> > Workshops > Workshop 7
Tuesday October 13, 2020 - Workshops
Workshop 07 - 14:00 to 15:30
Digital twin in medicine: are we [im] patients?
Chared by Philippe Gesnouin
Project Officer EIT Health and EIT Digital, Inria
SOFA: an open-source reference for simulation in medicine
As in many engineering sectors, numerical simulation has become invaluable, namely for medical education or robotics. These digital models of human organs and their physiology allow students and clinicians to rehearse surgical procedures. More recently, numerical simulation opened new perspectives like the design of patient-specific prosthesis or the development of intra-operative guidance technologies.
However, simulation softwares remain expensive and require a high level of expertise to be used correctly and effectively. SOFA (Software Open Framework Architecture) is an open-source framework primarily targeted at real-time simulation, with an emphasis on medical simulation and robotics. This innovative and collaborative tool is developed by a worldwide community of experts in physics simulation, and gathers about 14 years of scientific research. Both academic and industrial developers create their own proprietary simulations based on SOFA, benefiting from its LGPL license. Many research centers actively work and publish using SOFA while seven startups have been created for the last ten years. This talk will present you SOFA, how to use it and the various fields of applications.
Biography : Dr. Hugo Talbot originally studied mechanical engineering, and graduated in 2010 from both Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) and INSA Lyon (France). He defended his PhD in medical simulation at Inria (France) in 2014. His work focused on the real-time simulation of the electrical activity of the human heart. From 2014 until late 2015, Hugo worked on the simulation of cryoablation and cardiac electrophysiology as research engineer. Since 2016, Hugo Talbot is the coordinator of the open-source project SOFA. The objectives of Hugo are to develop the community, to ensure the technical evolution of the software, to foster research collaborations and technology transfers. |
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