Newsletter Teratec
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Register for the 12th annual TERATEC Forum taking place on 27 and 28 June 2017 to discover the latest technological innovations in HPC, Simulation and Big Data |
Enjoy your visit !
Hardware, software, services, R&D: 70 key players will be present at the TERATEC 2017 Forum
On June 27 and 28, over 70 major players from the world of HPC, Big Data and Digital Simulation are taking part in the exhibition being held during the Teratec Forum. This will be a unique opportunity to discover the very latest developments that suppliers and integrators of hardware, software and service solutions, universities and research laboratories, tech clusters and public authorities have to offer in high-performance digital simulation to help you stay ahead of the competition.
For more information >>>> |
© CEA |
Hardware: from the chips to the Data Center
Find out about all the latest hardware technology, including data processing, management, storage and dissemination, on show at the stands of around twenty exhibitors. For more information >>>> |
Software: from systems to applications
Around fifteen developers will be showcasing a full range of software, from data management systems to high-performance numerical simulation and modelling applications. For more information >>>> |
Services: from consultancy to operating
Around twenty providers will present a broad range of services, from project design studies to on-demand services, including definition of the hardware, software and human resources to be implemented to resolve digital simulation issues.
For more information >>>> |
R & D: universities, industry and start-ups hand in hand
Research is fundamental to technological progress. This will be demonstrated by the twenty or so universities, R&D centres, major companies and start-ups that will be present.
For more information >>>> |
DataPoC: Teratec reveals the ten winners of the Digital Challenges
Ten innovative start-ups and SMEs, selected as winners of the Digital Challenges launched by Alstom, Airbus Safran Launchers, Axereal, GE, Gemalto, Noriap and Intel, the technology partner, will present their breakthrough technologies designed to meet these challenges and develop the required Proofs of Concept.
For more information >>>> |
European Research Café: discover the future
Teratec, in partnership with INRIA, presents a space dedicated to European research projects and initiatives in the fields of digital simulation, HPC and Big Data, where they will present work-in-progress to the industrial world attending the Teratec Forum.
For more information >>>> |
Collaborative Projects: focus on SMEs
These research projects focus on the development of products, processes or services likely to be launched on the market in the short or medium term. This selection reflects the dynamism and diversity of R&D at French SMEs as well as the excellence of cooperation between the different players involved in innovation. For more information >>>> |
3rd Trophies of the Numerical Simulation: all the winners
Five trophies will be awarded by a panel of leading industry players, to showcase and reward the champions of digital simulation, HPC and Big Data, at the TERATEC Forum on 27 June. Organised with Usine Digitale in partnership with CEA, CRAY, HPE, INRIA and ASG Technologies. For more information >>>> |
Plenary sessions: challenges and technologies
On Tuesday 27 June, plenary sessions will take stock of the latest developments in digital technologies. Senior industry leaders will demonstrate the challenges of HP Simulation and Big Data for improving performance.
For more information >>>> |
© Teratec |
Workshops: emerging technologies and new application areas
On Wednesday 28 June, renowned international experts will present promising emerging technologies in HPC, Simulation and Big Data, as well as their new areas of application: Deep Learning, Blockchain, HPC/HPDA, Interconnect, Materials, Health, etc. For more information >>>> |
© Simseo |
SiMSEO: Increase your performance with digital simulation
The French SiMSEO programme provides awareness-raising, training, sector-specific services and tailored, local assistance to support microbusinesses and SMEs in the use of digital simulation.
For more information >>>> |
© Teratec |
Come and meet the HPC community. Register now and get your badge.
TERATEC Forum is strictly reserved for professionals in the sector.
Plenary sessions and workshops are free of charge (although the number of places may be limited).
Badges are free of charge and give you access to all TERATEC Forum events. Register now >>>> |
TERATEC 2017 Forum is an Paris Region Smart Weeks Event
Paris Region Smart Weeks is the new not-to-be missed event in the world of digital technology and innovation. From May to July 2017, in Paris and the surrounding region, the top innovators in the Île-de-France region come together for a series of events, meetings, and discussions. It is a unique opportunity to meet the people who are pushing back the boundaries of what is possible, find out about their cutting-edge developments, and make new contacts. The aim is to raise the profile of the Paris region as one of the major tech-hubs in the world and the leading Smart Region in Europe. Read more >>>> |
For more information on TERATEC's activities,
the European Pole HPC, Simulation and BigData
Contact : Jean-Pascal JEGU
Campus TERATEC - 2, rue de la Piquetterie - 91680 BRUYERES-LE-CHATEL - France
Tel. : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 - - Visite the TERATEC website |