Located right next to CEA’s Very Large Computing Center, the TERATEC Campus will bring together the key players in high-performance computing and simulation.
It comprises (manufacturers, editors, service providers), , an and , thus offering a complete ecosystem dedicated to HPC. It is organized around three main axes: systems architecture and performance, software development and service provision.
Today, TERATEC is the essential meeting place for industrial players in high-performance numerical simulation and plays a driving role in the promotion and development of HPC in France and Europe. Its objective is to promote, stimulate and develop innovation among corporations, especially SMEs at all stages of their development. |

In collaboration with local authorities and the Chamber of Trade and Industry of the region of Essonne, the TERATEC Campus offers you premises customized to the needs of your business: an incubator offering customized solutions to new businesses and a business center offering all business services.
Are you developing a business dealing with the challenges of supercomputing, serving industry and research? Would you like to benefit from a solid network of skills to strengthen it? Then we invite you to join the TERATEC Campus so that we may develop the tools and strategies to enhance your performance. Read more
Locating your business on the TERATEC Campus, in premises owned by the Chamber of Trade and Industry of the region of Essonne, means you are sure to get a professional service "à la carte":
- More than 13 years of experience running incubators and business centers.
- Our values: we listen to businesses above all to define the offer made by our incubator and business center, so that our service is as close as possible to their needs.
- Our ambition: to offer our know-how to preliminary, innovative and fast-growing business sectors.
- Our primary mission: to support the development of your businesses.
- Our daily task: to make life easy for the businesses hosted, by assisting them with all their non-core functions.
- We offer fully-equipped offices in a secure building, accessible 24/7.
- The advantage for businesses at TERATEC is that those at the heart of the TERATEC campus get a dedicated support package provided by the Business Support Team from Essonne CCI.
To find out more about the offers available to businesses from the incubator and business center, please contact the Chamber of Trade and Industry of the region of Essonne, - Tél. : +33 (0) 1 60 87 89 10.

Several Industry & Research laboratories have opened up on the TERATEC Campus:
Dedicated to software applications for Exascale and open to outside partnerships, the Exascale Computing Research laboratory (ECR) is now fully operational with about thirty collaborators working on a selection of software challenges presented by the Exascale. This laboratory is the fruit of joint working between CEA, GENCI, INTEL and UVSQ and has two main axes to its research. One is existing applications from industry or from academic partners moving to Exascale. The second is developing an environment of tools and methods that allow couple profiling (application, machine) with a view to Exascale, based on its own methodology. Read more
develops future architectures and the next generation of very high performance systems
in different fields of simulation, from software development to design for complex systems.
Launch of IRT SystemX, an Institute for Technological Research on the systems engineering of the future
The Ministry for Higher Education and Research has given the green light to the creation of a new Institute for Technological Research, IRT SystemX. This institute will concentrate on infrastructures and numerical engineering tools associated with the new capacities for storage, processing and communication (on-board systems/HPC, Cloud Computing, design and simulation tools etc.). Those tools are strategic for competitiveness and innovation. They help guarantee industrial ability to innovate, an essential point facing world-wide competition.
Five competitiveness clusters support IRT SystemX (Systematic Paris Région, Medicen, Advancity, Mov’eo and Astech). Approximately forty partners (industrial and technology companies along with the higher education sector) are involved in developing this institute. Its main site will be in Saclay, with secondary sites in Paris and in Bruyères-le-Châtel on the TERATEC Campus.

The TERATEC Campus is home to the TERATEC Institute, which offers students and executives training to master two major technological developments, high-performance simulation and computing.
students will gain multi-disciplinary expertise, specializing in HPC programming techniques and modeling and simulation expertise, alongside strong expertise in parallelism (hardware, software, numerical) and in network computing. The Master’s Degree is delivered by the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, the Ecole Centrale de Paris, the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan and the PRES UniverSud.
With a success rate of 82% in the first year and 83% in the second year of the first intake of students, the master's degree is showing good results. Moreover, in accordance with the research and professional aim of the master's degree, half of the second year graduates have entered into research, and the other half are specialized managers in HPC. The 2011-2012 class is made up of 21 students in the first year, and 21 in the second year. Read more
TERATEC has been working closely with Supelec, Ecole Centrale de Paris and leading manufacturers to set up and implement based on training partly in the classroom and partly at work. They take between 12 and 24 months, and are aimed at corporate executives. These courses are intended to meet the needs of business in the field of simulation and high-performance computing, both for vendors and users of technology.
can also be offered, depending on the company’s needs. All training will take place on the TERATEC Campus, in an environment entirely dedicated to supercomputing and simulation.

Infrastructure and simulation methods serving research and industry
The TGCC is a new “green infrastructure” dedicated to high-performance computing, capable of hosting supercomputers on a petaflopic scale.This computing center was designed to host the , made available by for research purposes through the , as well as the next generation of the Center for Computing Research and Technology ().
This new infrastructure was designed to:
- host computing systems dedicated to high-performance computing,
- offer a space for communication that can host large scientific events (conferences, seminars etc.),
- provide a modular and flexible building big enough to hold the machines of the future..
The infrastructure has been developed with a view to optimizing operating costs, particularly electricity consumption. Read more |

On June 27, the common subject of plenary sessions will be the diversity of uses of supercomputing, with the participation of public figures from the political, economic and academic worlds, leading international industrial users and leading suppliers of these technologies. Read more
On June 28, Technical workshops will bring together the best experts in complex engineering systems, high performance systems, scientific visualization, data deluge, HPC and embedded systems, and will review the technological challenges presented by Exascale. Read more
During these two days, there will be an exhibition of around sixty booths of the main players in high performance computing and simulation. Software manufacturers and producers, integrators and distributors, service providers, academic and laboratory researchers, public and private sector developers, etc. will present their latest HPC innovations. Read more
If you would like to take part in these days, submit a paper for the workshops, book a booth in the exhibition or sponsor the TERATEC 2012 Forum, please contact as soon as possible - +33(0)1 69 26 61 76
