At our 2014 Forum, it was generally agreed that simulation is changing rapidly and becoming increasingly important to industry, as well as to most business sectors at this point.
As the director general of the French Ministry of Economy Pascal Faure said in his speech, "The most remarkable change is probably how many new industrial sectors are using high performance computing and simulation." Pascal Faure emphasized two other major developments, namely that "simulation is becoming affordable for small and medium sized businesses and industries" and that we must "underscore the technological excellence France has achieved in the field of high performance computing."
These three factors are extremely encouraging; as the field opens to new industrial sectors and small businesses gain access, simulation and computing will gain momentum and our role will become even more important.
Teratec's contribution to the industrial "Supercomputers" plan was presented at the forum, with several workshops directly inspired by it. Via Gérard Roucairol, we also participated in the meeting called by the French president one year after the industrial plans were launched: the " Supercomputers " plan was among the first of these approved. In the coming months, this will become the basis for new announcements and initiatives that will take over from previous calls for projects.
Finally, things are developing on the Teratec Campus, with new arrivals, training sessions and workshops held by and for our members, and the upcoming celebration of Teratec's 10th anniversary next year, when we will look back at how far we have come and get ready to expand our activities.
In the meantime, we wish you a very productive and promising fall.
Director of TERATEC |
Major action priorities in the Supercomputers Plan for the New "Industrial France" A new generation of supercomputers: The use of massively parallel solutions and the resulting energy consumption constraints have disrupted the field, ushering in a new generation of supercomputers to achieve exaflop-scale performance. The goals are to design and test new architectures compatible with these constraints.
New architectures: The goal is to work jointly to develop the tools and methods needed for designing new, optimized hardware and software, and to design architectures dedicated to certain classes of applications.
New generation of software: The advent of new hardware architectures has made it necessary to adapt or rewrite all digital software applications to take full advantage of this new computing capacity. The aim is to develop digital tools that are recognized as the global gold standard and showcase them through rapidly developing companies.
Sector-specific initiative for Healthcare: The aim of this initiative is to make France a leader in healthcare simulation (data use, high-volume sequencing, and clinical data) so that industrial firms in the healthcare sector can accelerate the processes of innovation and developing innovative treatments and predictive methods
. Sector-specific initiative for Plants: It aims to design and develop a complete set of decision-aid and simulation tools for all the issues of the plant engineering and agricultural world chain.
Sector-specific initiative for Urban Systems: The aim of this initiative is to design the chain of modeling and simulation (design and supervision) tools for urban systems and create governance and management tools.
Sector-specific initiative for Materials: The goal of this program is to design and develop software tools to solve issues related to materials at every stage of their design, production, and use.
Sector-specific initiative for the Manufacturing and Energy Industries: The goal of this initiative is to master tools and techniques across the entire life cycle of major systems in the manufacturing and energy industries
. Sector-specific initiative for Multimedia: The goal of this program is to design image processing, animation simulation, and rendering engine software that can be used by all players in the industry.
Dissemination: One of the main aims is to make it possible for industrial and service companies, particularly small businesses, to take advantage of the opportunities created by simulation to develop their offerings, improve their performance, and thus become more competitive.
Training: The HPC sector demands a high level of skill from those offering both technologies (hardware and software) and services, as well as from users. This is why a massive training plan is required at all levels (both initial and continuing education).
SAVE THE DATE! Forum TERATEC 2015 - June 23 & 24 - 10th anniversary
The tenth edition of the TERATEC Forum will take place on June 23 & 24 at the Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, Paris area)
On June 23, the plenary sessions will bring together personalities from the political, economic and academic communities, users from leading international industrial companies, leading providers in these technologies and innovative SMEs, around supercomputing issues. On June24, technical workshops will provide an update on major topics. During these two days, an exhibition of eighty stands will bring together key players on high-performance simulation market to present their latest innovations in HPC.
To participate to these days, submit a paper for the workshops, book a booth at the exhibition or be a TERATEC Forum 2015 sponsor, please contact Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 |
Back on TERATEC Forum 2014
HPC helps companies by boosting their competitiveness! That was one of the main observations that the Teratec Forum illustrated during 2 very dense days in Palaiseau, ending on July 2.
The first day's talks highlighted how rapidly HPC has been expanding in France and the extent to which it has been adopted by the government in France and even Europe via major decisions, such as the official launch of the "Supercomputers" plan, one of the first of the 34 plans adopted by the French government; it was approved on May 7 by Minister of Industrial Recovery Arnaud Montebourg and President François Hollande.
During the 2 days of the forum, more than 1,200 participants learned about the latest hardware and software innovations in high performance computing: digital simulation, supercomputers, visualization, graphics cards, open source, Cloud, GPU, Big Data, storage, cluster, engineering services, virtual prototyping, R&D, scientific computing, and more. All the components of HPC were represented at booths in the Grand Hall, offering tangible evidence of the expertise of this year's 65 exhibitors at the Forum.
Plenary sessions: View the videos of the interventions and download the presentations
Technical Workshops: download the presentations
Exhibition: Download the exhibition catalog
The Teratec Campus, at the heart of digital innovation
The incubator and business center on the Teratec Campus meet the development needs of companies, start-ups, and companies in their development phase
The Teratec Campus offers premium private spaces, equipped with wiring and telephony, which come with a selection of à la carte services as desired: furniture, parking, reception and assistance, access to conference rooms, and shared office resources. In addition to the material aspects, choosing to work out of the incubator or start-up center on the Teratec Campus guarantees a high level of flexibility:
- Private spaces, even small ones, can be upgraded at any time... we offer premises ranging from 15 to 170 sqm
- Lease terms are only 24 months, with the option for early termination.
- And even if it's not yet time to open your business, we offer a temporary office (including Wi-Fi service) that you can rent out for a day to hold business meetings.
If you're seeking a strategic location for your core business and business meeting, think of the Teratec Campus incubator and start-up center, and join the many companies already present here: AS+ GROUPE EOLEN - ATEM - AVANTIS TECHNOLOGY - BULL - CEA - CMI DEFENCE - CYBELETECH - DISTENE - EAGOCOM - ESI GROUP - INTEL - MANTENNA EXPERTISE - NUMTECH - PARATOOLS - SCILAB ENTERPRISES - SILKAN - ... Read more |
TERATEC's Training Workshops
This new Teratec activity, which launched in 2014 on the Teratec Campus with training courses offered by Scilab Enterprises and Comsol, has 3 workshops on the agenda for the 4th quarter Free training on the latest version 10.1 of EnSight, a software program for post-processing and visualizing the results of digital simulation.
On October 23 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm on the Teratec Campus, Distene is holding a workshop to present the software and the new features of version 10.1, followed by a practical session guided by an expert on the software. Participants in the workshop will discover EnSight 10.1, and experienced users will be able to maximize their use of the software. Read more
MATLAB Day: new developments in high performance computing
On November 27 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm on the Teratec Campus, Mathworks invites you to learn about parallel computing tools with MATLAB and cluster profiles, the new features of version R2014b. Practical applications of big data, parallel computing and machine learning will be presented. Read more
Save The Date! Special HPC workshop for small businesses
The Essonne CCI is joining forces with Teratec to hold a special workshop at the Teratec Campus on December 11, designed for small businesses that do not currently use HPC technologies. The aim of this workshop, based on user feedback, is to demonstrate how HPC can boost productivity and competitiveness for small businesses. |
Teratec and some of its members work together to set up and promote French and European research projects between industrial firms, technology suppliers, and major research centers
Here is a selection of several recent research projects developed under the auspices of French R&D programs (competitiveness clusters including Advancity, Cap Digital, Medicen, Systematic Paris Région, and Vegepolys, as well as the French National Research Agency) and European programs (PCRD, ITEA3). The full list of current and completed projects is available on the Teratec website. ICOS - High definition 3D medical imaging
The ICOS project, supported by the Cap Digital, Medicen and Systematic competitiveness clusters, develops augmented reality and designs new 3D imaging tools applied to medicine, which are guided remotely by surgeons using gestures and vocal commands.
read more
SMART AGRICULTURE SYSTEM - Design and development of a system for predicting yield and supporting decisions via dynamic modeling based on localized areas
The Smart Agriculture System project, supported by the Vegepolys, Dream, and Cereales Vallee clusters, aims to design an original modeling, simulation, yield forecasting and decision support system for agricultural users, including farmers, consultants, seed manufacturers, and transformers. read more
TerriS@nté - Digital technologies to improve health in the Greater Paris area
Sponsored by the Agence Régionale de Santé (ARS) in Ile-de-France with support from Medicen, the TerriS@nté project is above all a medical one, aimed at serving the entire population with specific solutions for identified high-priority groups (chronic patients and cancer patients, pregnant women and newborns, youth, and the elderly faced with a loss of autonomy). Read more
read more
Teratec Member and partner news
NVIDIA - Eni turns on one of the largest and energy efficient High Performance Computing System for Industrial Oil and Gas activities (read more)
NVIDIA - Call for Submissions Now Open for GPU Technology Conference 2015 (read more)
ENGINSOFT France extends its software solutions range in the field of simulation (read more)
ESI GROUP - Expliseat utilise Virtual Seat Solution d'ESI pour développer le siège d’avion le plus léger au monde (read more)
Austrian Consortium places order for Top 500 highly energy efficient supercomputer based on Mineral Oil Cooling with CLUSTERVISION. (read more)
TRANSTEC poursuit sa progression dans le domaine du HPC avec un important taux de croissance de son volume de commande HPC. (read more)
CS réaffirme son positionnement d’acteur engagé dans la simulation numérique et le HPC. (read more)
CD ADAPCO - New Release: STAR-CD and es-ice v4.22. Advanced Lithium-Ion Battery Simulation Tools Available.(read more)
BUREAU 14, a French software publisher, raises 1 million dollars to speed up the growth of its Quasardb technology on the Big Data market. (read more)
ESI Group - AEROCAMPUS Aquitaine, le principal centre de formation en maintenance aéronautique d’Europe, adopte la solution de Réalité Virtuelle IC.IDO. (read more)
KITWARE - New in ParaView : Histogram View. (read more)
CRAY announces Cray CS-Storm Accelerator-Optimized Cluster Solution. (read more)
A key enabler of CRESTA’s work is access to the many large CRAY supercomputers installed at the CRESTA partner sites in Europe. (read more)
SOGETI HIGH TECH- Focus on numerical simulation. (read more)
ACTIVEEON announces a new major release: ProActive Parallel Suite 6.0. (read more)
Focus on several R&D Projects of NICE SOFTWARE. (read more)
Toute l'actualité de rentrée de GENCI. (read more)
ALLINEA Software’s tools help companies reach new milestones, achieve higher efficiency and look to the future to make applications greener. (read more)
OVH’s HPC Spot: innovation on demand. (read more)
The EXASCALE COMPUTING RESEARCH LAB moved its operation from the University of Versailles to the TERATEC Campus in Bruyeres le Chatel. (read more)
OPENSIDES Team announce the availability of FusionDirectory (read more)
CSTB, IGN, Acute3D and IMAO have signed a agreement to launch the offer Decision3D. (read more)
Le SGI UV 2000 nommé super-calculateur le plus rapide et le plus puissant d'après une évaluation standard de l'industrie. (read more)
ALINEOS' customised services: Hosting in datacenter & Computing power on demand. (read more)
Take advantage of SYSFERA's experience to boost your developments! (read more)
FirePro S9150 16GB and FirePro S9050 12GB, two new AMD GPU Computing boards. (read more)
AMD GPU Computing: Focus on OpenCL 2.0 SDK and OpenMP 4.0 open source programming frameworks. (read more)
Dell unveiled September 8, 2014 its new line of PowerEdge 13th generation servers. (read more)

Upcoming events of Teratec members and partners |
ALTAIR - Séminaires Nouveautés HyperWorks 13, Calcul de structure, Technique d'optimisation - Formations Modélisation / Visualisation, Solveur, Optimisation |
La simulation numérique pour le développement et l'optimisation des machines tournantes
September 18, 2014 - Paris (France) |
Séminaire gratuit HYPERWORKS 13
September 23, 2014 - Lyon (France) |
MATLAB EXPO 2014 France
October 4, 2014 - Paris (France) |
October 7, 2015 - Paris (France) |
Formation ALINEOS : Calcul Haute Performance & GPGPU
October, 7-9, 2014 - 77780 Bourron-Marlotte (France) |
Forum ORAP : spécial 20 ans
October 14 & 15, 2014 - Maison de l'UNESCO, Paris(France) |
Optimus World Conference 2014
October 14 & 15, 2014 - Paris (France) |
VTK & ParaView training by Kitware - 2014 end of year program
October 14 & 15, UPMC Paris |
Formation NAFEMS - La Méthode des Éléments Finis pour le Dimensionnement et la Vérification de pièces et structures
October 15 & 16, 2014, Paris |
TERATEC WORKSHOP TRAINGING - Post-traitement et visualisation de résultats de simulation numérique avec EnSight
October 23, 2014 - Campus TERATEC, Bruyères-le-Chatel (France) |
Enginsoft 30th anniversary International CAE Conference
27-28 October 2014 - Pacengo del Garda (VR), Italy |
Enginsoft 30th anniversary International CAE Conference
27-28 October 2014 - Pacengo del Garda (VR), Italy |
October 30th & November 1st, 2014 - Paris Le Beffroi (France) |
Impact des nouveaux calculateurs pour l’océan et l’atmosphère
November 4, 2014, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris (France) |
CSD&M 2014
November 12-14, 2014 - Paris (France) |
JOURNEE CCRT 2014 - Perspectives à 10 ans
November 13, 2014 – TGCC du CEA, Bruyères-le-Chatel (France) |
Formation NAFEMS - Méthodologies et Bonnes Pratiques de Simulation en contexte industriel
November 19 & 20, 2014 – Paris |
November 20, 2014 – Paris la Defense (France) |
TERATEC WORKSHOP TRAINING - MATLAB Day : nouveautés pour le calcul haute performance
November 27, 2014 - Campus TERATEC, Bruyères-le-Chatel (France) |
Forum STIC 2014
December 2, 2014 - ENSTA ParisTech (France) |
ScilabTEC 2015
May 21 & 22, 2014 - Paris (France) |
Forum TERATEC 2015
June 23 & 24, 2015 - Ecole Polytechnique de Palaiseau (France) |