The 2013 year has seen a significant acceleration in initiatives aiming to develop high performance computing and simulation in France
The report I submitted to the Commissariat Général à l'Investissement and the French Ministry of Productive Recovery, for example, will result in a call for projects to develop simulation methods and applications. That report, entitled "La simulation haute performance au service de la compétitivité des entreprises," proposes several measures for promoting more widespread access to high performance computing for French industry and small businesses, particularly to develop new innovation capacities.
Another highlight of this fall was the September 12 announcement by the French President and the Minister of Productive Recovery of an industrial policy built around 34 project plans. One of these plans, entitled "Supercalculateurs," aims to help our country master high performance computing technologies and simulation methods. The rationale for this plan clearly explains Teratec's importance in organizing and animating our industrial community.
Alongside this encouraging news, the Teratec Forum in June was once again a resounding success. A thousand participants took the opportunity to meet for a series of exceptionally high-level plenary talks and topical workshops and to visit an exhibit hall featuring some sixty booths. One of the high points of the event was Louis Gallois' speech, in which he affirmed his belief that simulation has a strategic role to play in our country.
In conclusion, I would like to mention that in June, the ESI Group opened its offices on the Teratec Campus; Silkan and its partners CMI Defence and AvantisTechnology will follow suit in November. We are entering a new phase of high performance computing in France, supported by European initiatives based on the ETP4HPC technology platform. Teratec, its members, and its partners should be proud of their contribution as a driving force behind these initiatives, and we will continue to be a significant factor in their success.
President of TERATEC

SAVE THE DATE! Presentation of the call for projects in HPC and Simulation
October 7, 2013 at 2:00 pm – CEA Very Large Computing Center (TGCC) / Teratec Campus (Bruyères-le-Châtel)
A budget of 150 million euros has been set aside for "core industry" calls for projects by the French National Fund for a Digital Society, as part of its program to invest in the future. Teratec, in partnership with the Advancity, Cap Digital, Medicen, and Systematic competitiveness clusters, invites you to attend a half-day presentation on the call for projects in HPC and Simulation.
The information session will offer :
1. A presentation of "core numerical projects" by Laurent Rojey, assistant director of the Digital Economy program at the Commissariat Général à I'investissement (CGI)
The primary objective of this new call for projects is to promote the emergence and growth of tomorrow's "digital champions," that is, digital companies offering particularly innovative solutions and capable of seizing new economic opportunities. The secondary objective is to organize and strengthen digital industrial ecosystems.
2. A presentation of the report on high performance simulation to make companies more competitive, by Teratec President Gérard Roucairol, prepared by request of the CGI and DGCIS
The primary objectives were to clarify the stakes of high performance digital simulation, taking into account technological developments and breakthroughs, and propose measures to increase the use of high performance computing in those economic sectors where it is already used, expand its use into new sectors, and encourage the formation of appropriate ecosystems.
3. A presentation on HPC and simulation in systems development and design by Gérard Poirier, chairman of the Systems Development and Design Tools (OCDS) task force at Systematic
The OCDS roadmap confirms the central role of HPC and numerical simulation in designing, implementing, and running complex systems.
4. A presentation of the call for projects in HPC and simulation by Fabien Terraillot, head of the Software Bureau, DGCIS, Ministry of Productive Recovery
Using high performance computing and simulation offers a major opportunity to make companies more competitive while also developing a highly innovative industrial sector.
The call for projects aims to increase mastery of the tools required to operate the next generations of supercomputers, support the development of technology suppliers, and promote increased cooperation between players in the field, particularly suppliers of technology and the sectors that use it.
Free admittance – Registration required
Please fill out the registration form here 
 TERATEC 2014 Forum
The ninth edition of TERATEC Forum will take place on July 1 & 2, 2014 at the Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, Paris area).
On July 1, the plenary sessions will bring together personalities from the political, economic and academic users of international industrial leading providers of leaders in these technologies and innovative SMEs around issues of supercomputing. July 2, technical workshops will provide an update on major topics. During these two days, an exhibition of sixty stands bring together key players in the high-performance simulation presented their latest innovations in HPC.
To participate in these days, submit a paper in the workshops, book a booth at the exhibition or be an TERATEC Forum 2014 sponsor, please contact Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10

Back on TERATEC Forum 2013
The 8th Teratec Forum confirmed the strategic importance of HPC in the industrial and service sectors, and its expansion to SMEs
Everyone involved in high-performance simulation, from major operators and simulation companies to the government, users, and small businesses, officially endorsed its important role. Meanwhile, General Commissioner for Investments Louis Gallois defined high-performance simulation as a strategic priority for investing in the future of digital technologies. "Numerical technology is one of the highest investment priorities for the future," stated Louis Gallois at the plenary session closing, "And high-performance computing and simulation are at the core of this priority." "Numerical simulation is one of the key factors for a productive recovery in France," added Gérard Roucairol, president of Teratec. "France is in an exceptionally strong position; an unprecedented concentration of skills can be found within its borders, covering the entire value chain from hardware to software applications," he concluded.
Plenary sessions: View the videos of the interventions and download the presentations
Technical Workshops: download the presentations
Exhibition: Download the exhibition catalog

The Teratec Campus, at the heart of digital innovation
The incubator and business center on the Teratec Campus meet the development needs of companies, start-ups, and companies in their development phase.
The Teratec Campus offers premium private spaces, equipped with wiring and telephony, which come with a selection of à la carte services as desired: Furniture, parking, reception and assistance, access to conference rooms, and shared office resources. In addition to the material aspects of importance and quality, choosing to work out of the incubator or start-up center on the Teratec Campus guarantees a high level of flexibility:
- Private spaces, even small ones, can be upgraded at any time... we offer premises ranging from 15 to 170 m2
- Lease terms are only 24 months, with the option for early termination.
And even if it's not yet time to open your business, we offer a temporary office (including Wi-Fi service) that you can rent out for a day to hold business meetings. If you're seeking a strategic location for your core business and business meeting, think of the Teratec Campus incubator and start-up center, and join the many companies already present here: Alliance Service Plus—Atem—Avantis Technology—Bull—CEA—CMI Defence—Distene—Eagocom—Energy Innovation—ESI Group—Numtech—Scilab Enterprises—Silkan—Xedix – etc. Read more

Industrial research projects, progress and results
ACDC - Adaptive Content Delivery Cluster
The ACDC project conducted an advanced exploration of the concept of cloud-based computing environments for audiovisual professionals. The project resulted in production of several prototypes, with concrete implementations illustrating video management with this type of IT architecture Read more
CALLISTO - Realistic Immersive Architectural Simulation
The aim of the CALLISTO project is to develop an innovative facility enabling users to tour the interior of a building in real time, on a life-size scale, with its acoustical and light properties rendered, in order to give users a visual and acoustic experience similar to an actual tour and allow them to make decisions about a construction project. While touring the building, it will be possible to interact with the interior to change certain elements and see the consequences immediately. Read more
H4H - Optimise HPC Applications on Heterogeneous Architectures
The purpose of the H4H project is to provide the developers of high performance computing applications with a hybrid parallel programming environment to optimally combine use of different parallel programming models and therefore to use heterogeneous platforms as efficiently as possible. Three years after this effort began, several important results have been obtained. Read more
PERFCLOUD - Performance for the Cloud
The PERFCLOUD project aims to develop new technologies (hardware and software) in order to offer the architecture with the best possible performance for its cost for HPC applications. This R&D project by the FSN has been integrated into the H4H project to take advantage of synergies in sponsorship and optimization of applications on hybrid architectures. Read more
MECASIF - Small-scale models for upstream design of reliable industrial systems
The MECASIF project aims to produce significant advances in generating and industrially implementing validated, small scale, non-linear models in certain key fields of physics. These advances would be able to integrate directly into existing industrial design workflows. Read more
MUSICAS - Unified methodology for simulating the integrity and controllability of welded joints
The goal of the MUSICAS is to demonstrate that streamlined integration of existing software into a business infrastructure, when combined with limited R&D on multiphysical modeling of the welding process, can make it possible to automate the digital welding simulation that corresponds to effective methodologies in the industry. Read more
RICHELIEU - Accelerate science-oriented programming languages
The RICHELIEU project is a good track. The connection between Scilab and LLVM/VMKit has been successfully performed, the first step to provide Just-In-Time compilation in Scilab. In parallel, the first version of the static analyzer scilint will be soon published. Read more
TERRAX : TerraNumerica - TerraMagna - TerraDynamica - TerraMobilita
The 4 TERRAX projects aim to develop the various technologies needed to model and simulate their various actors and phenomena with the detail, fidelity, and timing required for interactive applications. TerraNumerica focuses on developing 3D modeling and digitization technologies for cities and multimedia viewing options. TerraMagna aims to develop innovative solutions for local governments and land-use planning, urban design, and environment professionals. TerraDynamica focuses on developing dynamic city animation tools with the goal of modeling "life in the city" using behavioral animation models. TerraMobilita strives to develop innovative solutions for modeling roads and updating road maps, as well as mobility and accessibility assistance services. Read more

Member and partner news
ACTIVEEON team announces you a New Release of ProActive Parallel Suite 5.4.0. The company is also one of the partners in the project DataScale coordinated by Bull. Click here to read more about this New Release and some different news about ActiveEon. Read more
How about: Learn how ALLINEA Software's debugging and profiling tools are helping companies advance and improve their software. Read more
Less than 50 days left to submit your project for the BULL – JOSEPH FOURIER PRIZE ! For the 5th year Bull and GENCI will award the BULL – JOSEPH FOURIER PRIZE aimed at boosting the development of computer simulation in France. The Prize will recognize the work of an individual or a team in the field of application parallelization for computer simulation, carried out under the auspices of a French research facility, whether publicly or privately owned. Read more
CLUSTERVISION, in collaboration with DELL, won the project launched in late 2012 by the Paris Institute of Earth Physics with the goal of acquiring a high performance solution for parallel computing and high performance data analysis. Read more
At the end of 2012, Distene released MeshGems, its library of Meshing Software Components, that has been synthesizing a long restructuration work of its technology. Distene keeps maintaining its course towards excellence by investing in the technologies of tomorrow, including HPC. And, to strengthen its international leadership, Distene will sponsor the next "International Meshing Roundtable" in October. Read more
ESI Group, leader and pioneer in virtual prototyping solutions for the manufacturing industries, is opening its new offices on the Teratec Campus, the largest high performance computing center in Europe, based outside of Paris. Read more Following February 2012 European Commission communication, May 30th, 2013 Council of Competitiveness confirmed and further considered the strategic interest of HPC for Europe, and especially of its technologies. ETP4HPC is now recognized as the reference plateform in this domain and is now working on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) setup with the European Commission. Read more
Read more
This release marks the first change in the major version number since 2007. Read more
NICE (Italy) recently announced the release of EnginFrame 2013.0, the new enhanced version of its popular high-performance computing (HPC) application portal. Read more
A new website has been posted for code Z-set, Entirely devoted to the software suite for analyzing materials and structures, it describes the various products, software solutions, and services offered. Read more
OXALYA and widespread HPC in the Cloud. Everything you have always wanted to know about HPC and Cloud Computing will be unveiled only for you, during a 2 hours long conference, next october 8th from 10:30 AM to 12:30 AM during the OVHSUMMIT 2013 at the Docks de Paris. Read more
The PRACE research infrastructure has opened its 8th call for projects, inviting European researchers to use its computing resources (petaflop supercomputers). Read more
SYSFERA has been busy! The next version of SysFera-DS will be released at SuperComputing'13 with new features, new clients (CINES and IRT BioAster), and a testimonial by Arnaud Renard of ROMEO on the benefits of the SysFera-DS solution for the ROMEO and CRIHAN mesocenters and their interfaces with research and industry." Read more The latest in HPC from TRANSTEC ! Thanks to its expertise and ability to supply its clients with complete HPC solutions, including everything users and administrators need from A to Z, transtec continues to win new HPC clients in the French and European market . Read more
