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Workshop 02 - 9:00 to 12:30 pm
HPC Technologies and Health
Modeling of the COVID-19 epidemic spreading within a realistic urban geography
By Nicolas Gilet, research engineer, Inria
ICI project (INRIA - Collaboration - IGN) is an epidemic spreading model, particularly adapted to COVID-19, based on a very detailed modeling of an urban space and its corresponding population at the individual scale. This model aims to help health authorities to make the best interventions, at the scale of a medium-sized city, to control the spread of the epidemic.
More precisely, the simulation is based on the coupling of two distinct models: on the one hand, the modeling of the urban geographical space where the population live and move; on the other hand, the modeling of the random choices of movements and possible contaminations during interactions between individuals.
The urban geography is done by taking into account many data sources (IGN, INSEE, OpenStreetMap, Agence Parisienne d'URbanisme (APUR)).
Due to the very strong dependence of the evolution of the epidemic on epidemiological characteristics and on various heterogeneous parameters within the population (incubation time, transmission probability, etc.), all these parameters are modeled in a probabilistic way requiring high performance calculations on large computing structures (CEA, Grid'5000, local computers)
The simulator could, in the long term, be used to prevent, predict and manage the propagation of epidemics other than COVID-19. Finally, it could be used in very different contexts, for example in the process of designing means of transport adapted to the lifestyles of the inhabitants, thanks to the advanced modelling of the multiple phenomena governing travel.
Biography: Docteur en Calcul Scientifique après une thèse effectuée entre 2017 et 2019 dans un laboratoire spatial (CNRS/LPC2E), j’ai rejoint le centre Inria Saclay – Ile de France en janvier 2021 en tant qu’ingénieur de recherche. Je suis actuellement en charge du développement du simulateur ICI, écrit en Julia, et de son portage sur les grands centres de calculs à l’aide d’outils de parallélisation comme MPI. |
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