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Forum Teratec 2023
May 31 and June 1, 2023, Parc Florale de Paris

Keynote: Digital accelerates: new domains and risk management

Hervé Mouren


Keynote: Building Digital Europe

Thomas Skordas
Deputy Director General
European Commission


Interview: From research to start-ups, what place for France in the quantum race

Alain Aspect
Physics Nobel Prize 2022
Director of research
Emeritus Professor

Keynote: Sustainable HPC & AI perspectives at CGG

Agnès Boudot
EVP HPC & Cloud solutions

Keynote: How will innovation through computing drive the need for HPC platforms?

Yves Pellemans
CTO et Directeur Data Analytics
Axians France

Keynote: Tangible Quantum Benefits, now amplify Quantum production performance

Georges Reymond
CEO & co-founder

Keynote: HPC&AI Technology Challenges in Europe Energy / Sustainability / Computing science

Marc Simon
Business Technical Advisor for HPC & AI


Keynote: Modernization of the DC: challenges and perspectives related to the new uses of IT

Fred Gasnier
Senior Director Datacenter
Dell Technologies


Keynote: Greener HPC – a smarter approach for job scheduling

Emmanuel Le Roux
Group Sr VP, Global Head of Advanced Computing, HPC, Quantum and AI
Benjamin Barthe
Technical Account Manager, Head of the Center of Expertise & Competency
Eviden (an atos business)


Keynote: Adressing data challenges of the second wave of AI

James Coomer
Senior VP for products


Hackathon Teratec Ceremony


Roudtable: Words and "Acts"

Animated by Julien Bergounhoux, L'Usine Digitale, with the participation of:

- Jean Luc Sauron, haut-fonctionnaire, professeur à l'Université Paris Dauphine
- François Sabatino, CEO, Eclairion
- Yves Pellemans, CTO directeur Data Analytics, Axians
- Erwan Montaux, Country Manager Intel France, EMEA Director HPC, Defence & Aerospace
- Judicael Phan, VP Digital Trust & Global DPO, Content Square

Roudtable: What answer can HPC provide to climate change?

Animated by Gautier Virol, L'Usine Digitale, with the participation of:

- Marc Pontaud, Directeur Enseignement supérieur & Recherche, Météo-France
- Raphaele Heno, pilote du programme Innovation à la Direction des programmes et de l'appui aux politiques publiques, IGN
- Mathieu Jeandron, France & Benelux Head of Solution Architecture, AWS
- Cyril Laurie, Senior Manager EMEA, AMD
- Frederic Pariente, Senior manager in the solutions architecture and engineering group & deputy director, NVidia

Roudtable: Strategy should Europe adopt in the face of generative AI?

Animated by Julien Bergounhoux, L'Usine Digitale, with the participation of:

- Antoine Bordes, VP AI , Helsing
- Stéphane Tanguy, Directeur des Systèmes et Technologie de l'Information, EDF R&D
- Pierre Puigdomenech, CEO, Do It Now
- Eric Bezille, Senior Presales Manager, Systems Engineering, CTO Ambassador, Dell Technologies
- Laurent Daudet, CEO, LightOn


Exhibitor Pitches - May 31, Parc Florale de Paris

Elisabeth Gameiro, Directrice des ventes, Fujifilm
Philippe Bricard, Président, UCit
Jean-Marc Denis, VP Sales HPC, CGG
Magalie Fredoc, Chargée de projet, AMIES
Maike Gilliot, EU Project Management, ETP4HPC
Bjoern Adamski, Managing Director, EMEA, CIQ Anthony Besseau, Président, EMG2


Exhibitor Pitches - June 1, Parc Florale de Paris

Kostas Flokos, CEO, HPC Mind
Eric Pinatton, Country Manager, Boston
Romain Mine, Enterprise Account Manager, Arista
Geoffroy de Montjamont, VP Développement, Aleia Davide Villa, Chief Revenue Officer, Xinnor
Wilfried Kirschenmann, Directeur R&D, Aneo
Johnatan Pecero Sanchez, Univ. du Luxembourg 
Krisztian Benyo, Technical Business Dev., Pasqal
Dennis Bourgeois, Channel Manager France, xFusion
Julien Giraud, Field Solution Architect, Pure Storage
Aline Gauthier, BDM Infrastructure hybrid, Bechtle


Exhibitor Pitches - 20 avril, Digital

Craig Prunty, Vice President Marketing & Business Development, Sipearl
Thomas Gerardi, Sales Manager, Cornelis
Fatih Balyeli, CEO et co-fondateur, Exaion
Samy Attaiech, Fondateur, Green ReMarket
Emilie Gaudu, Sales Director, Lenovo
Digital Thematic Mornings - November 9, 2023
How AI and HPC are revolutionizing the insurance and finance industry

Panorama: State of the art of high-power computing technologies for the insurance and finance sector - Focus on market activities

Christophe Michel
Responsable Global Quantitative Research
Crédit Agricole CIB


Round Table: Finance-Insurance-Risk Modeling: The response of the great computing powers of AI

- Emmanuel Gobet, Professeur de Mathématiques Appliqués, Ecole Polytechnique 
- Christophe Blanchet, Data Analytics BFSI, Altair 
- Vincent Gibert, Regional Sales Manager SEUR, VAST Data
- Tjerk Houweling, Consultant AI solution architecte, HPE

Keynote: Simulation to optimize investment decision-making: The essential contribution of HPC

Benjamin Roy
Capital Fund Management

Research Session: Measuring the “cross impact” on financial markets

Victor Le Coz
Researcher in Econophysics
Ecole Polytechnique 

Research Session: Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Market Finance: The Role of Data

Charles-Albert Lehalle
Quantitative R&D Lead
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority

Conclusion: key points and perspectives

Christian Saguez
Président d'honneur et co-fondateur

Digital Thematic Mornings - September 28, 2023
The extraordinary contribution of digital technology to healthcare

Opening: How Servier relies on digital technology to accelerate drug discovery

Claude Bertrand
VP exécutif en charge de la R&D


Keynote: The role of digital in vaccine development

Sandra Fournier
Directrice générale
Moderna France


Round Table: Numerical modeling tools: what can they do for the healthcare sector?

- Christophe Battail, Chercheur en Bioinformatique, Directeur adjoint du laboratoire Gen&Chem, Institut IRIG, CEA Grenoble 
- Michel Behr, Directeur Adjoint du TS2,  LBA - Université Gustave Eiffel /Aix-Marseille Université 
- Mehdi Rahim, R&D Scientist - Computational and Data Science research team, Air Liquide  
- Irène Vignon-Clementel, Directrice de Recherche, Inria Simbiotix 
- Un représentant d’Owkin

Keynote: How GCS SeqOIA cut genome analysis time by a factor of 4 thanks to VAST Data solutions?

Loic Delannoy, Regional Sales Manager
Alban Lermine, , Directeur SI et Bioinformatique


Keynote: How data helps identify new therapeutic targets

Mathieu Charvériat
Co-Fondateur et Directeur Général


Research session: Building a human cell simulator with AI to accelerate drug discovery

Jean-Baptiste Morlot (Co-Fondateur et CTO, DeepLife) et Wilfried Kirschenmann (Directeur R&D et CTO, Aneo)



Research session: CompBioMed2 “Centre of Excellence in Computational Biomedicine”

Bruno Lecointe, Group VP Business Support HPC AI & Quantum, Eviden an atos business

Conclusion: key points and outlook

Daniel Verwaerde


Digital Thematic Mornings - April 20, 2023
Digital energy: developments and challenges

Introduction & Overview: Digital technology increasingly essential to the energy sector

Claire Waast-Richard
Data Manager


Keynote : 2050 trajectory: the new place of nuclear power

Patrick Blanc-Tranchant
Head of Research and Development Department


Round Table: Digital in future energy systems

- Eric Andersen, Senior GM-Head of Geoscience Solutions,Muthukumar Sockalingam, Project Manager, Chin Soon Lim, Application Support Engineer, Petronas
Victor Martin, head of R&D, Totalenergies
Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, Team lead research groupe, DDN
Emmanuel Besse, CEO Worldgrid, Head of E&U Industry Southern Europe, Eviden

Keynote : Energy of HPC

François Sabatino

Research Session: Complex optimization problems for intelligent recharging of electric vehicles

Joseph Mikael
Head of Quantum Computation & Information project

Research Session: Simulations of nanodevices for energy storage and conversion

Mathieu Salanne
Directeur ISCD
Sorbonne Université


Research Session: Quantitative studies for energy transition and high-performance computing

Michaël Gabay

Research Session: Towards the simulation of large-scale wind farms using the lattice-Boltzmann method
Helen Schottenhamml
Doctoral Researcher


Conclusion: key points and perspectives

Hervé Mouren
Managing Director


Back to the Teratec 2022 Forum

Photos & Videos Forum Teratec 2022

© TERATEC 2022

Plenary sessions
(Click on the picture to access to the session)

Daniel Verwaerde
Président et fondateur de Teratec

Philippe Keryer
Directeur général adjoint Stratégie, Thales

Utz-Uwe Haus
Directeur EMEA Research Lab, HPE

Jean-Marc Denis
Directeur de la stratégie, SiPearl

Jean-Philip Piquemal
CSO & co-founder, Qubit Pharmaceuticals

Alain Wilmouth

Phil Brown
VP Scaled Systems, Graphcore

Eric Dalbiès
Directeur Groupe de la recherche, de la technologie et de l’innovation, Safran

Sebastien Massart
Directeur de la Stratégie, Dassault Systèmes

Michel Paulin
Directeur général, OVHcloud

(Click on the picture to access toRound Table)

Table ronde : L’hybridation des architectures

Avec la participation des Sponsors : Altair, Atos International, DDN Storage, Dell Technologies, HPE, Intel Corp et Vast Data

Table ronde du 23 juin

Traitement des données : répondre aux exigences de la vitesse, du volume, de l'analyse et de l'IA...

Avec la participation de Atempo, CEA, ExaIon, Do IT Now, Lenovo et Ucit.

Around Teratec Forum
(Click on the picture to access to dedicated page)


Soirée conviviale et festive

Back to the Teratec 2021 Forum

Plenary sessions & RoundTables & Research sessions & Workhops
(Click on the picture to see the video)

Président of Teratec
Director of Teratec
Agnès Pannier-Runacher
Ministre déléguée chargée de l’Industrie
Alessandro Profumo
Président-directeur général Leonardo
Gilles Le Saux
Senior Vice President Foresight & Research Essilor International
Satoshi Matsuoka
Director Riken/R-CCS
Yves Ubelmann
Co-founder and CEO Iconem
Jensen Huang
Chairman & CEO NVIDIA
Ghislain Lescuyer
Directeur Général Saft
Anders Dam Jensen
Executive director EuroHPC
Bruno Sportisse
Président Inria
Wolfgang Marquardt
Chairman of the Board of Directors Forschungszentrum Jülich
Elie Girard
CEO Atos
Catherine Jestin
CIO Airbus
Théau Peronnin
Co-founder and CEO Alice & Bob
Eric Labaye
Président École polytechnique et Institut Polytechnique de Paris 
Neil Abroug
Directeur Programme national quantique

(Click on the picture to see the video)

How the rise of Artificial intelligence is changing supplier offerings

With the participation of Atos, DDN, Graphcore, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Intel
et Vast Data.

Data processing: meeting the demands of speed, volume, analysis and AI ...

With the participation of Atempo, CEA, ExaIon, Do IT Now, Lenovo et Ucit

The French Competence Centre on HPC, HPDA and AI technologies: A Market Place available to industry and academics.

With the participation of Teratec, Cerfacs, Genci, Inria, 2CRSI, ESI Group et ENSIEE

Research Sessions
(Click on the picture to see the video)

Research Session of 22 June

With the participation of ESIWACE, EUROCC, LEXIS, LIGATE et VECMA

Research Session of 23 June

With the participation of ACROSS, ADMIRE, EFLOWS et TEXTAROSSA

Research Session of 24 June

With the participation of EPI, CYBELE, CSC IT, EVOLVE, PRACE et HIDALGO

(Click on the picture to see the video)

Workshop 1,
Europe is on its way towards “Hybrid Qomputing”
Workshop 2,
Data processing: meeting the demands of speed, volume, analysis and AI ...
Workshop 3,
CyberThreats, welcome to a new World !
Workshop 4,
Autonomous Systems
Workshop 5,
Autonomous Systems: Stakes from Development to Exploitation
Workshop 6,
New Storage Paradigms to Tackle Exascale Challenges

Relive the highlights of the TERATEC 2019 Forum - Photos report
Click on the picture to go the gallery...

Videos of the interventions in plenary sessions of the Teratec Forum 2019

Relive the highlights of the TERATEC 2018 Forum - Photos report

Videos of the interventions in plenary sessions of the Teratec Forum 2018

Opening of the 13th Teratec Forum
Christian SAGUEZ, Président et Fondateur de TERATEC
Médaille Field 2010, Député de l’Essonne, premier vice-président de l'OPECST
A sound orientation towards HPC and data science
François BOUCHET, Directeur général Ecole Polytechniqu
HPC and Numerical Simulation @ Inria : Towards HPC-BigData convergence
Isabelle RYL, Directrice générale déléguée au transfert et aux partenariats industriels, Inria et Bruno RAFFIN Research director, Inria
Bootstrapping an HPC Ecosystem
Machine, Algorithms and Humans: shall we expect from the third AI wave to reshuffle the cards in the world of engineering and simulation?
Nicolas VAYATIS, directeur du CMLA et du master MVA de l'ENS de Paris-Saclay
Interventions of the sponsors of the Teratec 2018 Forum
Platinum sponsors : ATOS - DELL EMC - HPE - IBM - INTEL
The digital revolution: an accelerator for new mobility
Rémi BASTIEN, VP prospective automotive, RENAULT
High Performance Computing in Europe: overview and evolutions
Jean-Philippe NOMINE, Direction des Analyses Stratégiques, CEA
Interventions of the sponsors of the Teratec 2018 Forum
HPC with Hybrid Clouds for Critical Big Compute workloads
Denis CAROMEL, Président & Fondateur, ActiveEon
Digital technology at the heart of the life cycle of naval defense systems
Eric PAPIN, Directeur Technique et Qualité Groupe, Directeur de l'Innovation et de l'Expertise Technologique, NAVAL GROUP
Continuity of the functional verification from the integrated circuit to the final system
Eric SELOSSE, Vice President & General Manager Emulation Division, MENTOR GRAPHICS
Fourth Edition of the Digital Simulation Trophies
Organized with the Usine Digitale Magazine in partnership with CEA, CRAY COMPUTER, DELL EMC, HPE and INRIA
Evening Teratec Forum
Meeting at the lake of Ecole Polytechnique for a festive and friendly evening organized in partnership with INTEL

Videos of the interventions in plenary sessions of the Teratec Forum 2017

Towards predictive and prescriptive computing: the HPC challenge, the role of Teratec
Digitalization – a perspective from the electrical industry
Norbert LUETKE-ENTRUP, Head of Technology and Innovation Management, SIEMENS

Embracing Immersive Virtual Engineering, Hybrid Twins, and Product Performance in its full Lifecycle
Alain DE ROUVRAY, Président Directeur Général, ESI-GROUP

Post-K Supercomputer with Fujitsu’s Original CPU, Powered by ARM ISA
Toshiyuki SHIMIZU , Vice President of the System Development Division, Next Generation Technical Computing Unit, FUJITSU

The European HPC strategy – the European Data Infrastructure (EDI)

Presentation of sponsors Platinum (ATOS/BULL - HPE - IBM - INTEL) and Gold (CEA - DDN - MELLANOX - SEAGATE)
How Big Data opens new fields of innovation in Life Science, from R&D to the development of the economy of functionality : Bayer in France experience
Franck GARNIER, Président du Directoire, BAYER SAS
Understanding vascular disease progression via advanced computational modeling
Jay D HUMPHREY, John C. Malone Professor of Biomedical Engineering, YALE
Presentation of sponsors Silver : ATEMPO - CRAY - 2CRSI - DELL - FUJITSU - GENCI - NICE- NVIDIA - OPTENTEXT - PANASAS
Data Science Platform and Highly Scalable Cloud-based Framework for HealthTech Data Processing
Francois ANDRY, Sr. Director, Enterprise Architecture, PHILIPS Healthcare
Machine Learning & Real-world Applications : Prediction and prescription
Adeline LOISON, Directrice Générale Déléguée Analytique and Alassane CISSE, Directeur Général Délégué IT, Groupe HLi
30th Anniversary of the European Center for Advanced Research and Training in Scientific Computing (CERFACS)
Catherine LAMBERT, Directeur du Cerfacs
Exhange between large companies and start-up, a key for innovation
Hervé MOUREN, Directeur de TERATEC
Digital Simulation Award
Organized by Teratec in partnership with L'Usine Nouvelle and L'Usine Digitale

TERATEC Forum 2016 - Videos of the interventions in plenary sessions

Message de bienvenue
par Gerard ROUCAIROL Président de TERATEC
Allocution d'ouverture
par Thierry MANDON, Secrétaire d'État chargé de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche
Les horizons du calcul haute performance
par Gerard ROUCAIROL, président de TERATEC
L'innovation des pneus pour la mobilité durable
par Jean-Marie MUS, Directeur de Recherches Physiques et Modélisation des Performances, Groupe MICHELIN
Solver software infrastructure for exascale applications
par David KEYES, Director, Extreme Computing Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
L'Initiative européenne sur l'informatique en nuage et le calcul haute performance (HPC)
par Gail KENT, Acting Deputy Director General, DG CONNECT, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
The Convergence of Big Compute and Big Data in Cloud-Based HPC
par David PELLERIN, Business Development Principal for HPC, AMAZON WEB SERVICES
Sciences du climat, Agenda 2030 du développement durable et Accord de Paris
par Valérie MASSON-DELMOTTE, directrice de recherches CEA/LSCE
Le traitement sismique à CGG
par Jean-Yves BLANC, Chief IT Architect, CGG
La simulation physique sur HPC au cœur de l’industrie
par Jacques DELACOUR, fondateur et PDG du groupe OPTIS
SiMSEO, le programme d’accompagnement des entreprises à l’usage de la simulation numérique
par Hervé MOUREN, directeur de TERATEC
Remise des Trophées de la Simulation 2016 pour révéler et récompenser les champions de la simulation numérique, du HPC et du Big Data
Palmarès dévoilé par L'Usine Digitale et ses partenaires ATOS, CEA, DDN, HPE INRIA et SCALITY

TERATEC Forum 2015 - Videos of the interventions in plenary sessions

Ouverture de la 10ème édition du Forum TERATEC par Gérard ROUCAIROL, Président de TERATEC et Hervé MOUREN, Directeur de TERATEC
Allocution de Emmanuel MACRON, Ministre de l'Économie, de l'Industrie et du Numérique
Les avancées du Plan Supercalculateurs de la nouvelle France industrielle par Gérard ROUCAIROL, Président de TERATEC et Hervé MOUREN, Directeur de TERATEC
Data storage: the heart of any information system par Ken CLAFFEY, Deputy Director, VP & GM Storage Systems Group, SEAGATE
HPC & Big Data – the time is right for a scalable framework par Barry R. DAVIS, General Manager, High Performance Fabrics Operation, INTEL
The Square Kilometre Array: Transformational Science Instrument and Big Data Challenge par Paul ALEXANDER, UK Science Director SKA Organisation
Nouvelles technologies au cœur de la 3ème révolution agricole par Xavier BEULIN, président, AVRIL (SOFIPROTEOL ) / président, FNSEA
Le calcul intensif au cœur des services de demain par Thierry BRETON, président, ATOS
Allocution de Thierry MANDON, Secrétaire d'Etat à l'Enseignement supérieur et la Recherche
Remise des Trophées de la Simulation Numérique 2015 Co-organisée par L’Usine Nouvelle et TERATEC
avec les partenaires ATOS, COMSOL, HP et INRIA

Teratec Forum 2014 - Videos of the interventions in plenary sessions

  • Pascal FAURE, DGCIS
  • Hervé MOUREN et Christian SAGUEZ, TERATEC
  • Rupak BISWAS, NASA
  • Laurent ANNE, DISTENE
  • Jean-François LAVIGNON, ETP4HPC
  • Wolfgang GENTZSCH, The UberCloud

Videos of the presentations of the Sponsors of the Teratec Forum 2014

Platinum BULL - HP - INTEL


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