define an overriding strategy and collaborative implementation for interactions with and contributions to the EU HPC Ecosystem.

  • To support the HPC CoEs to achieve en-hanced interaction with industry, and SMEs in particular, through concerted outreach and business development actions.

  • To instigate concerted action on training by and for the complete set of HPC CoEs: providing consolidating vehicle for user training offered by the CoEs and by PRACE (PATCs) and providing cross-area training to the CoEs (e.g. on sustainable business development)

  • To promote and concert the capabilities of and services offered by the HPC CoEs and development of the EU HPC CoE “brand” raising awareness with stakeholders and both academic and industrial users.

Teratec will bring to the project its experience and connections to the world of industrial and academic users for the promotion of CoE service offerings. Teratec will be the coordinator of the «CoE-Industry interaction» work package.

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