Book this date in your diary! Come and meet the HPC community on June 23 and 24 at the TERATEC Forum. Register now!
TERATEC brings together top international experts in high performance numerical design and simulation, making it the major event in France and in Europe in this area. It emphasizes again the strategic importance of these technologies for developing industrial competitiveness and innovation capacity.
TERATEC Forum welcomes more than 1000 attendees, highlighting the technological and industrial momentum of HPC and the essential role that France plays in this field. TERATEC Forum has unique features, making it an exceptional place to be for simulation and HPC practitioners and managers: the participation and the testimony of industrial and ICT leaders, the diversity and the high level of the technical workshops, the representativeness and innovation potential of exhibitors.
TERATEC 2015 Forum - Plenary sessions
Technological challenges and the diversity of usages of HPC, Simulation and High Performance Computing
On Tuesday, June 23, the plenary sessions will focus on the technological challenges of Simulation and High Performance Computing and on the diversity of usages of HPC; with the participation of representatives from the political, economic and academic worlds, advanced international industrial users and leading technology suppliers.
Participants will hear including leaders of INTEL, ATOS (Thierry BRETON), SEAGATE (Jamie LEARNER) , SAFRAN (Pierre THOURAUD), UBISOFT, AVRIL Group ( Xavier BEULIN, president of FNSEA), Square Kilometre Array (Paul ALEXANDER, University of Cambridge), and members of the french government.. The great advances of the French Supercomputing plan, part of "The New face of Industry in France" launched by the government will be presented in plenary sessions. Some actions of the plan will be particularly developed the next day in the technical workshops.
Following the plenary sessions, the 2015 Digital Simulation Awards (Startup Award - SME Award - Innovation Award - Collaboration Award - Grand Prize for Simulation) will be awarded to the digital simulation champions. The first day of the TERATEC Forum will end with a party to celebrate TERATEC's tenth anniversary.
Participation to conferences is free subject to seats available. On line registration is obligatory. Register now and get your badge here >>> |
TERATEC 2015 Forum - Technical workshops
Emerging technologies and new domains for high performance computing applications.
On wednesday, june 24, the main market players and recognized experts will be involved in workshops whose aim is to take on emerging technologies and new areas of application of HPC.
This year we propose four workshops technology oriented :
and four workshops usage oriented
Participation to workshops is free subject to seats available. On line registration is obligatory. Register now and get your badge here >>> |
TERATEC 2015 Forum - Exhibition
The two day exhibition will showcase the High Performance Computing industry across the entire value chain
During these two days, there will be an exhibition covering the whole HPC industry. Systems manufacturers and software vendors, integrators and distributors, service providers, academic and laboratory researchers, public and private sector developers will present their latest HPC innovations.
There are only four booths still available!
It is not too late to Set up a booth in the exhibition and professional meetings area and present your innovations and products, your R&D projects and your business or organization to the 1200 participants expected these two exceptional days.
More information about the reservation of a booth in the exhibition, contact Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
Visit of the exhibition is free. On line registration is obligatory. Register now and get your badge here >>> |
New! The 2015 Digital Simulation Awards
The Digital Simulation Awards, jointly organised by Usine Nouvelle and TERATEC, will, for the very first time, be awarded to the champions of the digital simulation world, marking the occasion of TERATEC's tenth anniversary.
At the ceremony held during the TERATEC Forum on 23 June 2015, five Awards will be awarded by a jury of top professionals in recognition of the winners' achievements. The event is open to any company working in the fields of Digital Simulation and High Performance Computing.
If you would like to promote an innovative initiative or present your own project, send in your entry form now.
Five Awards will be awarded by a jury of top professionals in the industry:
Startup Award: Awarded to a startup founded within the last five years and which has distinguished itself by its innovative work in computing. The Best Computing Startup of the Year will be a provider of tools or services in the areas of digital simulation or Big Data analysis, and which has created added value or jobs. The ability to demonstrate an impact on the development of existing business models or on cost reduction will be a plus.
SME Award: Awarded to an SME-SMI that has successfully and efficiently implemented digital computing technology (simulation, data analysis or Big Data) and has changed the processes it uses to develop new products and services, or to produce, maintain or implement forward-planning across the entire life cycle. The winner must demonstrate through its results (in terms of time, productivity and profitability, etc.) that these new tools have enabled it to make real progress in its process management.
Innovation Award: Awarded for a product, technology or service developed by a company, and which breaks new ground in digital simulation or data analysis. The Award for the Year's Best Innovation in Computing may thus be awarded for any stage in the life cycle of an industrial project, from research through production, in-service maintenance and product recycling. Criteria taken into account to choose the winning entry include the impact on a company's competitiveness and sustainable development.
Collaboration Award (large company and SME) : Awarded to a collaborative project between a large company and an SME (or group of partners) which have worked on a project related to digital computing, at the stage of research, development or deployment. The two partners must demonstrate the exemplary nature of their collaboration in terms of innovation, protecting the interests of both parties (contracts, industrial property) and transferring results to industry.
- Jury's Prize: Awarded to one of the entrants, in any category, for the exemplary nature of a project in terms of innovation and development of the use of digital computing by an SME.
We would like to thank our partners, ATOS, COMSOL, INRIA and HP and supports, CAP DIGITAL, IMAGES & RESEAUX and SYSTEMATIC, for their support in helping us to organise this event. |
Others news from TERATEC
2nd call for High Performance Computing and Simulation projects
This second round embraces the priorities of the "Supercomputers" plan's road map, which was approved by the steering committee for the New "Industrial France," with President Hollande in attendance. It has two components:
- Technological fields : Proposed R&D projects must offer innovative hardware and software solutions to promote optimal use of the new architectures currently being developed. They will need to fit into one of the following categories covered by the Supercomputing plan: New hardware/software architectures and Software and algorithms optimized for parallelism.
- Sectorial initiatives : Proposed R&D projects must offer particularly innovative solutions in sectors of application that can benefit by using high performance computing and simulation technologies. Special emphasis will be placed on a first round of initiatives in high-priority sectors identified in the Supercomputing plan. Read more >>>
TERATEC Training Workshops - May 28, 2015 : Initiation to massively parallel profiling with the tools from ParaTools
This workshop will focus on performance data collection, analysis, and performance optimization. After describing and demonstrating how performance data (both profile and trace data) can be collected in a straightforward manner using TAU’s (Tuning and Analysis Utilities) automated source and binary instrumentation, the workshop will cover how to analyze the performance data collected and drill down to find performance bottlenecks and determine their causes. The workshop will include some sample codes that illustrate the different instrumentation and measurement choices available to the users. The performance evaluation tools will cover parallel runtime systems such as MPC (http://paratools.fr/mpc) from CEA, MPI, OpenMP, pthread, CUDA, and OpenCL. Registration required and free participation >>>
Join the Campus TERATEC and be in the heart of HPC - The incubator and business center on the Teratec Campus meet the development needs of companies, start-ups, and companies in their development phase.
The Teratec Campus offers premium private spaces, equipped with wiring and telephony, which come with a selection of à la carte services as desired: furniture, parking, reception and assistance, access to conference rooms, and shared office resources. In addition to the material aspects, choosing to work out of the incubator or start-up center on the Teratec Campus guarantees a high level of flexibility: Private spaces, even small ones, can be upgraded at any time... we offer premises ranging from 15 to 170 sqm - Lease terms are only 24 months, with the option for early termination. Read more >>>
European COLOC project: the COncurrency and LOcality Challenge
The COLOC project has started in July 2014 as part of the European ITEA programme for a duration of three years. The objective of this project is to model data location according to the relevant hardware architecture and interconnection network, so as to use it both in the platform resource management tools such as SLURM, and in communication libraries such as MPI, in applications and in profiling tools to optimize performance thanks to the optimized placement of processes and data.. The application domains that will implement these models and tools are: computational fluid dynamics (CFD) including combustion, computational electromagnetics (CEM) and computational structural mechanics (CSM). Read more >>> .
TERATEC Members News:
News for the Dell PowerEdge FX2 Platform - CD-adapco fête ses 35 ans de réussite en ingénierie à la STAR Global Conference - AlYOTECH, distributeur unique de l’outil True-Load en France - Ouverture du 11ème appel à projets PRACE - Read more >>>
TERATEC Members and Partners Agenda
Formation NAFEMS : Perfectionnement à la Simulation Numérique : méthodologies et bonnes pratique en contexte industriel - ScilabTEC 2015 - 10e Convention Annuelle Systematic Paris-Region - Formation PATC Uncertainty Quantification - Congrès SMAI 2015 - Formation Visualisation In-Situ avec ParaView Catalyst - Futur en Seine 2015 - Read more >>> .
The TERATEC 2014 Annual Report is available
This year, several operations have already begun including that at the service of future hardware technologies, under the leadership of the CEA. With regards to the development of new applications sectors, extremely promising avenues have been identified and a call for projects is going to be issued in the upcoming days coming from the France's General Investment Commission and the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Digital. To spread the use of HPC in small and medium-sized companies, we responded to a call for expression of interest from the General Investment Commission. Efforts should therefore start on this component in 2015 as well as the component on training. Download the TERATEC 2014 Annual Report >>> .
Come and meet the HPC community on June 23 and 24 at the TERATEC Forum. Register now! |

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Simulation & HPC

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