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Do not miss our Workshops at Teratec Digital Forum
We invite you to participate in 6 technical and application workshops to fully understand the contributions of HPC, Digital Simulation, Big Data and Data Learning (AI) serving competitiveness of companies.
Tuesday 13 (afternoon) and Wednesday 14 October (day), six thematic workshops with renowned international experts and manufacturers presenting innovative implementations and developments of these promising technologies.
- Digital twin in medicine
- Quantum computing
- Environment and satellite data
- AI in scientific computing
- Cloud Computing and HPC
- Do you speak Exascale?
A unique opportunity to base your own opinion on major sectors where these technologies will play a leading role. Book now the workshops you want to participate in for free on Tuesday October 13 and Wednesday October 14 by going to the workshops home page on our site..
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© Frederick Roy, Inria |
Digital twin in medicine: are we [im] patients?
The greater availability of data in digital form as well as easier access to powerful computing resources have contributed to the diffusion and adoption of so-called artificial intelligence approaches in the field of healthcare. They are presented as a determining factor in the development of preventive and personalised medicine. AI comes on top and complements the studies and developments in the modelling of living organisms that have been undertaken for decades. Researchers, often in a multidisciplinary environment, are developing numerical models, from the molecular to the population scale, including organs and the whole body.
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Quantum computing: What's new in QuBits?
Many quantum computer technologies have been explored and demonstrated over the last two decades, but the last few years have seen an acceleration in the announcement of platforms and in the emergence of new players. This workshop will present some of the most interesting recent evolutions carried by a wide range of players, from start-ups to global companies. Our speakers will share their insights and achievements on Rydberg-atom qubits, Google’s quantum supremacy, photonic qubits, spin qubits and topological qubits. The workshop will start with an update on the French National Quantum Plan.
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© CNES |
Environment and satellite data: from abundance of applications to the surge of structured solutions.
The workshop will be an opportunity to present the richness of the field, through deliberately varied and illustrating thematic applications: ocean meteorology, coastal dynamics, land occupation and precision agriculture, urban growth..., with a certain number of ongoing developments, involving public and private actors, be it for data access infrastructure projects based on hybrid or interoperable architectures, services for the production of targeted analyses, or demonstrative cases of virtual laboratories (science test beds or virtual research environments) allowing the testing of models or algorithms on intensive computing infrastructures.
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AI in scientific computing : accelerating innovation in industrial and academic domain.
AI and big data have revolutionized automatic translation, search engine, targeted advertising, smart devices, autonomous driving… In this workshop, after a presentation of a representative successful AI recommendation product in the streaming business, we propose to explore new usage of big data and AI in various field of numerical simulation, security, visualization, and scientific computing application and the opening for new opportunities in academic and industrial domains including quantum and neuromorphic technologies.
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Cloud Computing & HPC: A powerful combination driving innovative use cases.
Historically, HPC and Cloud Computing have been seen as competitive technologies. With the raise of a new continuum from sensors distributed at the edge of the network, to hybrid infrastructures where HPC resources are a constituency of complex data centric workflows it is becoming obvious that these resources are complementary. In this track we will hear how vendors and innovative end users do “walk the talk” and leverage this flexibility in cases spanning from Air Quality, Mobility in Smart Cities, Autonomous Vehicles or Renewable Energy. We will hear both software vendors prospectives, cloud providers(IaaS or PaaS) vision and explore the IOT-to-HPC technology continuum.
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TERA 1000-2 credit P.Stroppa-CEA |
Do you speak Exascale? Leap of faith or leap forward ?
Still a symbolic barrier for HPC world-wide community, Exascale has been a moving target: to some extent moving in time, although 2020 should see the first deployment(s) of near- or peak-exaflops machines; and in terms of specifications and uses, exascale can definitely not be defined in a simple and monolithic vision.
Flops- and other ops-hungry, but also byte-hungry, exascale might call for more heterogeneous and modular solutions than foreseen some years ago; so as to serve a diversity of numerical simulation, AI, data analytics needs organized and combined in more and more complex workflows.
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A plenary session to discover state of the art of technology, perspectives and the strategies to be implemented to better control and improve the competitiveness of companies.
Tuesday October 13 (morning), Senior European and French political and industrial leaders will share their vision and testimony. With the participation of Thierry Breton, Commissaire européen, Florence Parly, Ministre des Armées, Alain Rousset, Président du conseil régional de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Xavier Ursat, Directeur exécutif Groupe EDF, Trish Damkroger, Vice President, Intel Data Center Group, Kevin D. Kissell, CTO, Google.
This session will be followed by a Roundtable bringing together representatives of Atos, CEA, DDN, Dell Technologies, DoItNow, HPE and Intel with a debate on one topical issue.
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6th edition of the Simulation and AI Trophies to reveal the nuggets of Numerical Simulation, High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence.
Six trophies will be awarded by a jury of leading professionals to recognize champions in Digital Simulation, HPC, Big Data and Machine Learning (AI) on the first day of the Teratec Digital Forum, October 13 (PM).
Startup Trophy - SME Trophy - Innovation Trophy - Co-design Trophy - COVID-19 Trophy - Public Grand Prix
Organized with L’Usine Digitale Magazine, in partnership with Ansys, CEA, Inria and Smart 4D Digital Aquitaine.
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Innovative, flexible and secure, the virtual exhibition of the Teratec Digital Forum 2020 will present solutions from Exhibitors, while offering live business meetings.
This 100% digital exhibition aims to help our community to attract discussions, meet partners and new suppliers and to pursue its activity. As a visitor, you will be able to review the list of Exhibitors and discover their latest innovations, call on experts in the fields of interest to you, arrange live business meetings by videoconference in your secured area, download the required documentation and view the videos from the Exhibitors, meet and exchange between participants.
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