> > Atelier 6
Forum TERATEC 2017
Atelier 6 - Mercredi 28 juin de 14h00 à 17h30
Big Data appliqué la science des matériaux
Le Laboratoire NOMAD et des bases données pour la dynamique moléculaire a la précision quantique
Résumé : I will describe the conception, structure and early achievements of the Novel Materials Discovery (NOMAD) Laboratory, a EC-funded Centre of Excellence developing a Materials Encyclopaedia and Big-Data Analytics and advanced graphics tools for materials science and engineering. The issue of data curation, from archiving to conversion with a flexible metadata structure, and the necessity of bespoke accurate parsing for all major software packages, have emerged as key issues in the first year of the CoE’s operation. An exciting aspect of the forthcoming work plan is the development of analytic tools to handle the data contained in the NOMAD Archive, either to identify previously unnoticed correlations between the database materials, or to boost existing modelling algorithms. As an example of the latter case, I will describe how Bayesian inference can be used to boost first-principles molecular dynamics, by means of machine-learning force fields based on appropriate Gaussian process kernel construction. Analysis reveals that the complexity associated with learning the atomic forces of a target physical system can be quantified, and if found so high that the “Big Enough Data” assumption is ruled out, extrapolation can still be avoided by online learning strategies that concentrate QM subroutine calls where/when “chemically novel” configurations are encountered along the system’s trajectory.
Biography : Alessandro has over twenty years experience in materials modelling, interdisciplinarily spanning over Physics and Materials Engineering, with a PhD in either discipline. During his career he has been working in various institutions, including the Universities of Keele, Oxford and Cambridge, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, and the University of Trieste. In 2010 he became Professor of Physics at King’s College London. He co-directs the Thomas Young London Centre for Theory and Simulation of Materials and director of the UK-JCMaxwell CECAM Node (partners: KCL, Imperial College, University College London, and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge). His research interests are centred on the development and application of atomistic modelling techniques involving massively parallel computing, dynamical database generation and machine learning. He uses these techniques to investigate materials’ chemo-mechanical properties such as their resistance to fracture and stress corrosion, as well as nanofabrication approaches such as supramolecular self-assembly. In the late 1990’s, he pioneered the “Learn On The Fly” (LOTF) multi-scale modelling scheme whose latest developments include on-the-fly force learning of first-principle forces from dynamically evolving databases using Bayesian techniques. |
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Pour retrouver les ateliers des précédentes éditions du Forum TERATEC traitant des matériaux et télécharger les présentations
Forum Teratec 2016 : Ingénierie intégrée de matériaux basée sur le HPC
- Thermodynamique des phases métastables par Christophe SIGLI, Senior Scientist in Physical Metallurgy, CONSTELLIUM
- Modélisation multi-échelles des matériaux à partir de l’échelle atomique par Francois WILLAIME, CEA
- Projet PAMSIM : Parallélisme massif en simulation numérique pour la mécanique par Ionel NISTOR, head of Simulation tools in mechanics, EDF
- Calcul intensif pour mieux comprendre la science des matériaux par Elisabeth MASSONI, directeur du Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux, ECOLE DES MINES DE PARIS
- Accélération de calculs de simulations des matériaux sur GPU par François COURTEILLE, Solution Architect, NVIDIA
- La simulation des matériaux en milieu industriels: quelles perspectives?» Table ronde animée par Gilles ZERAH, CEA
Forum Teratec 2015 : Big data, multiéchelle et matériaux
Forum Teratec 2014 : Simulation haute performance des matériaux: nouveaux matériaux, usage et tenue en fonction
- Du matériaux à la structure, quelques méthodes récentes de simulation par Frederic FEYEL, Responsable du pôle Modélisation & Simulation, SAFRAN
- HPC et modélisation multi-échelle des matériaux de structure des centrales nucléaires par Christophe DOMAIN, Engineer, EDF R&D
- Modélisation par dynamique moléculaire de supercondensateurs à haute densité d'énergie par Matthieu SALANNE, Maître de conférences, UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURI
- Hydrogen in materials studied by High Performance Computing par Gregory GENESTE, CEA
- Decoherence and electron transfers within proteins: are quantum effects relevant for biology ? par Aurélien DE LA LANDE, Chargé de Recherche CNRS, UNIVERSITE PARIS SUD
Pour toute autre information concernant les ateliers techniques, prière de contacter :
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tél : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 - Mob.: +33 (0)6 11 44 49 59
2, rue de la Piquetterie