Directeur de TERATEC |
Dear friends, let me begin by wishing you and your companies every success in this new year. We are looking forward to a very busy year, full of events and major program launches in France and across Europe.
The call for High Performance Computing and Simulation projects sent out by France's Ministry of Productive Recovery and High Commissioner for Investments, in response to the report on the importance of simulation to make companies more competitive that our president Gérard Roucairol submitted to the government, is a perfect opportunity to make your most advanced projects become reality. The launch meetings held in Bruyères-le-Châtel near our Campus and in Toulouse caught the eye of many industrial firms and research centers. The deadline for applications is March 31; see below for practical details about applying.
On September 12, the French President and the Minister for Productive Recovery announced an industrial policy based on 34 project plans. The "Supercomputers" plan is designed to help France master the future disruptive technologies, both hardware and software, needed to develop the next generations of supercomputers. It will also accelerate the diversification of different uses of simulation, help disseminate its use in industry, and increase appropriate training among engineers. Gérard Roucairol has been chosen to pilot this plan, confirming Teratec's role in organizing and facilitating the French industrial community. We will also have the chance to describe its content in more detail at the next Teratec Forum on July 1 and 2 at the Ecole Polytechnique, to which you are all invited.
At the European level, the Commission has just signed a Public-Private Partnership agreement with the ETP4HPC platform to develop a European HPC ecosystem, slated to receive €700 M in funding over the period of the next "Horizon 2020" framework program.
Meanwhile, our Campus is growing: ESI Group joined us in 2013, along with Silkan and its partners CMI Defence and Avantis Technology, and we will welcome more new arrivals in 2014..
All the best for 2014! |

The TERATEC Forum welcomes more than 1000 attendees, highlighting the technological and industrial dynamism of HPC and the essential role that France plays in this field. The participation and the testimony of senior industrial and ICT leaders, the diversity and the high level of the technical workshops, the representativeness of exhibitors and innovation offers displayed, are assets for all responsible concerned by simulation and high-performance computing.
Come meet decision makers and experts in the field of high performance computing, from the industrial, technological and research world around these major technological and economic challenges.
On Tuesday, July 1, the plenary sessions will focus on the technological challenges of Simulation and High Performance Computing and on the diversity of uses of HPC with the participation of representatives from the political, economic and academic worlds, and advanced international industrial users and leading technology suppliers.
On Wednesday, July 2, workshops will review emerging technologies and new adomains of high performance computing applications.
During these two days, there will be an exhibition of around eighty booths of the major simulation and HPC players. Software manufacturers and producers, integrators and distributors, service providers, academic and laboratory researchers, public and private sector developers, etc. will present their latest innovations.
Become a TERATEC 2014 sponsor. By becoming a TERATEC Forum 2014 sponsor and being involved in our marketing actions, you will be able to get the word out and create a positive image for your company with many players in the HPC sector BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the Forum.
Set up a booth in the exhibition and professional meetings area. Present your innovations and products, your R&D projects and your business or organization.
Suggest a communication in one of four workshops oriented technologies (complex systems, energy efficiency, new software tools, big data, ...) and four workshops oriented uses (materials, health, urban modeling, simulation vegetable,. ..). Send us your proposals for papers by 15 February.
To become a TERATEC 2014 Forum sponsor or exhibitor, please contact :
Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
We will be happy to assist you in finding the most appropriate sponsoring formula and/or participation to meet your needs and fulfil your aims. |

The French President and the Minister of Productive Recovery presented the priorities of France's industrial policy on September 12, 2013 at the Élysée.
After a year of work by the National Council for Industry (CNI), the government launched a strategic brainstorming process to determine the priorities of the country's industrial policy. Presented on September 12 at the Élysée by François Hollande, these priorities are the result of an in-depth analysis of growing global markets and a targeted assessment of France's role in the globalization of each of these markets. They are described in the form of 34 industrial reconquest plans.
One of these plans, called "Supercomputers," is designed to help France master the future disruptive technologies, both hardware and software, needed to develop the next generations of supercomputers. It will also accelerate the diversification of different uses of simulation, help disseminate its use in industry, and increase appropriate training among engineers. Teratec president Gérard Roucairol has been chosen to pilot this plan, confirming Teratec's role in organizing and facilitating the French industrial community.
Read more 
Program to invest in the future under the French National Fund for a Digital Society
Mastering high performance computing technologies is a crucial component of independence for Europe. France has top-level expertise in designing the software environments and architectures needed to produce and operate globally state-of-the-art computing systems ("supercomputers"). These supercomputers are strategic, because they are necessary to implement the most advanced simulation solutions. In order to remain competitive internationally, French players must boost the processing power of their systems over the coming years to reach the "exascale" level. In addition to the hardware technologies that make up the core of these systems, the software tools used to supervise and program them are crucial to being able to harness their full processing power.
The first objective of the call for projects, therefore, is to increase mastery of the tools needed to operate the next generations of supercomputers.
The second objective is to contribute to the development of companies offering particularly innovative solutions who can seize these new economic opportunities, which means first and foremost small and medium-sized businesses involved in ambitious growth projects.
The third objective is to encourage greater cooperation between players, particularly technology suppliers and industrial users.
March 31, 2014 - Deadline for submission of applications. Read more  |

Click HERE to download the TERATEC 2013 Annual activity report
Over 70 participants were present at the 17th TERATEC General Assembly held on January 9 in the TGCC of CEA , on the Campus Teratec. On this occasion, one point has been made on the progress of work of the "Supercomputers"Plan of the New Industrial France and the 2013 TERATEC Activity Report was submitted.
Welcome to 6 new members: The TERATEC General Assembly voted unanimously memberships of 6 new organizations and companies::
- BUREAU 14, publishes Quasardb, a distributed associative database that delivers first class reliability and performance
- COMSOL, provides software solutions for multiphysics modeling.
- GENOPOLE, France’s leading biotech- and biotherapy-dedicated science and business park.
- MATHWORKS, leading developer of mathematical computing software, MATLAB and Simulink.
- ONERA, The French Aerospace Lab, science driving innovation in aerospace and defense.
- OPTIS, a world-leading simulation and advanced visualization company in virtual reality (VR)
TERATEC members, january 9, 2014 
Chaired by Christian SAGUEZ, TERATEC with the participation of Laurent SCHMITT, Vice President Strategie et Innovation, ALSTOM Grid - Jacques DUYSENS, Directeur Général Délégué Groupe SILKAN - Laurent JULIARD, Director Solutions and Software Services, KALRAY and industrial users.
The new abilities offered by new generations of processors (multicore, hybrid, etc.) and parallel architectures, the evolution in development environment and languages, and the development of optimized algorithms for these architectures are opening up completely new fields for embedded systems. Via four presentations by major industrial firms in the sector, this seminar will review the new technologies currently being designed and give examples of advanced industrial uses of those technologies.
Read more 

A productive 2013 year for ETP4HPC, with several important achievements and milestones reached in December
ETP4HPC now has 46 members (from 16 founding members as of mid-2012; inc. 18 SMEs)
H2020 first Work Programmes for 2014-2015, published Dec. 11, 2013, encompass a “FET-Proactive - towards exascale high performance computing » call mostly and directly inspired by ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda, with a funding of 90 M€ for HPC technologies R&D
ETP4HPC signed a contractual Public Private Partnership with the European Commission Vice-President N. Kroes on Dec. 17, 2013; this agreement sets the stage for the development of a globally competitive European HPC ecosystem, including, but not limited to, HPC technologies development, with a global EC financial support of 700 m€ over 7 years
Read more 

On November 6, Silkan officially welcomed its partners CMI Defence and Avantis Technology to its new quarters in Bruyères-Le-Châtel on the Teratec Campus, with more than a hundred participants attending. Read more 
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and industrial partners celebrate 10 years of successful HPC partnerships. CCRT is CEA’s Computing Centre for Research and Technology, fully dedicated to industrial usages of high-end numerical simulation. CCRT is a unique cooperation between CEA and 10 industrial partners who share a 420 Tflop/s supercomputer (Airain, Nr 96 in Top500 2013-November) and its environment subsystems for storage, visualization and post-processing. Read more 
Collaboration agreement between two small businesses on the Teratec Campus. Distene has signed an agreement with Eagocom to optimize the latter's information system. Eagocom performed the entire study and roll-out of a virtual server architecture, with functionality including high availability and network redundancy
On December 11, 2013, the first Ter@guLLau Session was held on the Teratec Campus. Members of multiple companies on the campus met for a friendly lunch conference and presentation about "agile methods," mainly Scrum and XP, which emphasized theory while also giving practical information drawn from case studies and actual implementations. The lunch was such a success that more sessions will be scheduled, with the first set for late January 2014. Read more 
The Essonne Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIE) is in charge of developing of the Teratec Campus Incubator and Business Center. In collaboration with Teratec, CCIE implements a communication plan to increase the attractiveness of Teratec Campus. Open days, technical workshops, media planning, newsletters and dedicated website, community events, ... Here are some examples of what will be done to boost the Teratec Campus and give more visibility to companies operating on the Campus.
Contact CIEE: Marie-Noelle DECARREAUX - Tel: +33 (0) 9 70 65 02 00

The AGGREGATION Project that ended in August 2013 was to better integrate digital simulation into testing. It has resulted in the implementation of turnkey solutions for rolling out HIL and mHIL (mechanical Hardware In the Loop) testing systems based on simplified real-time bus data management and drawing from models in the XCOS environmen. Read more 
The DATASCALE Project gathers a large set of partners, from large research laboratories to SMEs, including also big companies. Their common objective is to design efficient Big Data solutions, suited to real use cases in High Performance Computing (HPC). Read more 
The integration and maturation of several software development solutions around the MPPA manycore platform is the main objective of the MANYCORELABS Project. Read more 
The OASIS Project aims to develop a software tool to automatically optimize all of the parameters in the pressing process in order to considerably reduce the time to design a die-stamping line, and therefore the time to design a part made of high-resistance steel. Read more 
TIMCO Project : The consortium aims to best harness the possibilities of massive data processing by using a very large memory server prototype, made up of 16 processors and up to 21 Terabytes of memory made coherent with an ASIC: By adapting low-level analysis and operating software, with "in-memory" mode, for such massive data quantities - To make a qualitative breakthrough with Business Intelligence and Services Management, Industrial and Scientific applications. Read more 
To find all R&D projects involving TERATEC members  |
Diagnostic médical du futur : quelle place pour l’endoscopie ?Séminaire Opticsvalley
February 11, 2014 - Paris (France)
CERFACS Training sessionsFebruary / April 2014 - Toulouse (France)
TechInnov 2014
Les rendez-vous B2B de l'innovation
February 13, 2014 - Paris Orly (France)
March 6, 2014 - Nano-Innov, Palaiseau (France)
MICADO : méthodologies et bonnes pratiques en simulation numérique
March 13, 2014 - Paris (France)
STAR Global Conference 2014
March 17 - 19, 2014 at the Hilton Vienna (Austria)
Toutes les solutions temps réel et embarquées sur un unique plateau
March 19 & 20, 2014 - CNIT Paris la Défense (France)
Les enjeux du HPC pour les systèmes embarques
March 20, 2014 - CNIT Paris la Défense
33ème Forum ORAP
Big Data et HPC
April 10, 2014 - CNRS Paris (France)
ScilabTEC 2014
Conférence annuelle des utilisateurs de Scilab
May 15 & 16, 2014 - Paris (France)
Congrès Nafems France 2014
June 3 & 4, 2014 - Paris (France)
European Altair Technology Conference 2014
June 24 -26, 2014 - Munich (Germany)
Forum TERATEC 2014
July 1&2, 2014 - Ecole Polytechnique de Palaiseau (France)
HPCC'14 - ICESS'14 - CSS'14
HPC and Communications - Embedded Software and Systems - Cyberspace Safety and Security
August 202 - 22, 2014 - Paris (France)
October 14 & 15, 2014 - Paris (France)
Read more 
Five of Europe’s major HPC centers add ALLINEA DDT to Multi-Petaflop Cray systems. Allinea Software revealed today that through its strategic alliance with Cray Inc., five of Europe’s newest multi-petaflop Cray® XC30™ supercomputers are now using the scalable Allinea DDT parallel debugging tool. Read more 
ALINEOS puts an end to the golden age of graphics workstations and launches in 2014 its own solution for CAD desktop virtualization
The solution is available right now: Servers in engine room, CAD desktop at a distance in a ratio which can reach a server for 96 graphics sessions, energy savings (electricity consumption divided by 10), a total data security and reduction in investment by half...Read more 
Charleroi on the cutting edge of technological innovation: Wallonia invests 4.3 million euros in Tier 1 supercomputer. Today, CENAERO welcomed Walloon Vice President and Minister for Research Jean-Marc Nollet for the go-live of the French Community of Belgium's Tier 1 supercomputer at the Gosselies business park. Read more 
A new INCITE project for CERFACS CFD team through the 2014 INCITE award; A new INCITE program dedicated to the simulation of explosions has been announced for the CFD team of CERFACS with an allocation of 86 000 000 processor hours in 2014 . The objective is to study accidental gas explosions in buildings and develop models for turbulent pre-mixed flames. Read more 
Technical specs: 585 TFLOPS, 700TB storage at 20 GB/s. In parallel, ClusterVision has received an order from Science & Technology Facilities Council in the UK for a cluster based on the same mineral oil technology from GRC. Read more 
COSTIC and Armelio have just joined the list of Comsol-certified consultants ! Armelio and Comsol share a belief that digital simulation is an essential resource for innovation. Specializing in innovation and training professionals in the heating industry, COSTIC simulates transfers of heat and material in various equipment to meet specific research needs or complete new proofs of concept. Read more 
The latest from Dell confirms the company's commitment to high performance computing in the research, education, and corporate sectors. These successes complement the HPC strategy at Dell, which continues to offer turnkey solutions specific to each case of use or application. These solutions are based on PowerEdge servers, all of which are now available with Intel Ivy Bridge processors; these processors will be moving into their 13th generation in the second half of 2014, with the future Intel Haswell E5-2600 v3 processors. Read more 
Optimizing the software from the application layer down to the system layer remains the biggest challenge for the year ahead in preparing for systems with millions of cores. In order to address this challenge, we need to work on a number of fronts: on one hand, developing advanced tools to analyse at fine grain what is happening on the computational unit and on the communication network; on the other hand, working on HPC applications to remove bottlenecks to higher scalability and better efficiency. The Exascale Computing Research labworks on both of these.Read more 
ESI Group announces the launch of a 6-year joint research program between Centrale Nantes and ESI, for which an Endowed Chair has been created. Both organizations will conduct advanced research on the topics of Model Reduction, Advanced Welding Simulation, and Thermoplastic Welding. The official inauguration take place on January 21, 2014 at Centrale Nantes. Read more 
Discover all the latest GENCI news ! : Allocation of computing resources on the national average in 2014 - GENCI award winning SC'13 - Latest results of the HPC-SME Initiative - Call for proposals of the European PRACE infrastructure, …Read more 
HP at the heart of technological innovation :
HP implements a hybrid cluster at NREL water based cooling Xeon / Xeon Phi 1.2 Petaflop for a lower PUE 1
- The leap 3 Moonshot is now available with 3 new cartridges : Intel Atom , AMD Opteron + GPU and Texas Instrument DSP .
How to get calculation data for processing as fast as possible : The SL4540 is the solution. Refresh computing server portfolio . Cluster Management Utility Version 7.2: The new must-haves for your operation. Read more 
In November 2013, KALRAY opend a US office in Silicon Valley and attended the SC13 in Denver, USA and demonstrated the world’s first hyper scalable 1000+ cores MIMD processor architecture for Next Generation ExaFLOP Supercomputer. Read more
KITWARE : ParaView 4.1.0 is now available for download : With about 170 issues resolved, this release includes several bug fixes and feature enhancements. Read more 
MIHPS - Master's Degree in High-Performance Computing & Simulation. This degree is very recent, just beginning its fourth year, and is growing rapidly. The first year of the MIHPS and the IHPS specialization were launched in September 2010. With an average graduation rate above 90% for the first three classes, the Master's program is producing excellent results. Moreover, in accordance with the research and professional aim of the master's degree, half of the graduates have entered into research, and the other half are specialized managers in HPC. The 2013-2014 class is made up of 23 students in the first year, and 23 in the second year. Read more 
NVIDIA Tesla K40 Accelerator Doubles Memory of its predecessor, enabling new categories of Accelerated Applications; Providing double the memory and up to 40 percent higher performance than its predecessor, the Tesla K20X GPU accelerator, and 10 times higher performance than today’s fastest CPU, the Tesla K40 GPU is the world’s first and highest-performance accelerator optimized for big data analytics and large-scale scientific workloads. Read more
OXALYA Groupe OVH launched its HPC solutions in Cloud mode at the end of 2013. Startups can now access high-performance computing on demand, for one-time or more regular needs. Meanwhile, corporations can access a dedicated HPC cluster for their projects with just a few clicks. Read more 
2013 has been exciting for SYSFERA with the release of SysFera-DS 4.0 (the solution for the exploitation of HPC applications on hybrid Clouds), a customer feedback session with CINES at SC13, and the launch of E-Biothon, the Cloud dedicated to Bioinformatics, with CNRS, IBM, Inria and the Institut Français de Bioinformatique. Read more 
All news from TERATEC members and partners 

European pole of competence in high performance simulation
TERATEC brings together over eighty technological and industrial companies, laboratories and research centers, universities and engineering schools, who want to combine their resources in the strategic area of Simulation and High Performance Computing.
- Mastering technology : Teratec participates actively in initiatives to improve industrial mastery in the numerical simulation and HPC sector, which is crucial to keeping Europe competitive and innovating.
- Industrial research :
Teratec helps set up and promote French and European research projects by industrial companies, technology suppliers, and major research centers via R&D programs in France and Europe
- Dissemination across industries and services :
Teratec helps companies, especially small and medium-sized businesses, gain access to the
high-performance computing technologies they need to develop new products and services.
- Support for SME’s:
Teratec supports technological SME’s and start-ups in their actions to value their expertise and their offers. It also facilitates their access to industry leaders and helps them set up and finance their R&D projects.
- Teaching and training:
Teratec has joined forces with universities and major engineering schools to design programs in initial and continuing education that cover the entire spectrum of high performance simulation and modeling.
- International cooperations:
Teratec develops international cooperations in many fields: European research programs, exchange programs with major industrialized countries and some emerging countries and also international partnerships.
To achieve these objectives, TERATEC created the first European Technopole dedicated to high performance computing and simulation allowing the establishment of joint research laboratories capable of conducting research at the highest level, the arrival of major players and start-ups in a highly creative campus.
Contact TERATEC: Jean-Pascal JEGU
Campus TERATEC - 2, rue de la Piquetterie - 91680 BRUYERES-LE-CHATEL - France
Tel. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 infos@teratec.fr -