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TERATEC 2018 Forum
Workshop 2 - Wednesday, June 20 from 9h00 to 12h30

Chaired by Emmanuel DEQUIER, Directeur Genopole Recherche et Plates-formes and Pierre TAMBOURIN, CEO advisor, Genopole

© TERATEC 2018

The biotech sector is increasingly using digital technologies, in particular HPC (High Performance Computing).

Genomics is at the origin of a medical, environmental and bio-industrial revolution.

Today, the cost of sequencing one human genome (reaching less than €1,000) combined with considerable progress made by these technologies makes it possible to read several tens of thousands of human genomes per year on the same device. All this allows for unprecedented medical revolution that can only take place with the development of new digital tools processing ever more massive quantities of data. Very diverse and large quantities of digital data available for each patient, combined with the evolution of computing powers now accessible does create new opportunities to implement more accurate and predictive therapeutic management for individual care.

In addition, metagenomics allows access to the genomes of microorganisms hosted by patients. This additional knowledge provides valuable information for both diagnosis and therapy.

This medicine of the future, called personalized medicine, will soon be accessible to everyone.

Access to the genome and to important computing power also makes it possible to consider new approaches to drug design using massive in silico screening methods. In its daily life, the medical profession will also benefit from advances in ICT with the development of artificial intelligence tools to improve patient’s therapeutic care.

Through testimonies and feedback, this workshop presented state of the art and future progress of pharmaceutical research and metagenomics, with a particular highlight on digital challenges to be met for tomorrow's challenges.

With the participation of :

Omics approaches for environmental studies
Eric PELLETIER, Chercheur en génomique environnementale, CEA/Institut François Jacob

Abstract & Bio Download the presentation

Pharmaceutical Discovery in the Pre-Exascale Era
Jerome BAUDRY, PhD, Department of Biological Sciences, UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA

Abstract & Bio

Applications de la Métagénomique à la découverte de nouveaux médicaments et diagnostics

Abstract & Bio

Collecteur analyseur de données (CAD) : une e-infrastructure au service de la médecine personnalisée
Christophe CALVIN, Responsable du secteur Simulation Numérique, HPC, Données et Informatique, Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale, CEA

Abstract & Bio Download the presentation

Daily use of an artificial intelligence by caregivers: predict and personalize the expected information to impact patients care

Abstract & Bio Download the presentation

For any other information regarding the workshops, please contact :

Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie


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