08:45 → 09:15

Welcome coffee

09:15 → 09:30


Béatrice Kosowski, Chairwoman of IBM France, Daniel Verwaerde, Chairman of Teratec

09:30 → 10:00

The scale is the limit — really ?

Eva Cruck, Special deputy for innovation, Defense Digital Agency, Ministère des Armées

10:00 → 10:20

Review of Existing European Trainings

Shaping Quantum Future : an Overview of the French Universities Offer

Siméon Valdman, General Manager of Le Lab Quantique and Les Maisons du Quantique, LE LAB QUANTIQUE

10:20 → 10:50

Coffee Break


10:50 → 12:10

Enabling Technologies: Market Challenges and Solutions

10:50 → 11:10

Cryogenics for Quantum Computer : Upscale challenges
Simon Crispel, Innovation Cryogenic Team Manager, AIRLIQUIDE

11:10 → 11:30

Radiall Interconnectivity Solutions for Quantum Computer
Jacques Martinet, Director of Business Unit, RADIALL

11:30 → 11:50

Lasers & Photonics for Quantum Computing scaling : current status
Johan Boullet, Chief Technology Officer Supply Chain Pillar , Naquidis

11:50 → 12:10

Scaling-up quantum computing by interconnecting quantum processors

Jean Lautier Gaud, Co-founder and head of business development, WELINQ

12:10 → 13:10

Lunch Break


13:10 → 15:40

Hardware and Software Providers – Scaling Challenges, Solutions Found, and Issues to Address

13:10 → 13:40

Scaling quantum computing for the utility era
Pierre Jaeger, Quantum Strategic Partnership Executive, IBM

13:40 → 14:00

What is next for cold atoms in the quantum computing world
Krisztian Benyo, Ph.D. Technical Business Developer, PASQAL

14:00 → 14:20

14:20 → 14:40

Scaling up superconducting qubit quantum computers at IQM
Xavier Geoffret, Technical Sales Manager and Country Manager for IQM France, IQM

14:40 → 15:00

Scaling cat-qubits with enabling technologies
Rémi de La Vieuville & Cécile Perrault, Control Electronics Lead, ALICE&BOB

15:00 → 15:20

15:20 → 15:40

15:40 → 16:10



16:10 → 17:10

Industrial users perspectives

16:10 → 16:30

Needs for middleware in the context of HPC and Quantum Computing
Philippe Deniel, Research Engineer – Fellow Expert, CEA

16:30 → 16:50

The hurdles that we have identified to Scale the algorithms
Joseph Mikael, Project Manager in Quantum Technologies, EDF

16:50 → 17:10

Behind the technological challenges of QC, the end-user integration undertaking
Romain Kukla, quantum technologies expert, NAVAL GROUP