Newsletter Teratec
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Our last General Assembly held on March 9 was an opportunity for us to note this: after two special years impacted by the COVID19 crisis, our activity in 2022 will have been marked as "back to normal". Whether for the Teratec Forum, our participation in the animation of the HPC and quantum community, or the many projects we are conducting for the benefit of European authorities, 2022 has been a good year in every respect.
In 2022, our Forum took place on June 14 and 15 on the campus of the Ecole Polytechnique, in Palaiseau. After two digital editions, the pleasure of meeting again in person was the major element in making this 2022 edition a great success. To all who have participated, we say a big thank you. This year 2022 signs also the end of an era for the Teratec Forum, with its latest edition being hosted by the Ecole Polytechnique. Rejuvenating plans for the Ecole Polytechnique which will take place over the next few years, mean that we were led to find a new venue, which, despite the large accommodation capacity of conventions and trade fairs in greater Paris is not an easy task given the very particular specifications of our Forum.
I would especially like to thank all management heads of the Ecole Polytechnique for keeping their doors open to us for more than 15 years which greatly contributed to the success of the Teratec Forum to date.
This evolution of location is at the origin of the major transformation of the Teratec Forum taking place in 2023 whose objective is to widen its audience, enrich the content and maintain permanent links between participants. The HPC, Big Data, AI and now Quantum communities are indeed craving for more exchanges, which is why we will organize thematic morning sessions and set up an exchange platform, in addition to the Forum per say over two days. Finally, the new location chosen for the Teratec Forum in Paris will allow the number of participants to continue to grow especially by facilitating access of international participants.
In order to carry out this evolution, we had to revise the economic model of our Forum and decided to join forces with the Infopro Digital group, our communication partner for more than ten years already, itself largely recognized as one of the major organizers of professional trade shows, relying both on their professionalism and means to support us in this "upmarket move".
I look forward to seeing you at the Teratec Forum to be held at the Parc Floral in Paris next May 31 and June 1, standing as the major event in the field of High-Performance Computing in France and Europe for gathering an ever-growing community. Beforehand, the first digital thematic morning session dedicated to Energy will be held on April 20. I invite you not to miss this session and to let us know your thoughts about this major evolution of the Forum.
Daniel Verwaerde
Chairman of Teratec |
Digital for Energy: Developments and challenges.
Organized next April 20, this first thematic digital morning session of the Teratec Forum will aim to demonstrate that high-power digital technology has a key part in helping players meet their challenges in the 21st century. The future of nuclear energy, the development and deployment of alternative energies, the optimization of distribution networks, and the control of energy consumption in large digital systems will be the focus given to discussions between high-level representatives from industry, users, technology suppliers and scientists who will share their experience and expertise on these major issues.
April 20 - 9h00 to 11h15 - Webinar - More information >>>> |
Teratec Forum 2023 Keynotes: Discover the industrial challenges related to advanced digital technologies.
These presentations will be a great opportunity to understand the major French and European industrial challenges where these innovative technologies play a leading role. High-level European and French industrial leaders will share their vision and testimonies on such technological challenges related to high-performance simulation and on the diversity of uses of HPC.
May 31 & June 1 - Parc Floral de Paris
Registration to Teratec 2023 Forum |
Technologies and uses of high-power digital technology, at the heart of workshops during the Teratec Forum.
Technical or research workshops will highlight topics such as quantum computing, storage, generative AI, cybersecurity, future infrastructures and supercomputer architectures. Application workshops will explore the benefits of Simulation, HPC/HPDA and AI in various domains, such as environment and natural resources as for the digital twin.
May 31 & June 1 - Parc Floral de Paris
Registration to Teratec 2023 Forum |
Debates: HPC and climate change, Europe and generative AI, digital sovereignty and European regulation.
Three Round Tables bringing together industrial users and technology companies will cover most current topics:
> What strategy should Europe adopt facing the development of generative AI?
> How should HPC respond to climate change?
> What is the impact of European regulations and how constraints of sovereignty bear on the HPC sector?
May 31 & June 1 - Parc Floral de Paris
Registration to Teratec 2023 Forum |
90 Exhibitors representing major players in the world of simulation, HPC/HPDA, AI and quantum.
This exhibition will be an opportunity to meet the main manufacturers and editors, suppliers and integrators of hardware, software and service solutions, as well as universities and research laboratories. You will be able to discover the latest innovations in high-performance digital technologies, from the single component to the data centre, from the system to the application, from consulting to operation.
May 31 & June 1 - Parc Floral de Paris
Booking a booth or becoming a Sponsor Contact Teratec : Jean-Pascal Jégu |
Europa Village: the essential meeting place for the European HPC ecosystem at the Teratec Forum 2023.
Europa Village will host the organizations working for the development of the European supercomputing infrastructure aiming for the success of technological innovation, particularly within the framework of the EuroHPC program. Centers of excellence, Competence centers, European research projects, infrastructures and service platforms will be present to share their own experience and expertise.
May 31 & June 1 - Parc Floral de ParisExhibiting on Europa Village
Contact Teratec : Jean-Pascal Jégu
Single registration grants access to all Teratec Forum events throughout the year.
> Participation in the Digital thematic morning sessions of the Teratec Forum in April, September and November 2023.
> Exchanges throughout the year between registered participants on our digital platform.
> Participation in Keynotes, technical and application Workshops, and Round tables on May 31 and June 1 at the Parc Floral de Paris.
> Meetings with speakers, sponsors and exhibitors and all visitors on the exhibition and thematic areas.
Registration to the Teratec 2023 Forum |
Becoming a Partner of the 8th edition of the Simulation and Digital Technologies Awards.
Positioned at the heart of digital innovation, this event will reveal and reward the champions of simulation and digital technologies among large groups and SMEs, up to awarding four trophies: Start-up, Innovation, Co-Design and Grand Prix du Public.
> May 23 (100% digital): Presentation of the nominees with their partners.
> May 31 (100% face-to-face): Awards ceremony at the heart of Teratec Forum at the Parc Floral de Paris.
Contact Infopro Digital : Béatrice Allègre
More information >>>> |
The 35th General Assembly of Teratec held on March 9, 2023 in the TGCC of CEA in Bruyères-le-Châtel.
The Assembly voted on Teratec's activity and financial reports for the year 2022 and confirmed the membership of four new members. Oracle and AMD who joined Teratec in 2022 were invited to present their activities. Teratec's prospects for 2023 were also discussed, with a focus on European projects, the development of quantum activities, particularly TQCI, and the current evolution of the Teratec Forum.
Contact Teratec : Emmanuelle Vergnaud
Download the Teratec Annual Report 2022
Teratec is pleased to welcome four new members joining the Association.
Axians, a service company and subsidiary of the Vinci Group in the fields of HPC, AI and scalable storage; Eclairion, a company that develops the hosting platform for computing centers located in Bruyère le Châtel; Nation Data Center, a subsidiary of Altarea /Cogedim that provides local data centers throughout France and Pasqal, a manufacturer of quantum computers based on neutral atoms. Warm welcome to them!
Contact Teratec : Emmanuelle Vergnaud
National and European deployment of phase 2 of the CC-FR Competence Center, within the EuroCC-2 project.
Phase 2 of the CC-FR project started on January 1, 2023 for a period of 3 years. Teratec is in charge of the project being carried out in partnership with Cerfacs, Inria, Romeo, CRIANN and the participation of 21 mesocenters.
The CC-FR center's mission is to develop support for industrialists in the use of HPC, HPDA, AI and Quantum Computing through a customized support program, to deploy its market place and extend the training offer to all players.
Contact Teratec : Karim Azoum |
CASTIEL-2, coordination action of the European HPC/HPDA/IA centers of excellence and competence centers.
Phase 2 of CASTIEL started in January 2023 for a period of 3 years. Bringing together the monitoring and coordination of the 34 national Competence Centers, 10 joint European Centers of Excellence also cover numerous sectors such as energy or biomedicine (a task previously assigned to FocusCOE). Synergies thus optimized by this pan-European network are intended to strengthen the ecosystem as a whole and to better serve industry and all HPC/HPDA/IA users with their needs.
Contact Teratec : Marie-Françoise Gérard |
Phase 2 of Excellerat, European Center of Excellence in Engineering, is launched.
The Excellerat European Center of Excellence whose objective is to accelerate the development of software applications for engineering, entered a second phase in January 2023 for 4 years. Thanks to an approach focused on services and on the needs of industrial users, the objective is to make available to the whole community the expertise of partners from different European centers in data management, data analytics, visualization, simulation and co-design.
Contact Teratec : Marie-Françoise Gérard |
TQCI seminar: Application-oriented benchmarking of quantum computing.
Today, we are witnessing the emergence of a number of projects whose objective is to develop a reliable, objective and perennial measurement tool of quantum computers performance in terms of applications. In this one-day seminar, the approach supported by the French national quantum strategy and similar international initiatives will be presented. The perspective of benchmarking in standardization for the adoption of a common reference on large scale will also be discussed.
Contact Teratec : Emmanuelle Vergnaud
May 11, 2023 - Thales Palaiseau |
Teratec, the European high-powered digital cluster, technologies and uses.
The Teratec Campus is the heart of France's high-powered digital technology ecosystem, where nearly 300 people work. The Teratec Campus, with its business center and research laboratories, brings together in a single location a range of skills that is unique in France, in the fields of hardware, general and application software, and services. Its proximity to the TGCC (CEA's very large computing center) and the installation of Eclairion, currently underway, make it a unique technology park in Europe.
Contact Teratec : Emmanuelle Vergnaud |
Teratec, the European high-powered digital cluster, technologies and uses.
Teratec brings together, around major French and European manufacturers, the major players in simulation, HPC/HPDA, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. The objective is to contribute to the development of these technologies and their uses, in order to accelerate the design and implementation of the most efficient systems, to advance the development of new methodologies and associated tools, with the aim of creation of skills and sustainable jobs.
Contact Teratec : Emmanuelle Vergnaud
The members of Teratec >>>
How to become a Teratec member >>>>