Newsletter Teratec
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 2024, one great year for digital technology
To begin with this new year, I'd like to express our wishes of every success to you and your companies, as 2024 promises to be a particularly remarkable year for digital technology.
In most areas of high-power computing, the prospects are impressive: in HPC, the first European Exascale machines have been announced; in quantum computing, many French and European start-ups are taking off; and in artificial intelligence, generative AI is off to a hot start. These three components are going to profoundly change the digital landscape, both because of the increase in computing power, but also considering their interrelationships, particularly for quantum and HPC and, of course, with generative AI and HPC.
Whether talking about technology suppliers or industrial users, major changes are going to happen, some activities will be reconsidered and new areas are going to emerge. As we need to be prepared for this, I would like to emphasize two aspects that I look as essential. First is that managing these changes requires co-design between suppliers and users, working in concert to apply such advances to real-life use cases. This is the quickest and surest way of maximizing and guaranteeing results. Second deals with the continuous improvement of skills levels, which is a major imperative whether we are talking about technology or usage. The best performers in these two areas will be the leaders of tomorrow.
For Teratec, this will lead us to further strengthen our co-creation initiatives in the field of HPC particularly around the French Competence Centre and the European centres of excellence in which we keep actively involved, as in the field of quantum computing to strengthen and expand our assistance initiatives towards the various players in this field by setting up projects, and to support quantum packs bringing together start-ups and major industrial companies. At the same time, we are currently working on similar initiatives for generative AI. In addition, we are going to prepare strong actions to accelerate and facilitate the development of skills to strengthen the internationally recognized level of French researchers and engineers as another distinctive element.
I look forward to seeing you at the next Teratec Forum on 29 and 30 May at the Parc Floral de Paris, and I wish you all a great and successful year in 2024.
Hervé Mouren,
Teratec Managing Director |
For its 18th edition, the Teratec Forum brought about even more content, more exhibitors, more audience, more partners and more impact.
Operating over 18 years, the most important gathering in France reaching the HPC community offers ever more digitalized content to provide a year-round event dedicated to the high-power digital technology community, with enhanced media coverage to further develop attendance opportunities for users and researchers across key sectors. Ensuring as many people as possible have access to the event, next Teratec Forum will be held in Paris at the Parc Floral on 29 and 30 May 2024, while replicating thematic digital mornings that have been initiated in 2023.
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Contact Teratec: Jean-Pascal Jégu |
The Teratec Forum Thematic Morning sessions are unique digital events driving the community in their different sectors throughout the year..
Each digital morning focuses on a particular application sector, offering a comprehensive subject overview, including knowledge current status, feedback from user companies, latest news on major areas of research in the sector and future outlook. Sponsors and exhibitors at the Teratec Forum are also given opportunities to cover every technological aspect of targeted topics. Awaiting the 2024 programme, you may wish to review each 2023 mornings dedicated to energy, health and finance in replay.
Morning Sessions 2023 replay >>>>
Contact Teratec: Jean-Pascal Jégu |
The Teratec Forum conferences focus on the technological challenges and the diversity of uses of high-power digital technology.
Held on 29 and 30 May 2024 at the Parc Floral de Paris, the Keynotes and Round Tables of the Teratec Forum will give their way to political, economic and academic figures, leading international industrial users and prominent solution providers in these technologies. These testimonials illustrate the importance of these new technologies in boosting competitiveness and innovative capacity of businesses, and the crucial role that France plays in this field in Europe.
Replay for conferences 2023 >>>>
Contact Teratec: Jean-Pascal Jégu |
The Teratec Forum 2024 Workshops aiming to deepen your knowledge and better understand all challenges of these technologies.
On 29 and 30 May, the Teratec Forum's Technical and Applications Workshops will be led by leading market players, recognised experts and major users. They provide an opportunity to take stock of emerging technologies and new application sectors such as ecological sobriety and digital transitions, advances in quantum technology, the cultural and creative industries, AI applications in industry, parallel programming and coding architectures, digital twins, spatial data...
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Contact Teratec: Jean-Pascal Jégu |
90 leading players in simulation, HPC, AI and quantum technologies uniting at the Teratec Forum exhibition.
Next 29 & 30 May at the Parc Floral in Paris, the Teratec Forum exhibition is an opportunity for the many participants to discover and rate the latest advances, initiatives and innovations offered by suppliers and integrators of hardware, software and service solutions as well as universities and research laboratories, in the field of high-power computing. Europa Village keeps in focus to highlight Excellence and Competence Centres as well as European Research Projects, joined by the IA Boulevard and Deeptech Space for Start-ups will also be on site.
To book your booth and/or becoming a sponsor
Contact Teratec: Jean-Pascal Jégu |
The interactive and intuitive Teratec Forum 2024 platform is available all year round.
This platform gives participants access to the whole content of Keynotes, Round Tables and Thematic Morning sessions in 2023 and 2024, live and replayed. They can also discover the content and offers of sponsors and exhibitors, with the possibility of making contacts and networking opportunities, preparing their visit to the show in the best possible way. Some content (keynotes, round tables) will be available in replay mode at the end of the Teratec Forum organised face-to-face. Registration is now open.
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Contact Teratec: Jean-Pascal Jégu |
HPC Hackathon: A 2nd international Hackathon gathering 52 students in 13 teams to measure up with the CGG and EDF codes.
13 teams have registered for the 2nd Industrial HPC Codes Hackathon organised by Teratec and its partners EDF, CGG, ARM, AWS, UCIT and LINARO. Students from ENS and UVSQ (Saclay), the Sorbonne, URCA (Reims), UNCA (Nice), ENSEIRB (Bordeaux), UPVD (Perpignan), ESILV (Paris), the University of Luxembourg and FAU (Nuremberg) will be competing in teams of 4 aiming to porting codes supplied by CGG and EDF to ARM architecture and in order to optimise them. Enjoy the competition! We look forward to seeing you on 30 May 2024 at the TERATEC Forum for the prize-giving ceremony.
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Contact Teratec: Emmanuelle Vergnaud |
The BACQ project (Application Benchmarks for Quantum Computers) led by Thales with CEA, CNRS, Eviden, LNE and Teratec..
As part of the national quantum plan and its MetriQs-France programme, the BACQ project funded up to €2.5m by the ANR aims to develop, operate and promote a reliable, objective and sustainable instrument for measuring quantum computing performance. The application carried out for benchmarking will cover major fields of application: optimisation, resolution of linear systems, quantum physics simulation and factorisation. To this end, a multi-criteria aggregation will be implemented: calculation time, problem sizing, approximation rate, energy criteria…
Additional news >>>> Press releases
Read more >>>> TQCI Seminar
Contact Teratec: Emmanuelle Vergnaud |
Discover the CC-FR Competence Centre's 2024 programme of training courses and seminars on HPC, HPDA, AI and quantum technologies.
In 2023, the CC-FR Competence Centre rolled out more than 20 training courses and 5 webinars on HPC, AI and Quantum Computing technologies. The centre trained over 350+ people. More than 340 people in France and Europe attended our technical webinars to develop their skills. In 2024, the centre will continue to roll out training courses and webinars. The catalogue will be expanded throughout the year. Find out more about the 2024 training and webinar programme and register.
Training program >>>>
Programs fo Webinars >>>>
Subscribing to CC-FR Newsletter >>>>
Contact Teratec: Karim Azoum |
POP: the Performance Optimisation and Productivity Centre of Excellence resume their activities.
Teratec was involved in the first two phases of the POP centre of excellence (2015-2021). This centre of excellence is dedicated to analysing the performance of application computing codes in all industrial sectors in order to improve their performance on parallel systems. These free, high-quality services enabling average performance gains with an order of 50% and even more than 300% in some cases, will resume from 1 January 2024 for a period of 3 years as part of POP3.
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Contacts Teratec: Samir Ben Chaabane |
Excellerat 2: The European Center of Excellence for engineering applications.
Phase 2 of the EXCELLERAT Centre of Excellence (CoE) was launched in January 2023 for a period of 4 years. The ultimate mission of this centre of excellence remains to serve as an entry point for industrial users of digital simulation technologies and expertise. EXCELLERAT also contributes to setting up codes around "use cases" linked to engineering capacity for future exascale machines. The services offered by EXCELLERAT partners are available on the « Services portal ».
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Contacts Teratec: Marie-Françoise Gerard Samir Ben Chaabane |
Castiel-2: Coordination and support of national HPC Competence Centers and Centers of Excellence.
CASTIEL-2 supports and coordinates the 32 national HPC Competence Centres and the 15 European Centres of Excellence (specialised in a given sector such as energy, climate and weather or engineering applications) in order to facilitate and develop diversified means of access to HPC/HPDA/IA/Quantum-related services, provided by European experts, around the peta/exascale machines already built or being prepared by the European Commission's Joint Undertaking.
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Contact Teratec: Marie-Françoise Gerard |
EUMaster4HPC: the call for applications to join the programme in September 2024 has opened on 8 January 2024!
Following the launch of the innovative and collaborative pan-European Master's programme in September 2022, a new call for student applications opens on 8 January 2024! This is an opportunity for students to find out more about this Master's programme dedicated to HPC, offering mobility in Europe! The students selected for this programme will have the opportunity to take part in workshops and summer schools. They will also have the opportunity to join a company for an internship. If your Company has any offer for such internships, please do not hesitate to contact Teratec to find out more.
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Contacts Teratec: Marie-Françoise Gerard Andréa Ralamboson |
Discover the Teratec Campus, a whole ecosystem at your service.
The Teratec Campus is the heart of France's high-power digital technology ecosystem (simulation, HPC/HPDA, artificial intelligence, quantum computing), employing nearly 300 people. The Teratec Campus, with its business centre and research laboratories, brings together in a single location a range of skills that is unique in France, in the fields of hardware, general and application software, and services. Its proximity to the TGCC (the CEA's very large computing centre) makes it a unique technology park in Europe.
Contact Teratec: Emmanuelle Vergnaud |
Teratec, European centre for high-power digital technologies and applications.
Teratec brings together the major players in simulation, HPC/HPDA, Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing around major French and European manufacturers. The aim is to contribute to the development of these technologies and their uses, in order to accelerate the design and implementation of the highest-performance systems, and to advance the development of new methodologies and associated tools with the aim of creating sustainable skills and long term jobs.
Members of Teratec >>>
Becoming a Teratec member >>>>
Contact Teratec: Emmanuelle Vergnaud |