Newsletter Teratec
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 2021: one promising year for Teratec
The health crisis has made both national and European public authorities well aware of the importance of HPC, HPDA and AI technologies facing its implications to anticipate recovery to be followed. We can only be satisfied as these technologies have been at the heart of Teratec's activities for over 15 years.
These powerful technologies allow us indeed to accelerate biological, pharmaceutical and medical research to develop new drugs and vaccines in order to better monitor and contain the development of the pandemic.
These tools will also enable us to implement solutions to design, develop and produce industrial goods more quickly and efficiently, while optimizing resources with raw materials and energy. HPC, HPDA and AI will therefore be essential for the revival of Western economies, considering our European standards to better respect the environment.
Taking these findings, Teratec will pursue its current projects in 2021, while expanding actions around its industrial initiatives (Quantum with TQCI and Mobility & Autonomous Systems) and tackling new subjects (Exploitation of satellite data and Personalized Medicine). Similarly, having deployed its cooperation with the European Commission and EuroHPC, Teratec will expand its work with the Regions, for all French manufacturers and research laboratories can benefit.
Such many exciting topics discussed during this Spring General Assembly which you can discover in detail in this Newsletter, awaiting to meet you at our Teratec Forum next June 22 to 24.
Daniel Verwaerde,
President of Teratec
Technological challenges and diversity for digital uses
Plenary Sessions and Roundtables will take place on the mornings of June 22, 23 and 24. They will focus on the technological challenges of high-performance simulation and the diversity of uses of HPC with the participation of personalities from the political, economic and academic worlds, leading international industrial users as well as solution providers in these technologies.
Read more >>>> |
Emerging technologies and new application areas for HPC and AI
Technical and application workshops will be led in the afternoon of 22, 23 and 24 by some of the main market players, recognized experts and major users. They will focus on emerging technologies and new application areas for HPC/HPDA and AI around six main themes: Quantum Computing, Storage, Cybersecurity, Health, Autonomous Systems, and Space Data & Environment.
Read more >>>> |
An efficient, intuitive and interactive Digital Platform
Capitalizing on feedback from the 2020 edition, the Digital Platform and communications have been redesigned to ensure maximum interaction between visitors, exhibitors and speakers. Thanks to this Digital Platform, you will be able to source highly qualified leads and contacts for guaranteed return on investment. You will also be able to plan your business meetings along 3 days in order to meet numerous partners, customers, prospects and journalists.
To exhibit, contact : Jean-Pascal Jégu
Read more >>>> |
The French HPC, HPDA and AI Competence Center to offer a Marketplace
The European Commission has asked each country to set up a single national HPC Competence Centre. Teratec has been chosen to carry out this mission in France, in partnership with CERFACS and GENCI. A dedicated Marketplace will be created all training and service offers to be referenced and to allow multi-criteria searches.
Contact Teratec : Karim Azoum
The European CASTIEL structure coordinates and supports national HPC Competence Centers
Running for two years from September 2020 to August 2022, the CASTIEL Coordination and Support Action (CSA) unites and supports the national HPC Competence Centers at the European level. Teratec is in charge of coordinating relations with the industrial world.
Contact Teratec : Marie-Françoise Gérard
FF4EuroHPC disseminating HPC technologies to help SMEs innovate
The FF4EuroHPC project aims to develop the use of HPC in SMEs, in order to help them innovate. Within this framework, innovative business applications using HPC/HPDA will be developed by the selected SMEs. Then, participating SMEs will benefit from a real technical and methodological support until reaching result in their own business, as well as a total financing up to 200 k€ per project.
Contact Teratec : Samir Ben Chaabane |
POP-2: boosting the performance of your calculation codes for free
Since 2015, Teratec has been involved in the POP Center of Excellence, dealing with performance analysis of application computing codes in all industrial fields aiming to improve their performance. Free quality services which bring average performance gains of around 50%, up to more than 300% in some cases.
Contact Teratec : Samir Ben Chaabane |
Teratec in tune with the European HPC community
During the General Assembly, Daniel Verwaerde, President of Teratec, presented the work he is carrying out on behalf of the Association at the European level in terms of interventions close to the governance of EuroHPC and the European Commission. Teratec is thus closely involved in the drafting of the strategic agenda that will structure Europe's action around HPC for the next ten years.
See the report of the General Assembly of 25 March >>>> |
Industrial initiatives: Quantum computing and autonomous systems at the forefront
Among the industrial initiatives launched by Teratec, Quantum Computing initiative is well progressing, perfectly in line with the Quantum Action Plan presented by the French President at the beginning of the year. On the side of Autonomous Systems, a number of actions are underway to produce a common platform for certification through digital simulation of these specific systems.
See the report of the General Assembly of 25 March >>>>
Outlook for 2021, strengthening of European and regional actions
In 2021, Teratec will carry on its European activities, both in terms of current and future projects and for its participation in the governance of HPC governing bodies. Current industrial initiatives will be complemented by two others in Satellite Data Exploitation and Personalized Medicine. A strong action with the Regions is also being put in place.
See the report of the General Assembly of 25 March >>>> |
The 31st Teratec General Assembly was held on March 25, 2021
More than sixty people attended the 31st Teratec General Assembly held on March 25 by videoconference. The Assembly unanimously voted Teratec's activity and financial reports for the year 2020 as well as the accession of two new members.
Download the report >>>>
Download the presentation >>>> |
Welcome to two new members: ENSIIE and VAST Data
The General Assembly in spring saw the co-option of two new members within the Teratec association: A computer science Engineering school, ENSIIE Paris-Evry, and a start-up offering high-end storage systems, VAST Data. These two entities will significantly enrich the skills of Teratec for the benefit of all its members.
About ENSIIE >>>>
About VAST Data >>>> |
The Teratec's 2020 Activity Report is available
For Teratec, 2020 will remain an extraordinary year for several reasons. First, because we had to adapt social relations, leading us to hold our various bodies virtually: General Assemblies, Boards of Directors, Bureau meetings, but also our Forum as well as all internal working meetings. Also out of the ordinary when we look at the achievements of this year, whether it is projects or our Forum.
Download the 2020 Activity Report >>>> |
Discover the Teratec Campus, a whole ecosystem at your service
The Teratec Campus is at the heart of the French HPC, digital simulation, Big Data and AI ecosystem where nearly 300 people work.
With its business hotel and incubator as well as its laboratories, the Teratec Campus brings together in one single location a breadth of skills that is unique in France and Europe, in the areas of hardware, general and application software, and services.
Read more >>>>
Contacts Teratec: Emmanuelle Vergnaud Read more >>>> |
Teratec, a competence cluster and a vector for innovation and competitiveness
Teratec brings together the major players in HPC, Simulation and AI around major French and European manufacturers. The objective is to contribute to the development of these technologies and their uses, in order to accelerate the design and implementation of the most efficient systems, to advance the development of new methodologies and associated tools with the aim of creating skills and jobs.
Members of Teratec >>>
How to become member of Teratec >>>>
Contact Teratec: Jean-Pascal Jégu |