Newsletter Teratec
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Enjoy a great Year 2018 !
As the New Year starts, we would like to extend our best wishes of personal happiness and professional success to all Teratec members, partners, and readers.
Whether taking stock of accomplishments in 2017 or considering perspectives for 2018, every single trend shows that 2018 should be a great year. In our very own field of highly advanced digital technology, progress in power computing combined with massive data management and a positive start of learning techniques implies clear acceleration of all kinds of use. Development of unprecedented new applications will help us deal with topics and solve issues which remained out of reach.
Cooperation in design is success critical to this process. Development of digital technologies itself demands that integration of all issues should be dealt with from the earliest stages of conception. The key to success thus relies on a close alliance between most advanced suppliers and most demanding users. For us at Teratec, founded and missioned by large industry players joined with main suppliers sharing the same mindset, this year brings about a breadth of important new initiatives. Related talks are under way between public Authorities and the European Commission which has announced a substantial Fund plan of one billion Euros.
Join us working on it. Again, I wish you all an excellent year in 2018.
Hervé Mouren
Teratec Managing Director |
The entire value chain of simulation, HPC, Big Data and AI will be exhibited on June 19-20, 2018 at the Teratec Forum
The exhibition of around 80 stands will bring together the main players in HPC and Big Data. Manufacturers and publishers, suppliers and integrators of hardware, software and services solutions, universities and research laboratories, will present their latest innovations in high performance digital simulation.
Become a sponsor of the Teratec 2018 Forum and be associated with marketing and promotional activities before, during and after the event. Read more >>>>
Be an exhibitor and present your latest hardware technologies, software and services. Read more >>>> |
Call for Papers on Emerging Technologies and New Application Areas for HPC and Big Data
Would you like to present a paper at the Teratec 2018 Forum workshops? submit a testimonial? share your experience in digital simulation and Big Data applications? present your solutions, or invite your customers to provide valuable feedback ?
Answer the call for papers and send before February 15, 2018 the title of your presentation and a summary of a maximum of ten lines.
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© FFB 95 - Studio 4, Archival & Atrium Architecture 95 - ARCHICAD / Abvent |
SiMSEO: Deployment of 77 services dedicated to the Manufacturing, and the Building & Construction industries.
Together with helping SME’s and mid-caps use digital simulation, SiMSEO programme is currently undertaking deployment of 52 services to the manufacturing industry also covering needs from the Building and Construction sector. On its own, 25 services are implemented to address keys areas as structures, energy, acoustics, lightning and life-cycle assessment. Within just a few months, SiMSEO already brought assistance to 79 SME’s from the Building and Construction sector in the use of digital simulation.
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Digital Challenges DataPoC: First testimonials with “Proof of Concept”
On March 2nd, 2017, Teratec gathered 150 start-ups to launch 10 challenges and on April 18th, 2017 10 Prize winners were selected already. Within just a few months, 10 start-ups had implemented their PoC around Big Data and AI in varied fields supported by prestigious sponsors. One technical workshop focused on Data, AI & Architecture, organized by Intel took place on the Teratec Campus, October 13th, 2017.
See-d, the start-up from Vannes (Brittany) and Challenge laureate #3, carried on by GE, just completed its PoC while delivering results on AI developments to assist and monitor smart buildings with capacity to optimize energy performance.
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HPC User Forum on the Campus Teratec March 6 and 7, 2018
With Hyperion and the CEA, Teratec is organizing an HPC User Forum next March on the Campus Teratec.
The Forum will be organized around four sessions: (1) HPC Strategies and Visions; (2) HPC centers for industry professionals; (3) New applications for HPC (4) New technologies for HPC: Storage, AI / Deep Learning .
Program and registration >>>> |
4th Digital Technology and Simulation Awards on June 19th, 2018
Five awards will be granted by a jury of leading professionals rewarding the winners at the Teratec Forum.
HPC, simulation, Big Data and artificial intelligence are critical technologies driving innovation for all sectors of the industry. Skills and know-how demonstrated by national actors for their widespread use of these technologies are now recognized well beyond our borders
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Join us to the core digital technologies!
Become member of Teratec community and join the group of ninety industrial and technology companies, laboratories and research centers, universities and graduate schools as well as local authorities. Uniting our resources in High Performance Simulation and Big Data will bring France at the forefront in such a strategic field for research and industry.
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Experience the Campus Teratec
Campus Teratec is core to the French ecosystem for HPC, digital simulation and Big Data, serving the industry, earth and life sciences or commercial services. It is also a site welcoming about 300 people living and working locally. As a pioneering concept, the Campus Teratec gathers in one single hub a vast and unique amount of competences for France and Europe, dedicated to hardware (architectures, processors,…) as well as operating systems and application software or any related services (R&D, operations, applications,…).
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Run your Training Workshop on the Campus Teratec
Since 2014, Training Workshops have been organized on the Campus Teratec. These workshops aim at enabling companies to present their latest innovations of hardware, software or services, to show practical cases of application to an industrial context and to guide participants in their implementation. It also gives participants the opportunity to meet the Digital Simulation & Big Data community within the Teratec ecosystem.
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News about TERATEC members and partners
Be sure save the dates of future events held in the fields of HPC, Simulation and Big Data. Read more >>>
Find out the latest news about TERATEC members (Read more >>>>) |
New frontiers in Simulation
The magazines L'Usine Nouvelle, L'Usine Digitale and Industrie & Technologies, in partnership with Teratec, will publish a special issue with main covering subject of "New frontiers in Simulation". Why not advertise in this supplement, to be published on 12 of April 2018, with distribution of over 55,000 copies.
Download the media Kit >>>> |
For more information on TERATEC's activities
The European Pole High Performance Simulation and Big Data
Contact : Jean-Pascal JEGU
Campus TERATEC - 2, rue de la Piquetterie - 91680 BRUYERES-LE-CHATEL - France
Tel. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 - - |