TERATEC Forum 2015 was incredibly intense and has enabled us to gauge the extraordinary extent to which cutting-edge digital technology has expanded into all sectors
The range of applications is branching into new sectors of industry at the same time that the field is expanding and now encompasses digital simulation and all Big Data. We are seeing increasing integration between HPC, Simulation and Big Data, both on the side of suppliers – as in Intel's announcement that it will open its European Big Data Laboratory at Teratec – and that of the users who demonstrated integration in progress.
We have seen the same thing with very large users, for example the SKA project (Square Kilometre Array) presented by Professor Paul Alexander of the University of Cambridge, which is to Astronomy what the CERN is to Particle Physics, as well as with very large industrial groups such as Safran and Ubisoft, and in new sectors including agriculture and materials.
Emmanuel Macron, French Minister of the Economy, Industry and the Digital Sector, and Thierry Mandon, Minister of State for Higher Education and Research, have shown the importance attached by the public authorities to these technologies, with a review of the extremely advanced state of progress on France's Industrial "Supercomputing" Plan which, given the developments presented, is now expanding to include all data-intensive activities.
The conclusion of the Plenary Session was especially interesting, bringing together speakers including: Xavier Beulin, CEO of Groupe AVRIL and Chairman of the National Federation of Agricultural Holders' Unions (FNSEA), who demonstrated how the leaders of the farming world have decided to master these technologies and set up a "Digital Valley for plants", and signed a partnership agreement with Teratec, and Thierry Breton, CEO of ATOS, who gave a brilliant description of the changes taking place in the IT services sector and the importance of industry control over hardware and software architecture. The session ended with Thierry Mandon stressing his long-standing interest in our subjects, as participants of previous Forums well know, and his proactive and determined support.
Thank you to all our speakers, sponsors and exhibitors. And special thanks to Usine Nouvelle which jointly organised the Simulation Trophies with us and to Intel which sponsored Teratec's 10th anniversary reception party.
We wish you all a busy and exciting autumn, full of possibilities.
Director of TERATEC |
The latest advances in the major fields of action covered by the Supercomputing Plan of the "the New Face of Industry in France"
Mastering Technology
Within the framework of the agreement between the CEA and the State, the objectives of stage 1 (2013-2015) implemented with Bull have already been achieved, with technology developed for a 100-petaflop supercomputer in the 20-MW power envelope. Industrial laboratories in partnership with world leaders in the sector are planned for new architectures dedicated to Big Data and storage systems :
Sectoral initiatives
Industry leaders are mobilised in three key sectors:
- Materials, through the opening of a cutting-edge industrial laboratory (materials design, manufacturing and ageing).
- Plants, through the development of a "Digital Valley for Plants" with leaders in the agriculture and agri-food industry.
- Multimedia through preparations for an industrial initiative for digital cinema and image synthesis.
Further initiatives will be launched in three other fields: urban systems, manufacturing industries and healthcare.
Simulation spreading through the SME and mid-cap industrial fabric
In response to a Call for Expression of Interest launched in 2014, an organisation is currently being finalised to integrate a new industrial initiative to support SMEs and midcaps who wish to integrate simulation solutions in their current industrial processes (initially targeting the following sectors: mechanical engineering, building and public works) and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research's HPC for SMEs initiative drawing on computing centres and the expertise of public labs to solve highly specialised simulation problems
Education and training
Continuing education and training is being developed in relation to the programme designed to spread the use of digital simulation in industry. Initial education is being planned for autumn 2016. |
Be Sponsor or Exhibitor of TERATEC Forum 2016
The eleventh edition of the TERATEC Forum will take place on June 28 & 29 at the Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, Paris area) with more than 1,300 professionals, decision-makers and experts in the fields of HPC, Big Data and Simulation, stemming from the industrial and technological worlds and from the world of research, around these major technological and economic issues.
The participation and testimonials from major industrial firms, the presentations of leading tech companies in the field, the diversity and the level of the technical workshops, the representativeness of the exhibitors and the innovation of the offers presented, illustrate the technological and industrial dynamics at work in simulation and the major role that France plays in this field. The TERATEC Forum if the leading event in Europe for all those who are concerned with high-performance simulation.
On Tuesday, June 28, the Plenary Sessions will focus on the technological challenges in high-performance simulation and on the diversity in the uses for high performance computing. On Wednesday, June 29, technical workshops will take stock of the emerging technologies and in new application sectors for HPC. On June 28 and 29, an exhibit of about eighty booths will bring together the main players in HPC. Manufactures and publishers, suppliers and integrators of hardware, software and service solutions, universities and research laboratories, competitiveness clusters and public organizations, will present their latest innovations in terms of high performance simulation
Become a TERATEC 2016 sponsor. By becoming a TERATEC Forum 2016 sponsor and being involved in our marketing actions, you will be able to get the word out and create a positive image for your company with many players in the HPC sector BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the Forum.
Set up a booth in the exhibition and professional meetings area. Present your innovations and products, your R&D projects and your business or organization.
To participate to these days, submit a paper for the workshops, book a booth at the exhibition or be a TERATEC Forum 2016 sponsor, please contact Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 |
You wish to submit a paper for the workshops at the TERATEC Forum 2016 ?
You want to give your testimony? Share your experience in HPC, simulation and big data ? Present the solutions you implemented or invite your customers to give their feedback?
Email us before February 15, 2016: The title of your presentation(s) + A 10-lines summary (maximum) + The name and title of the planned speaker(s)
Presentations should be related to applications, in sectors such as manufacturing and engineering, environment and sustainable cities, materials, bio and medical, digital technologies for plants..., and should either: present real-life applications in business/industrial companies, propose methodologies to introduce new technologies in companies, showcase business-focused approaches or illustrate the integration of methods and tools in companies to reflect the latest technological evolutions.
Presentations focused on technology or research should allow attendees to evaluate the potential, the limitations and evolutions of the said technologies. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, new architectures, storage technologies, new generation software and new algorithms.
Priority will be given to papers submitted by TERATEC member and TERATEC Forum 2015 exhibitors propositions and including user testimonials, practical use cases and operational feedback.
To submit a paper for the workshops, please contact : Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 |
Looking back at the 10th TERATEC Forum
Attracting over 1,300 international participants, the Teratec Forum once again demonstrated its positioning as a major event for HPC, Simulation and Big Data at the service of industry and research
At the plenary sessions, directors of industrial companies discussed current technologies and those that will shape the future, with speakers including Barry R. DAVIS (General Manager, High Performance Fabrics Operation, INTEL), Ken CLAFFEY (VP & GM Storage Systems Group, SEAGATE) and a concluding speech by Thierry BRETON, CEO of ATOS, in which he focused on the impact of these technologies on the business world
Large-scale users spoke of how digital simulation is used in their specific sectors, with Paul ALEXANDER (Square Kilometre Array, University of Cambridge), Farchad BIDGOLIRAD (R&D Supervisor, UBISOFT Motion Picture), Jacques BROCHET (Science and Technology Director, SAFRAN) and Xavier BEULIN (Chairman of the FNSEA and CEO, Groupe AVRIL).
In the speech by Emmanuel MACRON, France's Minister of the Economy, Industry and the Digital Sector, and the closing speech by Thierry MANDON, Minister of State for Higher Education and Research, the public authorities emphasised the rate of progress of HPC in France and the fact that it is integrated in major State decisions such as implementation of the Supercomputer Plan presented during the Forum.
- To see videos and download the presentations of the Plenary Sessions >>>>
Following the first award ceremony for the 2015 Digital Simulation Awards, the day ended with a reception party to celebrate TERATEC's 10th anniversary held on the banks of the Ecole Polytechnique lake and attended by 400 people in a festive and musical atmosphere.
The technical workshops held by market leaders and recognised experts focused on emerging technologies: Big Data analysis - Computer Architecture - Parallel algorithms and software - Data storage and data flow for exascale and on new sectors for HPC application: Digital plant technology - Big Data, multi-scale and materials - Engineering and manufacturing - Modelling for urban systems
- Download the technical workshop presentations >>>>
At the exhibition, participants found out about the latest HPC hardware and software innovations: digital simulation, supercomputers, visualisation, graphics cards, open source, Cloud, GPU, Big Data, storage, clustering, engineering services, virtual prototyping, R&D, scientific computation, etc. - all the building blocks of HPC were on display at the stands set up in the Grand Hall, a concrete illustration of the know-how of the 65 exhibitors showing at this year's Forum.
- Download the TERATEC Forum 2015 catalog and find all exhibitors >>>>
Great success for the first 2015 Digital Simulation Awards
The 1st edition of Digital Simulation Awards 2015, organized in partnership with L'Usine Digitale, rewarded champions of digital simulation:
- Grand Prize for Simulation : DISTENE
- Startup Award :: CYBELETECH
- Innovation Award : : HYDROCEAN
- Collaboration Award : CERFACS TURBOMECA
- To learn more about the winners and see the video of the Awards Ceremony >>>>
- The partners of the 2015 Awards are : ATOS - COMSOL - HP - INRIA - Read more >>>>
Get ready as of now for the 2nd edition of the Digital Simulation Awards!
Launch candidatures in January 2016 and Award Ceremony during Teratec Forum 2016
Informations Digital Simulation Awards : Pauline Dupré • 01 77 92 93 01 • Email |
White Paper published: "Les clés du futur"
This paper, published to mark Teratec's 10th anniversary, is a collection of contributions by heads of industry and research covering current and future developments in HPC, Simulation and Big Data, and the challenges in terms of use.
It contains the points of view of Intel, Atos, ESI-Group, Ansys and Dassault-Systèmes together with those of the most advanced users such as the CEA, INRIA, Dassault-Aviation and Ubisoft, all in one publication. New themes are also presented, including biology, by Martin KARPLUS, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, agriculture, by Xavier BEULIN, Chairman of Avril and the FNSEA, together with the vision of the public authorities, by Robert MADELIN, Director-General at the European Commission and Louis CHWEITZER, General Commissioner for Investment. Read more >>>> |
The Teratec Campus, at the heart of digital innovation
The incubator and business center on the Teratec Campus meet the development needs of companies, start-ups, and companies in their development phase
If you're seeking a strategic location for your core business and business meeting, think of the Teratec Campus incubator and start-up center, and join the many companies already present here:AS+ GROUPE EOLEN - ATEM - AVANTIS TECHNOLOGY - BULL - CEA - CMI DEFENCE - CYBELETECH - DISTENE - ESI GROUP - INTEL - MANTENNA EXPERTISE - NUMTECH - NVIDIA - PARATOOLS - SCILAB ENTERPRISES - SILKAN - ...
The Teratec Campus offers premium private spaces, equipped with wiring and telephony, which come with a selection of à la carte services as desired: furniture, parking, reception and assistance, access to conference rooms, and shared office resources. In addition to the material aspects, choosing to work out of the incubator or start-up center on the Teratec Campus guarantees a high level of flexibility: Read more >>>>
Intel is opening its first laboratory in Europe dedicated to the development of Big Data solutions at the Teratec Campus and for the benefit of its partners
The centre will work with technology and industry companies, research centres and academia, to promote the development of Big Data and boost its implementation.
As Intel's bridgehead in Europe for Big Data, the laboratory will initially focus on three key challenges with major implications for society: smart cities, personalised healthcare and connected precision agriculture. It will boast all the hardware, software and human resources required for its success.
Intel chose to locate this new laboratory at Teratec due to the technology park's high level of attractiveness and the diversity of skills found here, together with the fact that France is a great environment for technological innovation, and on the back of Intel's investments over the last few years and, more recently, in France.
Read more >>>> |
TERATEC's Training Workshops
Organized on the TERATEC Campus and animated by members of TERATEC, the purpose of these workshops is to present their latest software, hardware or service innovations, to provide concrete cases for their use in an industrial context and to accompany the participants in implementing them.
MATLAB for high performance computing: new functions for higher speeds
On 24 September 2015, from 14.00 to 17.30 at the Teratec Campus, the Mathworks teams will demonstrate how engineers working under MATLAB can have transparent access to increased computing power, thus reducing simulation times without monopolising their development hardware. Read more >>>>
Noesis: Analysing Sensitivity and Robust Design Optimisation: tools & methodological approaches
On 22 October 2015, from 14.00 to 17.00 at the Teratec Campus, this workshop will address parametric modelling techniques for design space exploration, decision aid and robust design optimisation approaches using OPTIMUS. NOESIS and PHIMECA's presentation will explain how these techniques will enable you to turn an acceptable design into a reference product. Read more >>>>
Altair: experiment by yourself simple cloud solutions designed for numerical simulation
22 October 2015, from 14.00 to 17.00 at the Teratec Campus,. During the workshop, through real examples, you will learn and see how to manage, run and visualize simulation jobs, on private or shared cloud HPC. Save The Date !
Teratec and some of its members work together to set up and promote French and European research projects between industrial firms, technology suppliers, and major research centers
Developed within the framework of French R&D programmes (Competitiveness Clusters, particularly Advancity, Cap Digital, Medicen, Systematic Paris Région and Vegepolys, and ANR, the French National Research Agency) and European R&D programmes (Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, H2020, ITEA3), here is a selection of some recent research projects. Information relative to all ongoing or completed projects can be found on the TERATEC website. >>>> Launch of the POP Centre of Excellence (Performance Optimisation and Productivity)
Increasingly complex codes and systems that use HPC require methods and time, things which users do not always have at their disposal. In-depth analysis of how codes actually behave provides a better return on investment when re-engineering code with a view to optimisation. The POP Centre of Excellence (Performance Optimisation and Productivity) brings together experts in performance analysis tools and programming models enabling academic and industrial users to run a diagnosis of the behaviour of their applications and proposing solutions to optimise code performance, as well as providing assistance in implementing such transformations as efficiently as possible. Read more >>>>
Progress on COLOC, the European COncurrency and LOcality Challenge Project
The European COLOC project (ITEA 13024) is continuing to make progress in the fields of data locality modelling in relation to the increasingly complex hardware architecture of supercomputers. Extensions have been made to HWLOC (INRIA) regarding topology-based dynamic application monitoring (Nicolas Denoyelle, Brice Goglin and Emmanuel Jeannot - A Topology-Aware Performance Monitoring Tool for Shared Resource Management in Multicore Systems, 3rd Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for the Many-core Era (Rome 2015), Euro-Par workshop Vienna, Austria, Aug 2015). MAQAO (UVSQ) is currently being extended to integrate reading and analysis of information on data locality. The project has focused on defining proto-applications: liaising between academic research and end users to prepare for implementation, modernisation and optimisation of digital simulation computational codes (Nathalie Möller, Eric Petit, Loïc Thébault, Quang V. Dinh: A Case Study on using a Proto-application as a Proxy for Code Modernization, Architecture, Languages Compilation and Hardware support for Emerging ManYcore systems [ALCHEMY] workshop, Int. Conf. On Computational Science [ICCS], Reykjavik, June 2015). Computational fluid mechanics (CFD), electromagnetics (CEM) and structural mechanics (CSM) are the targeted fields of application.
The project is sponsored by Bull and involves several European partners: Atos (Bull), Dassault Aviation, Efield Ab, INRIA, Scilab Enterprises, Swedish Defence Research Agency FOI, Teratec and Université de Versailles St-Quentin-En-Yvelines (UVSQ). Read more >>>> |
Teratec Member and partner news
ESI Group is launching ESI-Xplorer, a systems modelling solution, integrated in the Visual-Environment platform - Read more >>>
BSC and CEA will coordinate efforts to reinforce European HPC research and technology innovation - Read more >>>
HPC Specialist Transtec wins 7 Million Euro Deal at Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (K.I.T.) - Read more >>>
EnginSoft announces the release of Flowmaster7.9.4 - Read more >>>
The Synthetic Biology platform of the Institute of Systems & Synthetic Biology - Read more >>>
FUJITSU invites you to learn about and test its FUJITSU Software HPC Gateway free of charge - Read more >>>
PATC (Prace Advanced Training Centers)Training - Read more >>>
New from SCILAB: Scilab 6.0.0-alpha-1, Scilab team, ScilabTec - Read more >>>>
ActiveEon: an innovative software editor in distributed and parallel infrastructures, for Cloud platforms - Read more >>>
Quasardb release 2.0 Launch with its star feature ‘ Tags’
The GENOPOLE biocluster has a new application platform - Read more >>>
Launch of the Call for Projects "Grands défis du numérique" - Read more >>>
CNRS will again be present at SuperComputing - Read more >>>
ETP4HPC : European HPC in motion - Read more >>>
8e Conférence européenne dédiée à la simulation numérique : L’intégralité du programme des 3 jours est désormais disponible ! - Read more >>>
New Panasas ActiveStor 18 Delivers Increased Density, Performance and Scalability - Read more >>>>
BULL-Joseph Fourier Prize: time to submit your application!- Read more >>>
Renault runs a crash optimization study on a 20 million elements car model with ESI’s Virtual Performance Solution - Read more >>>
Cray opens EMEA Headquarters in Bristol - Cray upcoming events in France - Cray supercomputers and their utilization in the industry - Read more >>>
CEA: a strong commitment to European HPC - Read more >>>
OPENTEXT: LExceed VA TurboX: the HPC environment access solution!- Read more >>>After two years of development, we present ClusterVision Trinity a full cluster management software stack based on OpenStack - Read more >>>

Interviews and testimonies, interventions by public authorities, minutes of Teratec Forum, discussions between major players, market analysis, ...... find all the HPC, Big Data and Digital Simulation news on the WebTV Teratec .

Upcoming events of Teratec members and partners |
InHP@CT : Séminaires d’Informatique Haute Performance Septembre / Octobre - Campus TERATEC (France) |
Atelier Formation Teratec - MATLAB pour le calcul haute performance : de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour plus de rapidité
September 24th - Campus TERATEC (France) |
8th European Altair Technology Conference
September 29th – October 1st, 2015 - Cité de la musique, Paris (France) |
Genopole - Inauguration du B7
October 1st, 2015 - Genocentre, Evry (France) |
Séminaire Formation NAFEMS - Introduction à la Simulation Numérique
October 6 &7, 2015 - Paris (France) |
October 6-8, 2015 - Bourron Marlotte (France) |
58th HPC User Forum
October 12 & 13, 2015 - Institute of Earth Physics of Paris (France) |
Seminaire Ansys - La simulation numérique pour le développement et l'optimisation des turbomachines
October 13, 2015 - Novotel Paris Vaugirard Montparnasse (France) |
Congrès Cetim-NAFEMS - La simulation numérique pour les mécaniciens
October 13, 2015 - Cetim, Saint-Etienne (France) |
Journée des Plates-formes 2015
October 13, 2015 - Genocentre, Evry (France) |
COMSOL Conference 2015
October 14 - 16, 2015 - Grenoble (France) |
CAE Conference 2015
October 19-20, 2015 - Pacengo del Garda, Vérone (Italie) |
Atelier Formation Teratec - Analyse de Sensibilité et Optimisation Robuste : outils & approches méthodologiques
October 22, 2015 - Campus TERATEC (France) |
Séminaire Formation NAFEMS - V&V: Vérification & Validation des Modèles et Analyses
November 4 &5, 2015 - NOVOTEL Paris-Charenton (France) |
Atelier Formation Teratec - Altair : Expérimentez de façon simple et direct les solutions cloud pour la simulation numérique
November 5, 2015 - Campus TERATEC (France) |
36e Forum ORAP : Architectures innovantes de code pour le HPC
November 5, 2015, CNRS, Paris (France |
Séminaire Formation NAFEMS - Perfectionnement à la Simulation Numérique - Méthodologies et Bonnes Pratique en contexte industriel
November 17 &18, 2015 - NOVOTEL Paris-Charenton (France) |
Boost-Industrie 2015
November 18, 2015 - Medef, Paris (France) |
Big Data Business Convention 2015
November 24 & 25, 2015 - HEC Paris - Jouy-en-Josas (France) |
CSDM 2015
December 2-4, 2015 - Paris (France) |
SimRace, Conference on Numerical methods and high performance computing for industrial fluid flows
December 8-10, 2015 - IFPEN / Rueil-Malmaison (near Paris) - France |
Download the TERATEC brochure |
Download the Activity Report |