Dear friends, we would like to extend our warmest wishes to all our members, partners, and correspondents: happy and successful 2015 for you and your companies!
We have reasons to believe that 2015 will be a particularly interesting year.
We will be celebrating Teratec's 10th anniversary and looking back over how far we've come since our first activities in 2005: preparing for the first HPC forum, opening a dialogue with national and European government authorities, founding Systematic, creating the first HPC Master program, and then coming up with the project of a technology cluster to serve as a showcase for developing and disseminating these technologies in France and in Europe. This led to the launch of many collaborative research projects, then the creation of the Teratec Campus, and finally resulted in France and Europe recognizing the strategic importance of these technologies: France responded by launching the Supercomputers industrial plan with Gérard Roucairol, president of Teratec, as project manager, and Europe by launching its ETP4HPC technology platform.
This next chapter will see these various initiatives actually implemented, starting with last week's launch of the call for High Performance Computing and Simulation projects, which will lend significant support to our industrial development projects. Read on for full details about this especially important program. We are also preparing to expand Teratec's activities so that we can participate more easily and directly in operational projects. We have had many requests from parties who feel that the Teratec ecosystem, made up of the most advanced suppliers and the most exacting industrial users, would be a worthwhile partner for them. We are currently working on this and expect to have some news to announce later this year.
For now, plan to join us on June 23 and 24 at the Ecole Polytechnique for our 10th Teratec Forum. We hope you have an excellent year until then!
TERATEC Managing Director |
TERATEC Forum 2015 - 10th Anniversary - Be Sponsor or Exhibitor
On June 23-24, 2015, TERATEC will celebrate its tenth anniversary by bringing together at the Ecole Polytechnique more than 1,200 professionals, decision-makers and experts in the fields of HPC, Big Data and Simulation, stemming from the industrial and technological worlds and from the world of research, around these major technological and economic issues.
The participation and testimonials from major industrial firms, the presentations of leading tech companies in the field, the diversity and the level of the technical workshops, the representativeness of the exhibitors and the innovation of the offers presented, illustrate the technological and industrial dynamics at work in simulation and the major role that France plays in this field. The TERATEC Forum if the leading event in Europe for all those who are concerned with high-performance simulation.
On Tuesday, June 23, the Plenary Sessions will focus on the technological challenges in high-performance simulation and on the diversity in the uses for high performance computing. On Wednesday, June 24, technical workshops will take stock of the emerging technologies and in new application sectors for HPC. On June 23 and 24, an exhibit of about eighty booths will bring together the main players in HPC. Manufactures and publishers, suppliers and integrators of hardware, software and service solutions, universities and research laboratories, competitiveness clusters and public organizations, will present their latest innovations in terms of high performance simulation
Become a TERATEC 2015 sponsor. By becoming a TERATEC Forum 2015 sponsor and being involved in our marketing actions, you will be able to get the word out and create a positive image for your company with many players in the HPC sector BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the Forum.
Set up a booth in the exhibition and professional meetings area. Present your innovations and products, your R&D projects and your business or organization.
To book a booth at the exhibition or to be a sponsor, please contact Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 |
You wish to submit a paper for the workshops at the TERATEC Forum ?
You want to give your testimony? Share your experience in HPC, simulation and big data ? Present the solutions you implemented or invite your customers to give their feedback?
Email us before February 15, 2015: The title of your presentation(s) + A 10-lines summary (maximum) + The name and title of the planned speaker(s)
Presentations should be related to applications, in sectors such as manufacturing and engineering, environment and sustainable cities, materials, bio and medical, digital technologies for plants..., and should either: present real-life applications in business/industrial companies, propose methodologies to introduce new technologies in companies, showcase business-focused approaches or illustrate the integration of methods and tools in companies to reflect the latest technological evolutions.
Presentations focused on technology or research should allow attendees to evaluate the potential, the limitations and evolutions of the said technologies. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, new architectures, storage technologies, new generation software and new algorithms.
Priority will be given to papers submitted by TERATEC member and TERATEC Forum 2015 exhibitors propositions and including user testimonials, practical use cases and operational feedback.
To submit a paper for the workshops, please contact : Jean-Pascal JEGU - Tél : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 |
2nd call for High Performance Computing and Simulation projects
On January 12, 2014, the second call for projects supporting R&D in the field high performance computing and simulation opened.
This second round embraces the priorities of the "Supercomputers" plan's road map, which was approved on May 7, 2014 by the steering committee for the New "Industrial France," with President Hollande in attendance. It has two components:
Technological fields
Proposed R&D projects must offer innovative hardware and software solutions to promote optimal use of the new architectures currently being developed. They will need to fit into one of the following categories covered by the Supercomputing plan:
- New hardware/software architectures
- Software and algorithms optimized for parallelism
Sectorial initiatives
Proposed R&D projects must offer particularly innovative solutions in sectors of application that can benefit by using high performance computing and simulation technologies. Special emphasis will be placed on a first round of initiatives in high-priority sectors identified in the Supercomputing plan. These high-priority sectors are :
- Modeling and Simulation in Healthcare
- Urban Systems Modeling and Simulation
- Manufacturing and Energy Industries
- Digital Technologies for Plants and Agro-industries
- Materials Modeling and Simulation
- HPC Technologies for Multimedia
Learn more and download the Specifications >>> |
19th Teratec General Assembly
The 19th Teratec General Assembly was held on January 15 in the amphitheater of the CEA Very Large Computing Center (TGCC) at the Teratec Technopole.
Meeting attendees were given a progress update on the Supercomputers Plan for the New "Industrial France," an initial overview of the 2nd call for High Performance Computing and Simulation projects, and a description of Teratec's main activities in 2014. Representatives of Cray Supercomputer, ParaTools and Seagate also spoke to present their HPC activities to the other Teratec members.
5 new members welcomed: The Teratec General Assembly on January 15 unanimously voted in favor of admitting 5 new companies to the association:
Cray Supercomputer : develops and supplies supercomputers and offers high-performance computing, storage, and data analysis solutions.
CGG : supplies geophysical products and services to oil and gas companies.
Numscale : offers innovative solutions for developing and optimizing software to take advantage of the full capacity of modern computing systems.
ParaTools : an expert consulting company specializing in parallel and distributed computing, performance assessment, algorithms and software development.
Seagate : supplies high-performance, upgradable storage solutions, cloud solutions and systems, and cloud storage platforms.
Click HERE to download Teratec's 2014 Annual Report
TERATEC Members at January 15, 2015 >>> |
TERATEC Training Workshops - 1st semester 2015 Program
Organized on the TERATEC Campus and animated by members of TERATEC, the purpose of these workshops is to present their latest software, hardware or service innovations, to provide concrete cases for their use in an industrial context and to accompany the participants in implementing them.
This is also an excellent opportunity to meet the Simulation and Big Data community within TERATEC's ecosystem.
February 12, 2015: Presentation of quasardb, the extreme database
Program and registration >>>
March 19, 2015: CD-Adapco: New techniques for exploring design for multiphysics applications
Program and registration >>>
April 16, 2015: Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics and its Application Builder
Program and registration >>>
May 28, 2015: Initiation to massively parallel profiling with the tools from ParaTools
Program and registration >>>
The Teratec Campus, at the heart of HPC
The incubator and business center on the Teratec Campus meet the development needs of companies, start-ups, and companies in their development phase
The Teratec Campus offers premium private spaces, equipped with wiring and telephony, which come with a selection of à la carte services as desired: furniture, parking, reception and assistance, access to conference rooms, and shared office resources. In addition to the material aspects, choosing to work out of the incubator or start-up center on the Teratec Campus guarantees a high level of flexibility:
- Private spaces, even small ones, can be upgraded at any time... we offer premises ranging from 15 to 170 sqm
- Lease terms are only 24 months, with the option for early termination.
If you're seeking a strategic location for your core business and business meeting, think of the Teratec Campus incubator and start-up center, and join the many companies already present here: AS+ GROUPE EOLEN - ATEM - AVANTIS TECHNOLOGY - BULL - CEA - CMI DEFENCE - CYBELETECH - DISTENE - EAGOCOM - ESI GROUP - INTEL - MANTENNA EXPERTISE - NUMTECH - PARATOOLS - SCILAB ENTERPRISES - SILKAN - ...
Read more >>> |
Launch of the European COLOC project: the COncurrency and LOcality Challenge
The COLOC project has started in July 2014 as part of the European ITEA programme for a duration of three years.
The objective of this project is to model data location according to the relevant hardware architecture and interconnection network, so as to use it both in the platform resource management tools such as SLURM, and in communication libraries such as MPI, in applications and in profiling tools to optimize performance thanks to the optimized placement of processes and data..
The application domains that will implement these models and tools are: computational fluid dynamics (CFD) including combustion, computational electromagnetics (CEM) and computational structural mechanics (CSM).
The project gathers several renowned European partners around this objective: Bull Atos (project lead), Dassault Aviation, Efield Ab, INRIA, Scilab Enterprises, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Teratec, and the University of Versailles St-Quentin-En-Yvelines.
Read more about COLOC Project >>>
Learn more about other Industrial research projects >>> |

The Académie des technologies and EDF have created a prize to honor Paul Caseau, founding member of the Académie des Technologies and Director of Research at EDF
The prize is awarded every year to three young researchers or engineers who defended their doctoral thesis the previous calendar year. The fields selected for the 2014 year are: Developing the uses of electricity, energy efficiency, and economic analysis of the electrical system - Digital simulation and modeling - Computing, particularly with regard to optimal use of large scientific computers and computer networks.
Read more >>> |

TERATEC Members and Partners News
Read more >>> |

Le numérique et la ville
February 3, 2015 - Jardins de l'innovation, Issy-les-Moulineaux (France) |
Quelles architectures pour les simulations de demain? February 5, 2015 - Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (France) |
Introduction à MODELICA pour la simulation dans l'Industrie
February 15, 2015 - Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (France) |
Training Worshop at TERATEC - Présentation de quasardb, la base de données de l’extrême February 12, 2015 - Campus TERATEC, Bruyères-le-Chatel (France) |
TECHINNOV EVENTS 2015 February 12, 2015 - Aéroport de Paris-Orly (France) |
Training Sessions at CERFACS
March-3April 2015 |
CO-summit 2015 March 10 & 11, 2015 - Berlin Congress Center - Berlin (Germany) |
STAR Global Conference 2015 March 16 & 18, 2015 - San Diego (USA) |
GPU Technology Conference
March 17 & 20, 2015 - Silicon Valley (USA) |
Training Worshop at TERATEC - CDAdapco : Nouvelles techniques d’Exploration de Design pour les applications Multiphysiques March 19, 2015 - Campus TERATEC, Bruyères-le-Chatel (France) |
De la Recherche à l'Industrie avec le CEA - Changements climatiques : nouveaux enjeux industriels
March 31, 2015 - Maison des Centraliens, Paris (France) |
Formation NAFEMS - Introduction à la Simulation Numérique : la méthode des Eléments Finis pour le Dimensionnement et la Vérification de pièces et structures
March 31 & April 1st, 2015 - Paris (France) |
35ème Forum ORAP
April 2, 2015 - CNRS, Paris 16 (France) |
Training Worshop at TERATEC - Introduction à COMSOL Multiphysics et son Application Builder April 16, 2015 - Campus TERATEC, Bruyères-le-Chatel (France) |
Formation NAFEMS - Perfectionnement à la Simulation Numérique : méthodologies et bonnes pratique en contexte industriel
Mai 19 & 20, 2015 - Paris (France) |
ScilabTEC 2015 May 21 & 22, 2015 - Paris (France) |
Training Worshop at TERATEC - Initiation au profilage massivement parallèle avec les outils ParaTools May 28, 2015 - Campus TERATEC, Bruyères-le-Chatel (France) |
Congrès SMAI 2015
June 8 - 10, 2015 - Azureva Les Karellis, Savoie (France) |
Futur en Seine 2015 June 11 - 21, 2015 - Paris & Ile de France |
TERATEC Forum 2015 June 23 & 24, 2015 - Ecole Polytechnique de Palaiseau (France) |
HPCSET 2015 July 16th, 2015 - Frankfurt (Germany) |
8th European Altair Technology Conference
September 29th – October 1st, 2015 - Cité Des Sciences & de l’Industrie, Paris (France) |
CSDM 215
December 2-4, 2015 - Paris (France) |
SimRace, Conference on Numerical methods and high performance computing for industrial fluid flows
December 8-10, 2015 - IFPEN / Rueil-Malmaison (near Paris) - France |

European Pole
Simulation & HPC

More information about TERATEC