Dear friends and colleagues,
The year 2015 has given us the opportunity to reflect on major current technological developments and their impact on our economy and lifestyle. It is clear that these developments are radically transforming the industrial landscape, both in terms of the way we develop and market our products or services, and in terms of our working practices, regardless of industry, research, education or health care sector. This is the main challenge that we are currently faced with.
The 2015 TERATEC Forum, which coincided with our company's 10th anniversary, provided a timely opportunity to consider the progress made so far and the ongoing development of our activities. Many key players, both in France and throughout Europe, are asking us to play a more active role in major initiatives and implementation strategies, and that is exactly what we intend to do.
In France, the public authorities have asked us to coordinate the Industrial Supercomputing Plan, currently headed by Gérard Roucairol and now part of the Data Saving Plan. This provides an optimal framework for the development of technological control strategies (Exascale programme, new computing architectures) and the implementation of sector-specific initiatives (material science, agriculture, multimedia, etc.). Also within this framework, TERATEC was recently tasked with a major project to promote the use of simulation tools in SMEs and industrial corporations, scheduled for implementation over a period of several years, with investment of significant resources, regular progress reporting, and significant potential for creation of new opportunities.
In Europe, we are strengthening our collaboration with ETP4HPC (European Technology Platform for High-Performance Computing) and we are actively involved in various European projects, e.g. COLOC (computing architecture development), EXDCI (exascale computing preparation) and POP (application performance optimization). Our sphere of action and employee base is rapidly expanding.
With the current year coming to an end, I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy New Year, full of personal and professional success.
Directeur de TERATEC |
Participate as a Sponsor or Exhibitor at the TERATEC 2016 Forum
The 11th edition of the TERATEC Forum will be held on June 28 and 29, 2016 at Ecole Polytechnique with the expected participation of over 1300 professionals, decision-makers and experts in HPC, Big Data and Digital Simulation, representing a broad spectrum of industrial, scientific and research community perspectives on the major technological and economic issues at stake.
The participation and testimonials of major industrial firms, the detailed presentations given by leading tech companies in the field, the diversity and high technical level of the workshops organized, the high degree of representativity of the exhibitors and the innovative nature of the proposals presented should all serve to illustrate technological and industrial dynamics at work in the field of digital simulation and the major role played by France in this field.
The TERATEC Forum is the leading European event for all those interested in high-performance computing and simulation.
On Tuesday, June 28, the Plenary Sessions will focus on the technological challenges of high-performance digital simulation and the multiple potential applications of high-performance computing.
On Wednesday, June 29, technical workshops will be held to review emerging technologies and new uses for HPC and Big Data applications.
On June 28 and 29, an exhibit of about eighty booths will be set up, representing all key players in HPC. Hardware/software manufacturers, publishers, distributors, integrators, service providers, universities, research laboratories, competitiveness clusters and public organizations will present their latest innovations in high-performance digital simulation.
To book an exhibition booth or become a sponsor at the TERATEC 2016 Forum
Contact Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 |
To submit a paper for the workshops at the TERATEC 2016 Forum ?
YWould you like to submit a testimonial, share your experience in digital simulation and Big Data applications, present your solutions, or invite your customers to provide valuable feedback? Email us before February 15, 2016: The title of your presentation(s) + A 10-lines summary (maximum) + The name and title of the planned speaker(s)
Presentations should be related to applications, in relevant areas (such as material simulation, biology, biomedicine, medicine and health care, multimedia, digital graphics and animation, industrial plant simulation and digital control, etc.) and should either present real-life applications in industrial/commercial companies, propose methodologies for introducing new technologies in companies, showcase new business-focused approaches, or illustrate the integration of new tools and techniques so as to benefit from the latest technological developments.
Presentations focused on technology or research should allow attendees to assess potential benefits, limitations and technological advances, with possible topics including (but not limited to): new computing architectures, Big Data applications and analysis, HPC and virtualization, storage technologies, HPC and Internet of Things (IoT), new generation software and new algorithms..
Priority will be given to papers and proposals submitted by TERATEC members and 2015 TERATEC Forum exhibitors, including user testimonials, practical use cases and operational feedback.
To submit a paper for the workshops at the TERATEC Forum 2016
Contact : Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 |
The incubator and business center on the Teratec Campus meet the development needs of companies, start-ups, and companies in their development phase
The Teratec Campus offers premium private spaces, equipped with wiring and telephony, which come with a selection of à la carte services as desired: furniture, parking, reception and assistance, access to conference rooms, and shared office resources. In addition to the material aspects, choosing to work out of the incubator or start-up center on the Teratec Campus guarantees a high level of flexibility:
- Private spaces, even small ones, can be upgraded at any time... we offer premises ranging from 15 to 170 sqm
- Lease terms are only 24 months, with the option for early termination.
If you're seeking a strategic location for your core business and business meeting, think of the Teratec Campus incubator and start-up center, and join the many companies already present here: AS+ GROUPE EOLEN - ATEM - AVANTIS TECHNOLOGY - BULL/ATOS - CEA - CMI DEFENCE - CYBELETECH - DISTENE - ESI GROUP - INTEL - MANTENNA EXPERTISE - NUMTECH - NVIDIA - PARATOOLS - SCILAB ENTERPRISES - SILKAN - WIZZ YOO - ...Read more >>>> |
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Performance Optimized Datacenters bring HPC faster to end users. Read more >>>>
Le Ministère de l’Intérieur du Royaume-Uni refond sa plateforme d’attribution sécurisée des visas avec Proactive Workflows & Scheduling. Read more >>>>
The latest news from Cray !. Read more >>>>
Le lancement de la nouvelle version de SPEED v10.06 de CD-adapco ouvre la voie à l’exploration automatisée et intelligente de la conception des machines électriques. Read more >>>>
ClusterVision is growing !. Read more >>>>
Bolstered by its expertise in numerical simulation and software development, SILKAN Company announces the availability of the first version of its new product BuilderTM. Read more >>>>
VTK & ParaView training by Kitware - 2016 program. Read more >>>>
PRACE Launches Third Call for Applications under SHAPE. Read more >>>>
Last Seagate Product Announcement : Seagate ClusterStor L300, Seagate ClusterStor G200 and Seagate ClusterStor A200. Read more >>>>
CD-adapco’s DARS v2.12 Accelerates Design Decision Process for Combustion and Chemical Process Engineers. Read more >>>>
STAR-CCM+ v10.06: CD-adapco Introduces Computational Rheology and Continues to Expand Footprint in the CAE Market. Read more >>>>
EnginSoft announces the release of RecurDyn® and “MBD for ANSYS powered by RecurDyn®”. Read more >>>>
Launch of Bull sequana - the 1st range of Exascale ready supercomputers!. Read more >>>>
TERA 1000: CEA completes first milestone towards Exascale. Read more >>>>
CS obtient le label France Cybersecurity pour son SIEM PRELUDE. Read more >>>>
Quartet FS & quasardb : l’alliance de l’In-Memory et du NoSQL pour repousser les limites de l’analyse Big Data. Read more >>>>
ESI and DAHER showcase Immersive Virtual Prototyping at the French-German Digital Conference in Paris. Read more >>>>
COMSOL Releases the Latest Version of Software for Creating Simulation Apps. Read more >>>>
ESI releases PAM-STAMP 2015. Read more >>>>
PRACEdays16 Call for Contributions and Posters – Extended Deadline. Read more >>>>
Mont-Blanc European project gains new impetus for its climb to Exascale. Read more >>>>
Greetings from team quasardb!. Read more >>>>
High performance computing speeds up the low carbon energy transition. Read more >>>>
MOOC « From Particles to Stars » of Université Paris-Saclay - CEA/DIF is contributing to Supercomputing module. Read more >>>>
En rejoignant le prestigieux consortium BHR Group, CD-adapco s'engage un peu plus dans l'industrie chimique de transformation. Read more >>>>
CS présente IKATS, un projet d’innovation visant à faciliter la manipulation, l’analyse exploratoire et la visualisation des grands volumes de séries temporelles. Read more >>>>
Interviews and testimonies, interventions by public authorities, minutes of Teratec Forum, discussions between major players, market analysis, ...... find all the HPC, Big Data and Digital Simulation news on the WebTV Teratec .

European Pole
Simulation & HPC

More information about TERATEC