> > Workshop 6
Workshop 6 - Wednesday, June 28, from 14h00 to 17h30
Big Data for materials sciences
Chaired by Gilles ZERAH, CEA

The discovery of new materials or new materials arrangements is one of the major challenges of industrial research. Even if a hundred of thousands materials are known, the knowledge of their properties is largely lacunar, not to mention their assembly at the atomic or mesoscopic scale.
We proposed to explore, in this session, how numerical simulation, associated with “big data” techniques might accelerate knowledge, as well as the discovery of new materials with optimized properties.
With the participation of :
Alessandro DE VITA, Professor, Department of Physics, KING’S COLLEGE LONDON
Abstract & Bio
Giovanni PIZZI, Senior scientist, EPFL Lausanne
Abstract & Bio Download the presentation
Astrid PERLADE, Research engineer, ARCELORMITTAL Maizières Research and Development
Abstract & Bio Download the presentation
Abstract & Bio Download the presentation
Christian REY, expert émérite calcul structures, SAFRAN
Abstract & Bio
© TERATEC 2017
Teratec 2016 Forum : High Performance Integrated Computational Materials Engineering
- Thermodynamique des phases métastables by Christophe SIGLI, Senior Scientist in Physical Metallurgy, CONSTELLIUM
- Multiscale modeling of materials starting from the atomic scale by Francois WILLAIME, CEA
- PAMSIM project: Massive parallelism in numerical simulation for mechanics by Ionel NISTOR, head of Simulation tools in mechanics, EDF
- Improve Understanding of Material Science using High Performance Computing by Elisabeth MASSONI, directeur du Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux, ECOLE DES MINES DE PARIS
- Accélération de calculs de simulations des matériaux sur GPU by François COURTEILLE, Solution Architect, NVIDIA
- La simulation des matériaux en milieu industriels: quelles perspectives?» Round table animated by Gilles ZERAH, CEA
Teratec 2015 Forum : Big data, multiscale and materials
Teratec 2014 Forum : Material simulation: new materials, usage, and durability
- Du matériaux à la structure, quelques méthodes récentes de simulation by Frederic FEYEL, Responsable du pôle Modélisation & Simulation, SAFRAN
- HPC et modélisation multi-échelle des matériaux de structure des centrales nucléaires by Christophe DOMAIN, Engineer, EDF R&D
- Hydrogen in materials studied by High Performance Computing by Matthieu SALANNE, Maître de conférences, UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURI
- Hydrogen in materials studied by High Performance Computing par Gregory GENESTE, CEA
- Decoherence and electron transfers within proteins: are quantum effects relevant for biology ? by Aurélien DE LA LANDE, Chargé de Recherche CNRS, UNIVERSITE PARIS SUD
Teratec 2013 Forum : Materials Simulation

For any other information regarding the workshops, please contact :
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie