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Register for the 13th Edition of the TERATEC Forum on 19 and 20 June 2018 to discover the latest technological innovations in HPC, Simulation and BigData |
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Welcome to the Plenary Sessions
Research and Industry present latest trends in Simulation and HPC
Faced with the increasing complexity of products and systems of any kind, it becomes essential to carry out high-performance numerical simulations at the early stages of their development in order to guarantee their structural and functional efficiency, especially when it relates to autonomous systems.
This is what speakers from multiple horizons, both from Research and Industry will demonstrate, who will speak during the plenary sessions of the 13th Teratec Forum on Tuesday, June 19. Taking state of the art of the simulation, high-performance computing and Big Data sector is what about to happen.
Invited Speakers will produce as follows:
- Christian Saguez, Chairman of Teratec
- François Bouchet, General manager, Ecole Polytechnique
- Eric Van Hensbergen, Fellow, ARM
- Nicolas Vayatis, Director of CMLA and Head of MVA Master’s program, ENS Paris-Saclay
- Rémy Bastien, VP Prospective automotive, Renault
- Philippe Gillet, Chief Scientific Officer, EPFL
- Denis Caromel, President & Founder, ActiveEon
- Eric Papin, Director of Innovation and Technological Expertise, Naval Group
- Eric Selosse, VP & General Manager Emulation Division, Mentor Graphics
This is a unique opportunity to base your opinion on major industrial challenges where these innovative technologies will play a leading role, enabling our industrialists to remain innovative and competitive.
The Plenary Sessions will be followed by the 4th Edition of the Digital Simulation Trophies where 5 awards will be awarded to reward the champions of digital simulation, HPC and Big Data. These Trophies are organized with the Usine Digitale Magazine in partnership with CEA, Cray Computer, Dell EMC, HPE and Inria.
The first day of the Teratec Forum ended at the Lake of the Ecole Polytechnique for a festive and convivial evening organized in partnership with Intel.
Book now the sessions you plan to attend on Tuesday 19 June by visiting homepage for Plenary sessions on our website.
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A sound orientation towards HPC and data science
By François BOUCHET, General Manager, Ecole Polytechnique
Ecole Polytechnique (EP), with its reputation for excellence at the world’s highest level both in academic training and in research programs, has developed its education model to prepare students for challenges of high performance computing (HPC) and more generally data science. It enhances the foundations of mathematics and computer sciences, which are part of EP strengths, and allows numerous research teams at EP to benefit from these tools to innovate in their fields of competence. In conjunction with large groups or SMEs, this overall scheme relies on a joint computing meso-center integrated resource.
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Bootstrapping of an HPC ecosystem By Eric.VAN HENSBERGEN, Fellow, ARM
Contributing since 2011 to the Montblanc project and other European-wide supported projects in the United States and Asia, ARM now provides technology servers for large-scale High-Performance Computing systems. However, many other challenges have to be met in technology platforms, particularly at the architecture level to meet the needs of the High-Performance Computing and Data Analysis market.
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Is AI going to reshuffle the cards in the world of engineering and simulation?
By Nicolas VAYATIS, Director of CMLA and MVA Master, ENS Paris-Saclay
Artificial Intelligence achieving its third evolution wave now relies on established corpus of data comprising an increase of calculation means, mature theories and algorithms in automated learning with capacities heightened tenfold. Operating already in means of transportation, it still remains a challenge for AI to prevail in such fields as engineering and simulation, but also health or training where achievements remain at a proof of concept stage. What are the obstacles to industrialization as well as the technological and scientific challenges to this transition?
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The digital revolution: an accelerator for new mobility
By Rémy BASTIEN, VP Prospective Automotive, Renault
Having profoundly modified and improved motor vehicle design and manufacturing methods since the 1970s, the digital transition is now spreading to the vehicles and their interactions with infrastructures. The on-board computing power will make it possible to experience three simultaneous changes: traction electrification; driving automation and mobility on-demand. The contribution of digital technology will be decisive for ensuring sustainable, safe, affordable and efficient mobility.
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HPC and Hybrid Clouds for Critical Applications By Denis CAROMEL, President & Founder, ActiveEon
A member of the Teratec ecosystem since its inception, ActiveEon offers unique Scheduling, Meta-Scheduling and Workflow Orchestration technology from the world of HPC research. It enables hybrid clouds to accelerate application performance on mission-critical processes by order of magnitude, while reducing infrastructure costs. Massive benchmarks realized on 20 000 cores on Azure Cloud will be presented.
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Digital technology at the heart of the life cycle of naval defense systems By Eric PAPIN, Director of Innovation and Technological Expertise, Naval Group
Naval defense systems, whether submarine or surface, are highly complex products. They cannot escape the digital revolution made essential by strategic challenges, whether they are linked to technological superiority in combat or industrial competitiveness. The aim is to use digital simulation technologies to optimize armed ships in their theatre of operations, from both a technical and operational point of view.
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HPC and Cloud improve the diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases
By Eric SELOSSE, Vice President & General Manager Emulation Division, Mentor Graphics
With the acquisition of Mentor Graphics, the Siemens Group has the necessary capabilities (Computer-aided software engineering, mechanical and electronic CAD, simulation), enabling its automotive customers to merge the various design environments and develop, simulate and optimize new products globally. HPC accelerates the simulation of thousands of traffic scenarios required to ensure safe and reliable autonomous driving, while interconnecting electronic design of each vehicle developed with simulation models for physical parts. The hardware emulation within the HPC loop allows functional verification of the entire system.
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For more information on TERATEC's activities,
the European Pole HPC, Simulation and BigData
Contact : Jean-Pascal JEGU
Campus TERATEC - 2, rue de la Piquetterie - 91680 BRUYERES-LE-CHATEL - France
Tel. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 - - Visitez le site de TERATEC |