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Register for the 13th Edition of the TERATEC Forum on 19 and 20 June 2018
to discover the latest technological innovations in HPC, Simulation and Big Data |
Meet at the 13th Teratec Forum, next June 19 and 20
With over 1,300 participants every year, the Teratec Forum brings all the players in the simulation, high-performance computing and Big Data sector together around plenary presentations delivered by major speakers representing public authorities, technology providers and users. All technologies and services providers exhibit in the Forum and gather around thematic workshops.
Faced with major changes in this sector, the 2018 edition will prove to be an exceptional event with complete updates on:
• Major initiatives currently being launched at national level (Artificial Intelligence Plan...) and European level (EuroHPC Programme...) as well.
• Major sectors where such technologies will play a leading role: health, autonomous systems, urban systems and multimedia.
• Innovative technologies currently being developed such as: Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, Digital Twin, quantum computing, embedded HPC... • Actions promoting and disseminating these technologies to all stakeholders, SMEs and midcaps in particular.
Book now for two days on June 19 and 20, 2018 and share this unique event in Europe meeting with key players in the field.
Plenary sessions: technological challenges and diversity of uses
On Tuesday 19 of June, discover the new technological challenges, with diversity of uses and transformations involved in digital technologies for your companies, SMEs or large groups. As much as linked to simulation and Big Data, you will attend presentations by senior political and industrial leaders, users and suppliers.
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Workshops: focused on innovative technologies and applications
On Wednesday 20 of June, renowned international experts will present promising emerging HPC, simulation and Big Data technologies with their new application areas: Deap learning, Digital Twin, BIM, quantum, customized health and medicine, HPC in the loop, autonomous systems, multimedia...
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The exhibition: 70 actors meeting your expectations
During two days of the Forum, more than 70 HPC and Big Data players will present their latest innovations in terms of technologies and services, in the field of high-performance digital simulation along with new applications.
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Fourth edition of the Digital Simulation Trophies
On June 19, five trophies will be awarded by a jury of leading professionals to reward champions of digital simulation, HPC and Big Data at the Teratec Forum, organized with Usine Digitale Magazine in partnership with CEA, Cray Computer, Dell EMC, HPE and Inria.
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Thematic areas: discovering European projects The European Research Café presents 10 European research projects in the fields of computer simulation, HPC and Big Data.
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Come and meet the HPC community. Register now and get your badge.TERATEC Forum is free and strictly reserved for professionals.
Participation to exhibition, conferences and workshops is free (subject to seats available).
The badge is free of charge and give you access to all events TERATEC Forum.
Register now >>>> |
For more information on TERATEC's activities,
the European Pole HPC, Simulation and BigData
Contact : Jean-Pascal JEGU
Campus TERATEC - 2, rue de la Piquetterie - 91680 BRUYERES-LE-CHATEL - France
Tel. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 - - Visitez le site de TERATEC |