Newsletter Teratec
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Dear Teratec members, partners and readers,
The year 2020 will be first remembered as the year of an unparalleled health and economic crisis, without concealing transformations’ magnitude taking place in our field.
2020 is the year of digital Europe. The launch of EuroHPC, Europe's major structuring program endowed with very significant resources, and creation of the French Competence Center under Teratec responsibility in association with Cerfacs and Genci are profoundly transforming our business.
This evolution was detailed during our General Assembly held last October 27th, allowing us to focus on all current Teratec's European projects which are covered below.
We also took stock of our Forum Teratec 2020 entirely held in virtual conditions bringing 1,200 participants together over two days. The interventions in plenary session and workshops, most remarkable, were all recorded and are still easily available to you.
I would like to mention the European project FF4EuroHPC which objectives are to carry out experiments helping SMEs master these technologies (HPC/HPDA/AI) in order to improve their competitiveness. FF4EuroHPC currently organizes "open calls" to select original tenders, with funding of up to 200k€ for each selected business application.
Dedicated link below gives more information and allows you to apply for this next call.
Released from current constraints, we hope that the year 2021 will allow us to meet again and pursue together such major transformations of our activities for the benefit of all.
Hervé Mouren
Managing director of Teratec
FocusCoE: helping European industry to step forward to exascale
The FocusCoE project is a support structure to the 14 European HPC Centers of Excellence. It helps them with guidelines and best practices to: prepare key software codes from their community for exascale; federate their community, especially SMEs to transfer results of the work accomplished; propose services and sustainable actions benefiting from this work.
Contact Teratec : Maike Gilliot
Read more >>>> |
Excellerat: developing the use of HPC in industry
The Center of Excellence for Software Engineering Applications, Excellerat, is a focal access point to digital simulation technologies and expertise, demonstrating the potential gains for industrial users. Mapping position of all players (users, suppliers, researchers, professional organizations) has also been put in place in order to enable as many people as possible to benefit from various opportunities offered by the Center of Excellence.
Contact Teratec : Maike Gilliot
Read more >>>> |
POP: improving the performance of calculation codes
The mission of the POP Center of Excellence is to analyze the performance of parallel coding and to promote good practices in parallel programming. Services offered and financed by the European Commission allow developers and users to reach average performance gains of 50%. This center of excellence has supported more than 250 performance analysis in all fields of application over 5 years.
Contact Teratec : Samir Ben Chaabane
Read more >>>> |
FF4EuroHPC: accelerating innovation for SMEs through HPC
The FF4EuroHPC project promotes the use of high-performance computing among SMEs to help them innovate. It will offer a portfolio of business applications, support the commitment of HPC Competence Centers to SMEs, and broaden the industrial community of users and service providers. Two calls for projects will allow the selection of several consortia to develop and exert future business applications.
Contact Teratec : Samir Ben Chaabane
Read more >>>> |
NCC France: the French HPC Competence Center
Within EuroHPC framework, in association with Cerfacs and participation of GENCI, Teratec deploys the French Competence Center for HPC/HPDA and AI. The key objective is to propose a "MarketPlace" for these technologies. Mappings of expertise, skills and training as well as service offers from referenced suppliers (software and computing infrastructures) will become available. This center will have a national and European influence through the action of CASTIEL.
Contact Teratec : Karim Azoum
Read more >>>> |
CASTIEL: coordinate the national HPC Competence Centers
The CASTIEL Action will ensure the coordination and support of the 33 National Competence Centers for HPC/HPDA and AI. CASTIEL will share best practices and expertise with these Centers to achieve a uniform mature level. A European mapping of HPC/HPDA and AI competencies will be set up. Actions will be deployed in order to develop training and interactions between industrial players.
Contact : Marie-Françoise Gérard
Read more >>>> |
Forum Teratec 2020 - Plenary Session European perspectives and strategies for HPC/HPDA implementation
This session was a great opportunity to discover major French and European industrial challenges around digital development. With the participation of Daniel Verwaerde (President, Teratec), Thierry Breton (European Commissioner), Florence Parly (French Minister of Armed Forces), Alain Rousset (President of the Regional Council of New Aquitaine), Xavier Ursat (Executive Director, EDF Group), Marie-Noëlle Semeria (Research and Development Director, Total Group), Eric Genevois-Marlin (Global Head of R&D Digital and Data Sciences, Sanofi), Trish Damkroger (Vice President, Intel Data Center Group) and Kevin D. Kissell (CTO, Google).
Vidéos and Report >>>> |
Forum Teratec 2020 - Roundtable In the age of COVID-19, how can digital technology serve health?
Moderated by Julien Bergounhoux, editor-in-chief of L’Usine Digitale, the roundtable devoted to digital technologies (HPC/HPDA) in the field of health put an important focus on COVID-19. Xavier Vigouroux (Atos), James Coomer (DDN), Thierry Pellegrino (Dell Technologies), Pierre Hoffer (Hewlett Packard Enterprise), Michael McManus (Intel), Jacques-Charles Lafoucriere (CEA) and Pierre Puigdomenech (Do IT Now) debated the technological and societal challenges of these new uses for this particularly critical application area.
View the Roundtable session >>>>> |
Forum Teratec 2020 - The Simulation and AI Trophies rewarded digital champions
The 6th Simulation and AI 2020 Trophies organized with L’Usine Digitale, in partnership with Ansys, the CEA, Inria and Smart 4D, rewarded innovative projects or companies that have carried out an outstanding operation in the field of computer simulation, high-performance computing, Big Data or AI, including for their application to healthcare. The winners are Numalis (Startup Trophy), Tweag (SME Trophy), Cerfacs, Akira and Safran (Co-design Trophy), ex-aequo Dassault Systèmes and ESI Group (COVID-19 Trophy), CosmoTech and Renault (Innovation Trophy) and Cortexia (The Public Grand Prize).
View The Trophies’ ceremony >>>> |
© CNES |
Forum Teratec 2020 - Emerging technologies and new application areas for HPC, Big Data and AI
Six thematic workshops led by industrialists and international experts provided an opportunity to review the contributions of HPC, digital simulation, Big Data and machine learning (AI) dedicated to company competitiveness.
> Digital twin in medecine
> Quantum computing
> AI and scientific computing
> Cloud computing and HPC
> Exascale
> Satellite data and environment
View the workshops in replay and download all presentations >>>> |
More than 3,200 business meeting requests on virtual exhibition during the Forum Teratec 2020
This 100% digital exhibition allowed our community to develop exchanges, meet partners and new suppliers and proceed with its activity. The 1,200 participants were able to discover the latest innovations from the 60 exhibitors, solicit experts in the field, arrange business meetings by videoconference, download documentation and view videos proposed by Exhibitors, and even meet and exchange with other participants.
Read more >>>>. |
June 22 and 23, 2021 the 16th edition of Forum Teratec: the meeting place for Simulation, HPC, Big Data and AI
Come and meet next June 22nd and 23rd at Ecole Polytechnique with all the decision-makers and experts in Simulation and AI, from the world of industry, technology and research.
> Become a Sponsor and be associated to marketing and promotion actions before, during and after the event.
> Be an Exhibitor and present your latest hardware, software and services technologies.
> Propose a Communication before February 28, 2021 to intervene in the technical and application workshops.
Contact Teratec : Jean-Pascal Jégu |
The General Assembly of Teratec of October 27, 2020 unanimously approved adhesion of three new member companies
> Do It Now, European company, offering HPC solutions for scientists and engineers.
> Graphcore, European company which developed IPU (Intelligent Processing Unit), one brand new processor specifically designed for machine learning algorithms and high performance intelligent machines.
> Qarnot Computing, French SME, supplies high performance computing. Heat emission from servers is recycled in order to heat buildings ecologically. |
Discover the Teratec Campus, a whole ecosystem at your service
The Teratec Campus is at the heart of the French HPC, digital simulation, Big Data and AI ecosystem where nearly 300 people work.
With its business hotel and incubator as well as its laboratories, the Teratec Campus brings together in one single location a breadth of skills that is unique in France and Europe, in the areas of hardware, general and application software, and services.
Read more >>>>
Contacts Teratec: Emmanuelle Vergnaud and Jean-Pascal Jégu Read more >>>> |
Teratec, a competence cluster and a vector for innovation and competitiveness
Teratec brings together the major players in HPC, Simulation and AI around major French and European manufacturers. The objective is to contribute to the development of these technologies and their uses, in order to accelerate the design and implementation of the most efficient systems, to advance the development of new methodologies and associated tools with the aim of creating skills and jobs.
Members of Teratec >>>
How to become member of Teratec >>>>
Contact Teratec: Jean-Pascal Jégu |