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Dear Members and Friends,
The Forum Teratec was held in virtual mode for the second time. While recording a strong attendance, we all noticed the quality of interventions for the plenary sessions as well as a strong interest for the real-time workshops and round tables which favored attention and interactivity. We are currently working on video summaries we will soon broadcast.
The preparation of the Forum Teratec 2022 is now underway, and we will have the pleasure of meeting together again on June 14 and 15 at the École Polytechnique with an exhibition and many moments of exchange and conviviality. I invite all of you who wish to take an active part to contact me and Jean-Pascal Jégu without any further due.
As you will see when reading this newsletter, the implementation of European projects is actively ongoing. I would particularly like to emphasize here the French Competence Center run together with Cerfacs and Genci. We are going to launch a dedicated marketplace as a common tool for all of us to get and disseminate all information related to HPC, HPDA and Artificial Intelligence in France. It will serve as an exchange system particularly useful to industrials, researchers as well as the academic world. I look forward to seeing you next October for its launch. Also worth noting is the FF4 EuroHPC project, being actively deployed to enable dozens of new industrial users, SMEs and midcaps to benefit from these powerful tools.
See you soon, I wish you all a great season.
Hervé Mouren
Director of Teratec
Forum Teratec 2021 – Report on presentations and videos of sessions
On June 22, 23 and 24, 2021 the Forum Teratec brought together more than 1,200 professionals around the development of digital technology in Europe. Watch the videos of Keynotes and Plenary Sessions, as well as Roundtables and Research Sessions in replay.
To view videos, click HERE
Download report on Plenary Sessions HERE Contact : Jean-Pascal Jegu |
POP2 - Performance Optimisation and Productivity |
POP2 - European Centre of Excellence - Performance Optimization and Productivity
The POP Center of Excellence has been extended by six months with a project end date of May 30, 2022. We encourage all companies interested in taking advantage of the free services offered by the POP CoE in the area of performance improvement of parallelized applications to benefit from this opportunity.
Read more: pop-coe.eu
Contacts: Samir Ben Chaabane / Paul D'Escodeca |
Excellerat -European CoE for Engineering Applications |
Excellerat - European Centre of Excellence for engineering applications
The Excellerat Center of Excellence that develops various applications in the engineering field preparing for most effective use on future Exascale machines has been extended for 3 months (February 2022). Excellerat CoE offers services designed for any scientific developer to benefit from this Exascale experience.
Read more: www.excellerat.eu
Contacts:Samir Ben Chaabane /Marie-Françoise Gerard |
FF4 EuroHPC |
FF4 EuroHPC - Developing innovation and competitiveness for SMEs
The FF4 EuroHPC project aims to provide SMEs with HPC experience to enable them develop innovative products and services at lower cost with reduced time to market. Two "Open Calls" are planned to gather financing bids from organized consortia around SMEs. The first "Open Call" closed at the end of January 2021 received 67 valued applications. As a result of this first "Open Call" 16 projects were selected and financed for a total budget of 3M€. The second "Open Call" was launched on June 22, 2021 and is set to close next September 29, 2021. A budget of 5M€ will be allocated to this second Open Call.
Apply here: www.ff4eurohpc.eu
Contact: Samir Ben Chaabane |
CASTIEL – Coordination and support action (CSA) for National Competence Centers (NCC) dedicated to EuroCC Project
CASTIEL leads the networking activities between the 33 National Competence Centers (NCCs) for all HPC related topics as well as for HPDA and AI at European level. CASTIEL focuses on training, industrial interaction and cooperation to support companies and raise awareness of HPC related technologies and expertise. Identification of synergies, challenges and possible solutions is implemented throughout close cooperation among NCCs at European level.
Read more: www.eurocc-access.eu
Contact: Marie-Françoise Gerard |
FocusCoE |
FocusCoE - Concerted action for the European HPC CoEs
The FocusCoE HPC Centers of Excellence Support and Coordination Action (CSA) should be extended for four months with ending date of March 31, 2022. FocusCoE enables the Centers of Excellence to coordinate on strategic directions and collaborations in the entire HPC ecosystem, while pooling certain activities and sharing best practices. FocusCoE also supports the CoEs in promoting their services and skills as well as meeting potential customers.
Read more: www.hpccoe.eu
Contact: Marie-Françoise Gerard |
CC-FR, French Competences Centre for HPC
The French Competence Center "CC-FR" is in the process of structuring and deploying access to a Marketplace for HPC, HPDA and AI technologies. Industrialists, academics and technology providers will be able to reference their training and service offers. Users will also be able to perform multi-criteria searches. This marketplace was presented at the Forum Teratec 2021 and its interest was hailed by representatives of user industries, technology companies, engineering schools and universities. We look forward to seeing you next October for its launch.
Read more: teratec.eu
Contact: Karim Azoum |
Forum Teratec 2022 – Save the Date
The 17th edition of the European meeting of experts in digital technologies (Simulation, HPC/HPDA, AI and Quantum Computing) will be held next June 14 and 15, 2022 at École Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France). During two days, the Forum Teratec will offer plenary sessions with political figures, major industrialists and leaders of digital technologies, technical and application workshops and an exhibition of latest innovations from major players within the digital industry.
Contact: Jean-Pascal Jegu |