TERATEC takes on a new dimension by building its Campus
By having a combination of major industrial players and young technology companies present on the TERATEC site, covering the entire field of computing and simulation, we will be able to go much further toward mastering these technologies and take the steps required for these technologies to spread throughout every sector of the economy.
The SystemX Institute for Technological Research is opening on our site, which will allow the TERATEC community to get involved in the most cutting-edge work on architectures, software, and systems, thus covering the entire field of current and future digital engineering. The European Commission has also just approved the European HPC technology platform, formed on an initiative by members of TERATEC, which will partner with the new platform to define and implement European programs through 2020.
Disseminating these technologies more widely in industrial and service settings means launching new activities, such as the NumInnov project to make HPC and simulation available to everyone in cloud mode, and the Service Platform projects where any given industrial sector can find everything it needs in terms of modeling and simulation.
We will be substantially ramping up our initial and continuing education efforts so that in every sector, we can recruit at the highest levels and quickly train the current teams to use these tools, which have become an essential component of companies’ innovative capacity.
Finally, we will continue very actively to pursue our promotional efforts, such as the TERATEC Forum. The 2012 forum was a success, drawing more than 900 participants, prestigious speakers, and high-level workshops. Please join us for the 2013 TERATEC Forum, which will be held at the École Polytechnique on June 25 and 26.
Managing Director, TERATEC

13,000 square meters of offices in the first European Technopole dedicated to Simulation and High Performance Computing
The purpose of the TERATEC Campus is to give professionals from the field of numerical simulation and high performance computing a dynamic and welcoming environment at the crossroads of innovation, based on three major areas: system architecture and performance, software development and services provision. Read more
Incubator and business hotel
In June, the first start-up center and incubator opened for companies working in the field of simulation and high-performance computing. The Essonne CCI has taken over 1,500 m2 in the heart of the Teratec Campus to support the development of start-ups in the HPC sector, provide space to R&D teams, and enable companies to expand their business network of close relationships and expertise. Companies like DISTENE, NUMTECH, XEDIX, SCILAB, ALLIANCE SERVICE PLUS, ATEM, EAGOCOM have already joined the incubator and the start-up center. Read more

On June 25, the plenary sessions will bring together personalities from the political, economic and academic users of international industrial leading providers of leaders in these technologies and innovative SMEs around issues of supercomputing. June 26, technical workshops will provide an update on major topics. During these two days, an exhibition of sixty stands bring together key players in the high-performance simulation presented their latest innovations in HPC.
To participate in these days, submit a paper in the workshops, book a booth at the exhibition or be anTERATEC Forum 2013 sponsor, please contact Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
TERATEC Forum 2012 reports and presentations are online
With over 1,000 attendees, 60 international speakers and 60 exhibitors, Forum TERATEC has once again demonstrated the dynamism of industrial technology providers facing a strongly expanding market and increasing interest from industrial users as prompt, efficient means to improve competitiveness.
June 27, the plenary sessions was dedicated to industrial strategies and public policies on HPC and illustrated the increasing variety of usages with the participation of Gérard ROUCAIROL (TERATEC), David ROS (Conseil General de L’Essonne), Philippe GILLET (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne) Anthony LICHNEWSKY (Schlumberger), Steve BARBER (Xyratex), Ananth KRISHNAN, (Tata Consultancy Services), David SILAGY (Arkema), Joel MONNIER (Kalray), Bernard QUERLEUX (L’Oreal), Nelson MACULAN (ancien ministre de l'Education du Brésil / Université fédérale de Rio-de-Janeiro), Robert MADELIN (Direction général Société de l’information et médias de la Commission Européenne).
Click HERE to download presentation
On the second day, technical workshops provided participants with an update on progress made in many fields: Complex Systems Numerical Design - Exascale Challenges - Visualization, optimization and performance - Green Computing Centers - Data Deluge(s) - Special SME Session - ScilabTEC, fourth edition of the Scilab Users’ Day.
Click HERE to download presentation
June 27 and 28, there was an exhibition of around sixty booths of the major HPC players. Software manufacturers and producers, integrators and distributors, service providers, academic and laboratory researchers, public and private sector developers, etc. have presented their latest HPC innovations.
Click HERE to download the exhibition catalogue

The ETP is preparing its Strategic Research Agenda and helping define the High-Performance Computing components of the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program
An industry-led Forum, ETP4PHC has already produced a Vision Paper in March 2012, and is currently preparing a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for end of 2012, to propose R&D programmes to increase the value created in Europe from future HPC systems. Working Groups have been launched with experts from member or non-member organizations, spanning a diversity of topics: System and Component Architecture - System Software - Programming Environment - HPC Usage Models - Energy Efficiency - Extreme Parallelism - System Resiliency - Compute, I/O & Storage Performance Balance - Big Data – Supporting New Workloads - New HPC Delivery (e.g. Cloud) Read more

A multidisciplinary continuing education certificate course, with a balance of theory and practice, in the field of applied mathematics and parallel computin
Supélec and the Ecole Centrale Paris have combined their recognized expertise in applied mathematics and computing, and have joined forces with Teratec and a group of top companies in the high-performance computing market, to design, offer, and teach a multidisciplinary course with a balance of theory and practice in the field of applied mathematics and parallel computing, which also covers the implementation and operation of computing resources. Read more

The aim of the NumInnov project is to make supercomputing technology available to all and help ensure that businesses and SMEs using this technology can create new products and offer new services
Led by Bull, the project is government-supported as part of the “Investments for the Future” framework. It aims to create an independent operator providing supercomputing services in a cloud computing environment; businesses can have access, via the internet, to this computing power, and the associated software and services according to their specific needs when they want them. Supercomputing thus enters the cloud computing age. Rather than invest in acquiring and implementing very expensive data centres, companies can benefit from computing power paid for on a usage basis. At the technological level the NumInnov project will integrate and enrich the developments made by Bull. Read more

When the new Xeon E5 processor was launched in March 2012, the ECR Laboratory was able to thank the lab’s tools and methodology for the excellent optimization results obtained on the quantum chemistry code by Prof. Michel Caffarel’s team at the CNRS. The method developed by the group, based on state-of-the-art stochastic models, makes it possible to simulate complex molecules of biological interest on petaflop-scale machines. With a view to the extreme simulation in December 2011 that pushed back the boundaries of science to explore previously unknown territory, the code was specially optimized by the Exascale Computing Research laboratory. Read more

AGREGATION - Safe command and control for testing systems
The goal of the Aggregation project launched in February 2011 is to better integrate digital simulation into testing. Today, the project has reached the stage of implementing solutions that make it possible to deploy testing systems. Read more
H4H - Optimise HPC Applications on Heterogeneous Architectures
The objective of the H4H project is to supply developers of high-performance computing applications with a parallel hybrid programming environment that allows them to optimally combine various parallel programming models, thus making the most efficient use of heterogeneous platforms made up of both computing nodes with standard processors and graphics accelerators that offer high performance gains for certain algorithms but are particularly difficult to implement in a hybrid environment. Two years after this effort began, several important results have been obtained. Read more
ILMAB - Software Infrastructure for Building Modeling and Analysis
This 36-month FUI project aims to create the first unified simulation chain for construction. While the building and construction business has been using advanced simulation tools and methods for a long time, there is currently no well thought-out integration of these tools. ILMAB intends to produce tools for designing and assessing future buildings. By offering a unified look at the building as a technical object, ILMAB hopes to facilitate and optimize the professional practices of design engineering firms, among other benefits. Read more
MIEL - MIxed ELement - 3D Mesher
After over 36 months of project progress, INRIA (PhD) continues to work on the automatic mesh for solving Maxwell's equations. The DISTENE algorithms have increasingly robust and fast mesh mixed with a majority of hexahedra (Hexotic tools). These automatic mesh generators integrated as a plugin in SAMCEF Field built a very capable industrial tool, robust and fast. Read more
OMD2 - Major Advances in Cloud Multidisciplinary Optimizations
The OMD2 project has successfully developed an Open Multidisciplinary Optimization Platform for distributed and Cloud computing. The OMD2 project has created a collaborative design platform that works in general HPC and Cloud distributed environments. The developments rely on the ProActive Parallel Suite Cloud middleware developed by ActiveEon in Open Source, and allow the users to interact directly with the Cloud platform from the SCILAB language. The developments have been validated on important car industry test cases related to car environmental impacts . Read more
OPEN GPU - Integrated parallelization platform for industrial and academic codes for GPU & hybrid architectures
GPU computing has become essential for the design of all current and future calculators, and integrating GPUs into all processors will make hybrid programming increasingly necessary. In light of this, after the OpenGPU project, all partners and the community involved in the various events will be effectively prepared to handle this new technological landscape. Read more
