Newsletter Teratec
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Dear Members, Dear Partners, Dear Readers and Friends, Happy New Year to all!
At the beginning of 2019 promising to be a particularly productive year, and on behalf of the entire Teratec Team, allow me to extend our very best wishes to you and all those dear to you.
Taking over the Presidency of Teratec, I measure the progress made since the time we envisioned and launched Teratec with Christian Saguez in order to enable the French industrial and research community to use and develop the most advanced digital technologies, benefiting from the support of the local authorities territories. Quite a journey we have accomplished since then! I would like to congratulate all of you from the Teratec community, and first and foremost my two predecessors, the local elected Officials who have always contributed and supported us, and our entire team gradually shaped.
In all aspects, 2019 will be the year of Europe. Not only the European Parliament will be renewed but also, decisions made in 2018 by the European Commission and the Council of Ministers of Member States should ultimately enable to launch the very large scale projects needed to master such critical technologies, systems and uses within Europe across our countries. At the very beginning of the year, the content and operating mechanisms of these programs are being finalized, and at the instance of the Commission and the French public authorities, I can say that Teratec is herein highly involved.
Witnessing achievements, I will keep you regularly informed of progress made, in particular at our next annual Forum to be held June 11 and 12 at the Ecole Polytechnique, where I hope to meet many of you.
To all of you again, I wish an excellent Year 2019 for yourself, for your companies and services and for all your teams involved with us in Teratec.
Daniel Verwaerde
Chairman, Teratec |
The entire value chain of simulation, HPC, Big Data and AI will be exhibited on June 11-12, 2019 at the Teratec Forum
The exhibition of around 80 stands will bring together the main players in HPC and Big Data. Manufacturers and publishers, suppliers and integrators of hardware, software and services solutions, universities and research laboratories, will present their latest innovations in high performance digital simulation.
Become a sponsor of the Teratec 2019 Forum and be associated with marketing and promotional activities before, during and after the event. Read more >>>>
Be an exhibitor and present your latest hardware technologies, software and services. Read more >>>> This Forum is a unique opportunity for all the players in high performance computing and numerical simulation to meet partners, customers, prospects and journalists.
Register for the 14th Edition of the TERATEC Forum to discover the latest technological innovations in HPC, Simulation and BigData. Registration >>>> |
Speak at technical and application workshops
of the Teratec 2019 Forum,
hosted by internationally renowned Speakers!
You own a disruptive project, innovative products and / or services in the fields of Deep Tech ? You wish to share your experience, your vision or uses in the fields of innovative technologies ? Would you like to expand with your testimonials on the business approach and user experience ?
The Forum Teratec aims to provide the audience with a vision of innovative technologies around Simulation, HPC, Big Data and AI, as well as trends opening up attractive perspectives for a new mass-market industry in order to address its demand for "customized" experiences, the 4.0 industry.
Answer the call for papers and send before February 15, 2019 the title of your presentation and a summary of a maximum of ten lines.
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SiMSEO : 196 SMEs supported in the use of digital simulation
SiMSEO has sensitized more than 700 SMEs to the use of simulation at 54 workshops in 34 cities.
To date, 196 SMEs have already been supported to integrate digital simulation tools, through the 77 service offers deployed in manufacturing and construction. The catalogues of SiMSEO offers to the Manufacturing and Construction industries are available on
An assessment of SiMSEO's activities was presented at the "Open Doors" event of the Teratec Campus on October 2, 2018 and at the Nafems Congress on November 14&15, 2018.
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DataPoC Digital Challenges: 10 Proof of Concept
The 10 challenges, launched on April 18, 2017 were all successfully completed by the 10 winners. These 10 PoCs integrating breakthrough solutions around AI are for the most part moving to the next upper level, being used by sponsors. A real accelerator, DataPoC has enabled these SMEs, in co-development with sponsors, extend AI-based technologies and services very quickly in various fields.
A summary of DataPoC's activities was presented at Station F on June 22, 2018 during the "Digital Challenges" day, organized by the General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI), the DGE and Bpifrance. Read more >>>> |
Concerted action for the European HPC CoEs !
FocusCoE will contribute to the success of the EU HPC Ecosystem and the EuroHPC Initiative by supporting the EU HPC CoEs to more effectively fulfil their role within the ecosystem and initiative: ensuring that extreme scale applications result in tangible benefits for addressing scientific, industrial or societal challenges. It will do this by creating an effective platform for the CoEs to coordinate strategic directions and collaboration and will provide support services for the CoEs in relation to both industrial outreach and promotion of their services and competences by acting as a focal point for users to discover those services..
Read more >>>> |
The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications
Engineering applications will be among the first to exploit Exascale, both in industry and in research laboratories. In fact, industrial engineering is * THE * field with the greatest potential for exascale. Therefore, EXCELLERAT brings together the necessary European-based expertise to create a Centre of Excellence in Engineering with a wide range of services, paving the way to EXASCALE, as part of the HPC strategy driven by EuroHPC.
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A center of excellence in computing applications
After its first phase (2015-2018) during which project experts analyzed and helped to optimize more than 150 applications, the POP project was extended for a further 36 months to consolidate its analysis method and process while responding to the many requests for services that intensive code developers continue to send it. These services are intended for any type of customer use: industrial, research center, or university; and apply to both free software and proprietary software. . Read more >>> |
Launching TQCI (Teratec Quantum Computing Initiative)
The objective of the TQCI initiative is to create a Quantum Computing Competence Center, one true dynamic ecosystem bringing together users, technology providers and research centers to rapidly gain competences and develop know-how in the field of quantum computing along main specific focus:
> Development of research activities in mathematical formulation, algorithms and numerical methods
> Realization of showcases with usage and experimentation
> Training, information and community management |
Discover the Teratec Campus, an ecosystem at your service
Campus Teratec is core to the French ecosystem for HPC, digital simulation and Big Data, serving the industry, earth and life sciences or commercial services. It is also a site welcoming about 300 people living and working locally. As a pioneering concept, the Campus Teratec gathers in one single hub a vast and unique amount of competences for France and Europe, dedicated to hardware (architectures, processors,…) as well as operating systems and application software or any related services (R&D, operations, applications,…). .
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Run your Training Workshop on the Campus Teratec
Since 2014, Training Workshops have been organized on the Campus Teratec. These workshops aim at enabling companies to present their latest innovations of hardware, software or services, to show practical cases of application to an industrial context and to guide participants in their implementation. It also gives participants the opportunity to meet the Digital Simulation & Big Data community within the Teratec ecosystem.
Read more >>>> |
5th Digital Technology and Simulation Awards on June 11th, 2019
Co-organized by Usine Digitale and Teratec, five awards will be granted by a jury of leading professionals rewarding the winners at the Teratec Forum.
HPC, simulation, Big Data and artificial intelligence are critical technologies driving innovation for all sectors of the industry. Skills and know-how demonstrated by national actors for their widespread use of these technologies are now recognized well beyond our borders
Download the Candidature File >>>
Download the Media Kit >>>> |
Special supplement L'Usine Nouvelle : The new fields of simulation :
L'Usine Nouvelle, Industrie & Technologies and L'Usine Digitale, in partnership with Teratec, published a supplement on the theme "New fields of simulation" dedicated to the HPC, simulation, BigData and AI . In summary: Interviews, Initiatives, experiences, new tools, nuggets and actors, main investigation, inquiry on the heavy trends, ....
Be an advertiser in this supplement which will be published on April 25, 2019 and distributed to over 55,000 copies..
Download the media Kit >>>> |
Join the movement around digital technologies! !
Become a member of Teratec and join a unique ecosystem in Europe bringing together industrial users, technology companies, research and teaching centers around technologies and applications in computer simulation, High-Performance Computing, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (HPC/HPDA). Companies and organizations wishing to join Teratec must submit an application with a presentation of their activities in connection with those of Teratec. Read more >>>> |
Industrial initiatives and group-works at Teratec
HPC/HPDA technologies are playing an increasingly important role in many application areas. At national and European levels, this requires to implement major industrial initiatives involving users, technology providers as well as academic research centers.
In this rich context, Teratec carries out strategic group-works with its members to implement various initiatives addressing the following themes: Quantum Computing, Autonomous Systems and HPC/HPDA technologies, Living Systems and Personalized Medicine, Scaling up simulation tools for materials and 3D printing technologies, Cybersecurity. |
Teratec association is hiring for European Projects
The European Commission has set up Centers of Excellence in which Teratec has significant contribution, as part of the H2020 program. Teratec is recruiting for those projects - POP (coding analysis and optimization for parallel computing) and Excellerat (scientific calculation software for manufacturing industry)::
> Project Manager M/F
> Business Developer M/F
> Communication Specialist M/F |
Teratec, Driving Innovation and Competitiveness
Teratec gathers around large French and European industrial companies the major players in HPC, simulation, Big Data and AI with the ambition to contribute to the development of technologies and usages in these areas, to accelerate the design and implementation of the most powerful systems, to foster the emergence of new technologies and of the associated tools with the objective to create expertise and highly qualified jobs in these areas. Teratec members >>>> |
News about TERATEC members and partners
Be sure save the dates of future events held in the fields of HPC, Simulation and Big Data. Read more >>>
Find out the latest news about TERATEC members (Read more >>>>)
For more information on TERATEC's activities,
The European Pole High Performance Simulation, Big Data and IA
Contact : Jean-Pascal JEGU
Campus TERATEC - 2, rue de la Piquetterie - 91680 BRUYERES-LE-CHATEL - France
Tel. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 - - |